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Thread: Feats

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default Feats

    So, I don't really know where to go with my feats. People are saying that they are precious, but I don't see it. What feats are so valuable that you have to take them? Here's what I took:

    1 - Skill Focus (Concentration)
    1* - Discipline (2 more concentration)
    2* - Weapon Finesse
    3 - Lesser Dragonmark of Healing
    3* - Path of Light (or whatever it's called)

    Now, beyond an Improved Critical at level 12, and maybe a Toughness somewhere (level 6 bonus feat perhaps), I can't really see anything a whole lot better than the next two Dragonmarks (it's not like I'm gonna see a Cleric any time soon).

    I can't qualify for Power Attack (unless I put a level up bump into Str - started with a 12). Not interested in going for Spring Attack (although I am considering just Dodge from the chain). The measly +1 from Weapon Focus isn't worth a feat.

    I have a big Dex (already base 19 at level 3 after eating a +1 tome)- would it be worth it to go TWF? That might be my only real choice - between the healing Dragonmarks and TWF. I think that at first, the Dragonmarks will do me more good, but maybe toward end-game I should swap out for the TWFs.

    Big Mike

  2. #2


    TWF allows you to build up your Ki quicker due to the extra attacks per round.

    PM me your build on the OTG forums Mike...just curious

  3. #3
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    Default halfling monks

    should definitely take some dm's of healing & dual-wielding kamas is a good idea

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