Eberon fanboys...take you medication..and please refrain from your usual posting.
If wizards 'pushed' eberon as the setting for the first DDO world, Turbine should sue them for damages and losses.
Ok, we all love D+D so why are the servers empty? Most D+D players hate eberon or don't even knows it exists.
OK turbine, wanna make this work or not?
If not, fine, sell the IP.
If you do, hire a bunch more developers, get some seed money, and get to work developing a world creation engine
that can create DDO worlds, compeditive graphics, works in 3 axis (x/y/z)
finish filling in the missing classes, races, weapon, spells, feats up to 20th lvl ect... from the 3.5 players handbooks...yesterday
while keeping eberon going, build Forgotten Realms world...using current game mechanics
Run new ads..........start viral marketing.........get the word out...something DIFFERENT in MMOs coming out !
finish and open Forgotten Realms servers...next to eberon servers---tie up any developemental loose ends in eberon...eberon is complete
now you have something new in MMOs ( you can advertise ) 2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WORLDS....ONE GAME
cha ching...
Start working on Dragon Lance World....new viral marketing
You see a pattern developing
at all times, working the new world, finishing up the last world
will you have to keep adding new stuff to ..say eberon? or later forgotten realms....nope.
who needs more high end content when you have a brand new world to explore?
IF this was done right, IF you had the seed money to work this....down the road, you could take on WOW.
suggested order
Eberon (stuck with it)
Forgotten Realms
Dragon lance
Dark Sun
There are more as well.
................MANY WORLDS.............ONE GAME..........
....................DUNGEON and DRAGONS ....................
.................................ONLINE........... ...................
Don't chain up D+D's greatest strength.......ride it to glory
D+D = unlimited worlds