I posted this in the Risia thread but not sure if it will be seen and I was wondering so I am posting it here.
I'm sure this has been brought up before and I searched but could not find it.
Why does the Ki bar rise slowly when fighting? It just seems that the monk is a zerging character forced to fight everything just so they could keep their Ki. I meditated and gained max Ki only to watch it fall rapidly before I got to fight anything and use my flaming fists. I never did get to see the stunning fist feat in action. Doesn't it make more sense that the Ki bar should start out at it's max potential and decrease through usage, slowly rising as time goes by through resting and meditation? Weren't monks supposed to be more pacifistic and only fought when provoked or forced into action?
Other than that major flaw, and it IS a major flaw, the rest of the monk looks pretty cool. The animations are awesome, and the pajamas look neat.