Last edited by LA_MIKE; 02-27-2009 at 03:49 AM.
Is it enabled in your options?
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
I've checked and the option is still there and still works. Maybe try toggling the option off and on if you already have it set to on?
If you bind that key on your gamepad to a letter and then open notepad or something similar and hold the key down, does it repeat the letter (like it would if you just held the key down on your keyboard)? My first suspicion would be that the gamepad isn't repeating the command or sending a "hold" signal.
Does your gamepad use any sort of software/driver for setting controls and such? It's possible you may be able to swap the behavior of the button there. Just to be sure, if you set your attack key to something on the keyboard or mouse, and hold that button (rather than your gamepad) does the attack repeat?
I have a similar problem. I cannot use the f key as a hotkey.
Shift+f, control+f, work just fine. f by itself does not work. I bind the key and it does nothing. No f combination bindings are in use at all except for the f key by itself, it simply does not work.
Prior to mod 7, it would work while the remap window was open, but testing it now, it doesn't even work then. My F key works fine in windows and I use it as a hotkey in several other games because it's a very important/easy to hit key for hotkeys. It's very frustrating and makes no sense to me at all. I filed a help ticket but it was deleted, I guess it should have been a bug report.
Vagabond, that sounds more like a keymap problem. I'd delete the keymap file located in the DDO folder in My Documents. This will mean you have to remap your keys for any custom mappings, but that's where I would start. You could try just renaming it at first to see if it resolves the issue.
This seems to be a bug.
"Hold and attack" did not work on Risia for my usual "Attack/Orbit" attack button setting, but as soon as I switched it to just the normal "Single Attack" keybinding it activated.
Don't remember if I reported this, heh, so many bugs on Risia for this Mod already called in eh?
~Thus we are met, in a time that is no longer a time, at a place that is no longer a place, for we are between the worlds and beyond.~
Ahh. That makes more sense then. I would advise to go ahead and file a bug using the in game system for that. I'll talk to some people too, but this does seem like a design thing not a "wrong setting on your PC" thing.
I did this and it fixed that.
However, upon rebinding my keys it turns out it won't let me use control+a for tumbling left. I deleted my keymap again and it still did not fix it. I can use control+a for some other commands (it won't let me use it to attack, but it'll let me close UI), and I can use control+left arrow to tumble...
Something very weird is going on.
Hmm.. Few things I've noticed about the auto swing feature and a mouse...
I use the left mouse button for attacking... And the right mouse button for mouselook. I don't remember the exact name of the features I've got them mapped to.
If I hold the left mouse button down for auto attacking, it works fine. But if I've got the left mouse button held down attacking something, and then I press the right mouse button down to chance camera angles, I don't swing anymore, even tho I've never let up on the left mouse button.
If I'm going to be doing a lot of camera angle shifting in a fight, I pretty much have to make sure I always hold down the right mouse button the whole time and never let it up... So that I can press and release the left mouse button when I need to keep swinging at something.
Not sure if this will help you any, but it's something to think about.
Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
I've taken the craft disturbing mental image feat... You have been warned!
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