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  1. #1
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Default Time to say it...Forgotten Realms

    Eberon fanboys...take you medication..and please refrain from your usual posting.

    If wizards 'pushed' eberon as the setting for the first DDO world, Turbine should sue them for damages and losses.

    Ok, we all love D+D so why are the servers empty? Most D+D players hate eberon or don't even knows it exists.

    OK turbine, wanna make this work or not?

    If not, fine, sell the IP.

    If you do, hire a bunch more developers, get some seed money, and get to work developing a world creation engine
    that can create DDO worlds, compeditive graphics, works in 3 axis (x/y/z)


    finish filling in the missing classes, races, weapon, spells, feats up to 20th lvl ect... from the 3.5 players handbooks...yesterday


    while keeping eberon going, build Forgotten Realms world...using current game mechanics
    Run new ads..........start viral marketing.........get the word out...something DIFFERENT in MMOs coming out !

    finish and open Forgotten Realms to eberon servers---tie up any developemental loose ends in eberon...eberon is complete

    now you have something new in MMOs ( you can advertise ) 2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WORLDS....ONE GAME

    cha ching...


    Start working on Dragon Lance viral marketing


    You see a pattern developing

    at all times, working the new world, finishing up the last world

    will you have to keep adding new stuff to ..say eberon? or later forgotten realms....nope.

    who needs more high end content when you have a brand new world to explore?

    IF this was done right, IF you had the seed money to work this....down the road, you could take on WOW.

    suggested order

    Eberon (stuck with it)
    Forgotten Realms
    Dragon lance
    Dark Sun

    There are more as well.

    ................MANY WORLDS.............ONE GAME..........
    ....................DUNGEON and DRAGONS ....................
    .................................ONLINE........... ...................

    Don't chain up D+D's greatest strength.......ride it to glory
    D+D = unlimited worlds
    Last edited by fatherpirate; 06-02-2008 at 03:34 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Default Competition of a completely different type

    WoW is one of the world's greatest tragedies.

    I am amazed at the lack of intelligence required to continue playing said monstrosity.

    Unfortunately, DDO has done some ... less than pleasant... things in the past, apparently with malicious intent... and has run its player base off to different game worlds. Some will be back, some will not.

    DDO needs first and foremost a better New Player Welcoming Kit, expanded all the way to Level 3. Most new players run with some vets, refuse to ask questions, and get lost in dungeons and yelled at. Some, however, meet folks like me from a guild called DRAGON on a server formerly known as Mabar. We were ushered into DDO with red carpet, albeit with a surprise Guild Invite upon character creation. We were taught to be personable with people, hand our items down, even to complete strangers, and to answer questions as best we could at all times without anger or malice.

    We are not losing players so quickly as we are alienating new people. WoW has a rather sizeable cult that does nothing but help people get addicted. I use the word 'cult' properly in this case. They literally have nothing better to do.

    We are competing psychologically with other game environments. DDO itself has an excellent premise, but it is up to the community to keep other people interested. With no people, there is no business. People are customers, players, developers and engineers, advertisers, secretaries... everyone. We all need to see things in a positive manner if we are to see DDO lurch back up out of the MMO rut and back into the limelight. For a short while DDO was competing with WoW fairly well, but the Dev Team was new to Mass Psychology, and translating D&D into a computerized format.

    Again, throwing the name of a sprawling filthy giant that ought to be killed in comparison with a beautiful and refined world(albeit smaller than the disgustingly large behemoth) is much the same as comparing yourself to a heap of fecal matter that everyone seems to enjoy. Our struggle is not a Financial one, though it does directly affect finances. It is not a coding problem, though coding is directly involved. We have a People problem, and it is more on the Player side than the Developer side. It's a game, yes, but that doesn't mean we have the right to kick new players to the curb, leaving them cold in the rain, wondering why they wasted their money on this wicked game full of seemingly mute and exceedingly angry individuals with little to no sense of humor.

    TL;DR : People are being too mean to newbies and it is killing DDO. Stop being mean, people.

    The new games, unless funded by Grants and Investors, should not be considered until DDO is salvaged or scrapped.

  3. #3
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    I feel for you..I see where your coming from.

    Having the current customer base get a 'new perspective' might help cut down a few internal losses
    and is worth doing...but it doesn't treat the big problem.

    We need to have NON-CUSTOMERS develope a new perspective on the game and become customers.

