Made my monk with two-weapon fighting (which doesn't work for monks) and stunning attack (which also doesn't work without 15 point of chi).
I like the look of the monk, the way they move and the animation of their fighting style. I also like the idea of wrist wraps and monk abilities that recharge i.e. flaming fists and stunning attack. I also like the idea of a high level monk doing 2-20 points of unmodified damage at high levels with their fists.
However there are some things that should be changed. The thing I like least about monks is the variable chi. Chaining this on a monk is like telling a fighter they can't use a shocking weapon until they hit or take damage or a caster they can't cast any spells until they get the **** knocked out of them. If they are going to make variable chi the system, then the benefits of having it need to balance not having it. Right now, I don't think they do. In combat you get maybe one or two hits with your specials before your chi is gone. If you are in a party with some good DPS fighters you'll never get off a special attack unless you make the party wait while you meditate before each fight. Right now there are some things that are just stupid about this class, but I'll keep playing it because I love the "idea" of a monk. Right now it seems like my cleric is a better front line fighter and she's a healbot/manabattery. BTW the Paladin got some great updates.