I'm experiencing some definately irking problems with the release of the new mod.

1) I log in cool, I get character select screen cool, I select character ....and wait 5 minutes . I shut DDO down and restart, get to character screen and select same character wait 2-3 minutes get an error message tha says an error has occured i try again and 2-3 minutes later i am finally in. I cannot change characters i have to log off first then re-boot tnen go through the above process again!!!! I have not made it through all of my characters as of yet ... but this is definately annoying!!!!!!

2) I just logged onto my ingredients mule ( he carries all of my ingredients from the six capped toons i have running in the vale ... less confusing) anyway I go to transfer the ingredients from the bag to the inventory and I get the error message that there is not enough enventory slots available im trying to put the ingredients into an empty pack!!!!!!

I am really getting ticked off about all this BS now !!!!!!!!!!