    EBERON ! .............doesn't sell

    Dungeon and Dragons ! .....sells IF PROPERLY ADVERTISED <<< caps are for turbine

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    EBERON ! .............doesn't sell

    Dungeon and Dragons ! .....sells IF PROPERLY ADVERTISED <<< caps are for turbine
    D&D sells, regardless of the setting. It could be FR and we wouldn't have any much more subscribers.
    And if you want to complain about advertisement, well Turbine is doing their best. It's Atari that is to blame., #1 source for DDO information.

  5. #5
    Community Member Xaxx's Avatar
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    ok couple probs, now im a 2nd ed guy myself never really played 3rd pnp, so while i would LOVE to see some of the other worlds come to fruition (darksun is my all time favorite setting), its not gonna happen, they're not gonna receate games that have been dead for 10 years now (darksuns been dead longer, ravenloft and planescape close, dragonlance as a campaign setting never got anywhere after the original mods released)

    Also consider that going into 4th the only 2 active worlds are eberon and fr (and man oh man have they taken the hose to fr, 100 years have gone by and what 50% of the world went kaputs, waterdeep and such is trashed)

    Also... how much creative control do they have over eberron, we're on the one continent thats not really flushed out, where could they go like that in fr?... no where unless you wanna go to kara-tur (dont remember spelling right off the top of my head) or such.

    if they made a 4th edition fr game based on ddo, people would moan and complain that fr has changed so much, if they make a 3.0/3.5 version people complain that its not current.

    Also the most important thing that has to be considered in eberron v fr for design....

    Eberron is wizards and baker... thats pretty much it, no other middle men wanting their cut of money

    Fr.... you've got wizards and... holy blue **** thats alot of authors and creators who will each want their creative cut for what everyone would want to see... couldnt have an fr game without the underdark... whew that wouldnt be pretty.

    This has been hashed over and over and over and OVER since ddo was announced as being in eberron rather then fr... people once a month atleast put up a ddo should be fr topic... and y ou should have seen some of the moaning and complaining on mmog boards when it was announced it was eberron instead of fr. Its not gonna change, and even if an fr game was in the works... considering mmo dev time any more (2-3 years) it wont be around for a loooooooong time.

    (if your really itching for another mmo based off pnp, warhammer drops this winter)

  6. #6
    Community Member Deriaz's Avatar
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    Sounds like a waste of time to me. (Not to sound blunt or anything, but. . . Ok, maybe it's blunt. But it's what I thought.)

    Some people are only interested in one campaign. Using myself as an example, I could never get into Forgotten Realms. I haven't been playing since the start of it, so when I tried to jump in, there was so much storyline and so many locations to learn that I couldn't play -- it was too overwhelming. I refuse to play it, now, mainly because it feels too linear to me: All this stuff happened, it's common knowledge, and most DMs I played with at public games told me that they were things my character should know already.

    It was like I wasn't allowed any freedom or anything. Which is why I like Eberron, cause it's like. . . There was this big war, using Warforged. Now a country turned into a wasteland. . . Uuuuhh. . . Ok. Go from there. Oh, and there's a weird continent to the south.

    Just me, but I like that.

    Plus, having to get all the licensing for these other campaigns, and the development time. . . Just doesn't sound worth it. Especially when there are other good games out there that already covered some campaigns well. (Temple of Elemental Evil for the PC comes to mind.)

    Just my two copper.

    Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>

  7. #7
    Founder Gornin's Avatar
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    Too bad WoTC killed FR. And 4E is DnD in name only.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Grimdiegn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    Eberon fanboys...take you medication..and please refrain from your usual posting.
    I stopped reading there. Maybe you should take a look in the mirror next time before posting.

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  9. #9
    Community Member Arnya's Avatar
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    Trust me, I have bent over backwards on the whole advertising thing.

    I have been banned from the Atari forums but not before being flamed by obnoxious Atari fanbois who much prefer Dragonball Z and pacman remakes to a thinking person's game...

    Turbine is doing the best they can via MMO sites and their reviews....

    And forget FR, Bioware has the license so Turbine CAN'T use it...
    BLACK MANTIS - Sarlona
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  10. #10
    Community Member Rav'n's Avatar
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    Call me old school... (well not REEEEALLLY old School) But I would jump to the FR game in a heart beat!.
    That's not to say I'm not having fun in Stormreach.

