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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Thumbs up The Roleplay custom chat channel

    I was just reading about the custom chat channels and I'm looking forward to experimenting with them when I next log in. As Sarlona was one of the unofficial Roleplay servers do you think we might use this for a /RP channel?

    **Edit the "RP" channel has been adopted by:
    1. Roleplayers of Sarlona
    2. Rest in Pieces
    3. Darksoul
    4. 1st Fist of Light
    5. The Forsworn
    6. and the specific Roleplay groups within Dedicated Teams

    For Quick Access simply /joinchannel rp

    The Roleplay Channel:
    • Would it work?
    • Would it be practical?
    • Would your RP guild participate?
    • Would occasional RPrs bind to it to see what's going?

    If you want to setup a separate chatwindow here are some sample instructions:
    • "/joinchannel rp" ( you'll get a message count of listeners at that moment in time )
    • on an existing chat tab right click - select create new chat window
    • right click on the new window -rename it to Roleplay
    • right click on the Roleplay window - assure that incoming type /userchat1 is checked (disable others as you see fit)
    • right click on the Roleplay window - and select outgoing type /userchat1 (or you'll always have to type "/uc rp text-roleplay-message" or "/uc1 text-roleplay-message")

    I will probably detach that window and run it semi-transparent somewhere on the screen and leave it up to monitor posts by interested RPrs.
    Last edited by thalion; 09-17-2009 at 04:05 PM. Reason: added Roleplayers of Sarlona Guild
    Dedicated Teams Guild be part of a larger community... and Roleplayers Sarlona RP Channel

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    It would eliminate the need for (()) or OOC tags presumably, because (hopefully) there would never be a need to speak OOC in it. I have no idea of the issues from a practical standpoint, but from a conceptual standpoint, it sounds great.

  3. #3
    Community Member valczir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Sounds cool. I'll be joining the RP channel next time I play. See you guys there.

  4. #4
    Community Member ShaeNightbird's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default I like the idea.

    It seems to be working well so far. I've joined the channel several times, no problems with it.
    Last edited by ShaeNightbird; 06-11-2008 at 08:00 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Cool Status of RP channel

    I have edited the first post with instructions.

    I remember Merlask suggested we put a Roleplay comment in the who panel for our characters when we log in but perhaps this may be an easier more permanent tool for the RPrs?

    I have suggested that my RP enabled Dedicated Team Groups join the channel.

    The Forsworn 'RP' guild has expressed interest ( I will bring it up at the Forsworn's guild meeting this Sunday )
    Dedicated Teams Guild be part of a larger community... and Roleplayers Sarlona RP Channel

  6. #6
    Founder noneill's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Our Dedicated Team joined the channel tonight and we since we had 2 spots open for the evening we talked to some Forsworn who were on the channel and they joined us. So it is working for cross-guild grouping.
    Conn Niall Paladin
    Cormac Mac Airt Ranger/Rogue
    If it is a Paladin with some version of Conn.... it is probably me.

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