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  1. #1
    Community Member salmag's Avatar
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    Default Ki?

    I posted this in the Risia thread but not sure if it will be seen and I was wondering so I am posting it here.

    I'm sure this has been brought up before and I searched but could not find it.

    Why does the Ki bar rise slowly when fighting? It just seems that the monk is a zerging character forced to fight everything just so they could keep their Ki. I meditated and gained max Ki only to watch it fall rapidly before I got to fight anything and use my flaming fists. I never did get to see the stunning fist feat in action. Doesn't it make more sense that the Ki bar should start out at it's max potential and decrease through usage, slowly rising as time goes by through resting and meditation? Weren't monks supposed to be more pacifistic and only fought when provoked or forced into action?

    Other than that major flaw, and it IS a major flaw, the rest of the monk looks pretty cool. The animations are awesome, and the pajamas look neat.

  2. #2


    Actually, Ki stabilizes at your Concentration score and you'll most likely want to spend all your Ki at each fight. This gives an advantage to the monk who goes slower rather than quicker. Then, there is Meditation who lets you get your Ki up to three times your Concentration score +1 before each fight, slowing the whole down further more. This is my interpretation of it.

    I haven'tp layed a monk up to high levels so I could be Dead Wrong., #1 source for DDO information.

  3. #3
    Community Member salmag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Actually, Ki stabilizes at your Concentration score and you'll most likely want to spend all your Ki at each fight. This gives an advantage to the monk who goes slower rather than quicker. Then, there is Meditation who lets you get your Ki up to three times your Concentration score +1 before each fight, slowing the whole down further more. This is my interpretation of it.

    I haven't played a monk up to high levels so I could be Dead Wrong.

    How so? By moving slowly, sneaking, etc., your Ki doesn't rise so far above your concentration score to allow elemental strikes, let alone stunning fist. When I meditated, I raised my Ki up to a workable level, but started to decrease at +6, then +5, then +4, at such an alarming rate that I was back at my concentration before I even fought ANYTHING.

    The way this is going, meditation is worthless unless you meditate, then click on a haste clickie, run to the nearest unfriendly and hope you get there in time to get in an elemental strike. By then, your Ki is back to normal. This method of Ki is promoting zerging, not slowing down.

    Zerg to one enemy, throw a few punches, zerg to next enemy, throw a few punches, etc...

    It still doesn't make sense. Max out the Ki bar while meditating, use special moves during fighting lessening Ki, and allow it to slowly regen, unless meditating which allows for more rapid regen.

    You might be able to do the same thing with psionics and psionic abilities too (bring on Kalashtar).

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by salmag View Post
    How so? By moving slowly, sneaking, etc., your Ki doesn't rise so far above your concentration score to allow elemental strikes, let alone stunning fist.
    At higher level, your ki wqill be higher. So between fights, you'll already be at a workable level. The mauled Ki will simply allow you to generate more Ki to use... but I'm sure the strategy for a monk will always to empty his Ki between each mob, making that the time between each mob is benefitical as it increases your Ki closer to your Concentration score.

    Quote Originally Posted by salmag View Post
    It still doesn't make sense. Max out the Ki bar while meditating, use special moves during fighting lessening Ki, and allow it to slowly regen, unless meditating which allows for more rapid regen.
    Meditation brings you up to three times your Ki. From the way Ki decays, it will go down always at the same rate since the decay rate is equal to how many times you're above your Concentration score. A capped Monk would have around 40 to 55 Concentration, so that would be around 121 to 166 Ki after meditation.

    Let's take a 40 Concentration. You'll Meditation and go around 121. It'll decay at 2 Ki/tick until 80. Then, it'll go at 1 Ki/tick until 40. It may be weak at low levels, but it'll be fine at high level. And don't forget you can get your Concentration higher than 40 quite easily at cap. The oddest part of it is that it's currently impossible to reach your maximum Ki, ever! hehe, #1 source for DDO information.

  5. #5
    Founder Ishturi's Avatar
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    at level THREE, with a plus one item, I have a concentration of 13.

    At higher levels, with a plus 15 item, monks will have a concentration upward of 30-40.

    This is PLENTY to use elemental strikes all day long (especially with fire stance active)
    Guild of X, Thelanis server (RIP Xoriat).

    Well dang, if I hadn't used my whole round eating this Twinkie, I could've walked around the corner and seen what all that screaming was about... oh well *munch*

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Ishturi View Post
    At higher levels, with a plus 15 item, monks will have a concentration upward of 30-40.
    Hopefully even higher than that.

    19 Ranks
    6 CON Modifier (22 CON)
    3 SF: Concentration
    4 Monk Enhancement
    6 Shroud Item (CON Skills)
    15 Item
    4 Greater Heroism
    2 Luck Item

    Take away the feat (SF: Concentration) and the Greensteel Item and you're still at 50. And I'm certain that I overlooked a few things that would take it even higher up for the 'ki enthusiasts'

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