well, since the monks are finally outive been itching to go back to playing for over 8 months (been a LOOOOONG 8 months in real life X_X kept me pretty busy :/ ) im keeping good on coming back
, but since last time i played, thelanis was slowly dwindeling, i was hoping to hop aboard a different server.
what im hoping to do, is pop onto one thats full of people, because im on the pacific coast, and i work full time, generally i dont get that many people on at nights, so, im either stuck with server hopping, or solo'ing. not that either are that bad, but sometimes, u wanna get that one quest or raid done, but everyones dead n gone...soo what ya gonna do?
so, im really just wondering whats the population of the servers like? perferably, for me, whats the most populated one(s)?