Salute Argonnessen-
Given the way DDO is likely to progress, Relics of the Last War is seeking a long-term planned Alliance with several highly-motivated, large tactical guilds. We did a few tests today in a determination that provided enhanced levelling capabilities when other new classes and races become viable options. In short, we refined a technique to level so fast that a maxed level 16 monk could have existed right now. You can see how this would be an alluring proposition when races such as half-orc, half-elf, tiefling, aasimar and/or gnome would become available, not to mention classes such ad Druid, Gladiator, Specialist (such as Illusionist), etc.
Specifically speaking, we're interested in a future module that releases the Druid class. We're hoping this coincides with at least 1 or more races added to the game as well, so there will be a lot of new characters if these two variables meet in a module release. And yes, we're interested in levelling these characters to 16/18/20 in a day. It's possible with the new methods we refined. I'm not adding the techniques to The Path to Power because it completely rips the entire soul of DDO, thus ruining the game for new players.
This is going out to the guildleaders. It would require a lot of dedication on your part and prepping your guilds. This is well over 6 months out, if not 8-9 so there is a lot of time to plan. However, it has to be accounted for now due to the requirements to pull off this massive operation. Every 8-12 hour day should provide for a full group of 6 or 12 new max/nearly-max characters. A weekend could yield 24 max-level characters.
If you're interested in a druids module as much as Relics, contact me to get on the preparation team.
PS: And keep raiding -- you guys almost have the Reaver Ritualist completely done!!! Good Job! The Demon Queen is hurting us a little atm.
I'll be available to run at least a dragon, demon queen and titan on Thursday Night or Friday Afternoon if the contest isn't finished.