    As far as the time 'gone by and the world decimated' thing...? COOL!! That would solve most of the questions I would have about basing an MMO off FR.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pugsley View Post
    But you underestimate my ability to be horribly underpowered for long periods of time for the sake of an emotional attachment to an idea.
    Minstral of Mayhem
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  11. #11
    Community Member Tin_Dragon's Avatar
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    FR is licensed elsewhere, Turbine can't touch it.

    Turbine's translation and what they have done to (not with) the Eberron setting tells me that IF they could do FR or any other D&D setting with a LARGER core fan base, then Turbine HQ would have been burned to the ground shortly after the enhancement system re vamp.

    FR is TOO BIG and has too many (already broken/unbalanced) options. Turbine cant get the Core races/classes/PrCs/Feats/Skills in the game now, and you want them to try thier hand at a setting with at LEAST 10X the content Eberron has? You would be setting yourself up for a big upset.
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  12. #12
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    WoW, just WoW. Talk about a proposal that would kill DDO.
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  13. #13
    Founder Darkwolf's Avatar
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    Huh? Wha... Forgotten Realms?


    There are any number of worlds I would rather play in, Eberron happens to be one of them.
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  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    Forgotten Realms fanboys...take you medication..and please refrain from your usual posting.

    Oh, and Eberron has two Rs.
    Have a question about the Eberron Setting?
    Ask a Loremaster.

  15. #15


    fatherpirate i think what you are asking would be a double edge sword.

    Fist FR and the other older realms are very familure with lots to pull from. huge fan base to attract. but then they also would not have the room to ablib when they need to.

    or they have eberron which is newer not alot known about it, and a good way to build on the realm and include players. Even kieth Baker as changed some of the stuff to reflect ddo. Such as kobolds in the sewers of Stormreach.

    I'm not a Eberron fan boy just a d&d fan and I'm kinda glad they didnt go with FR (though DarkSun might have been interesting Halfgiants ftw)

  16. #16
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    Eberon fanboys...take you medication..and please refrain from your usual posting.

    If wizards 'pushed' eberon as the setting for the first DDO world, Turbine should sue them for damages and losses.


    Wow, I've been waiting on these words of wisdom from someone that's been around since April 2008.
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  17. #17
    Community Member Rav'n's Avatar
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    Just because someone's only been on the board since April doesn't mean he hassn't been playing the game longer. I only got on the board a month or so back... had a Forum ID for much longer and been playing the game longer still.

    Does that mean my (or FP's) opinion counts less than someone who logged in on Beta blast off?

    The OP has an opinion, he posted it. Most of the posts replying have a different opinion. They posted as well. In the Real world, we call that communication. Just imagine if Orville and Wilber listened to everyone who told them "No... that's a stupid idea!"
    Quote Originally Posted by Pugsley View Post
    But you underestimate my ability to be horribly underpowered for long periods of time for the sake of an emotional attachment to an idea.
    Minstral of Mayhem
    Aces over Kings

  18. #18
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rav'n View Post
    Just because someone's only been on the board since April doesn't mean he hassn't been playing the game longer. I only got on the board a month or so back... had a Forum ID for much longer and been playing the game longer still.

    Does that mean my (or FP's) opinion counts less than someone who logged in on Beta blast off?

    The OP has an opinion, he posted it. Most of the posts replying have a different opinion. They posted as well. In the Real world, we call that communication. Just imagine if Orville and Wilber listened to everyone who told them "No... that's a stupid idea!"
    Two comments:

    1. No, when you joined has little bearing on how much their comments count. The OP can choose to devalue his intellectual currency all on his own if he wishes.
    2. Nobody thought building an airplane was a stupid idea in 1903. The Wrights had plenty of competition here and in Europe. Sorry for the historical pedantry.
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  19. #19
    Community Member Deragoth's Avatar
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    I still dislike Eberron. However, like others have said, FR was not available. Also, as others have said, since it's still being fleshed out, WotC and Turbine can collaborate on new content.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yaga Nub View Post
    Wow, I've been waiting on these words of wisdom from someone that's been around since April 2008.
    I think you need to turn in your internet card for the day, and log off. You are not your join date.
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  20. #20
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    In death.. members of Project Mayhem DO have names. His is Robert Paulson.
    Last edited by moorewr; 06-02-2008 at 10:09 AM. Reason: Curse you, movie pedants!
    <|| “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” ||>
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