I am selling off allot of stuff to free up some bank space. Every offer above vendor buyback is considered! =)

+1 para cold iron handaxe of shatermantle rlvl 12
+2 lightmace of smiting lvl 12
+1 para lightmace of shattermantle lvl 12
+2 shock longsword of smiting 14
+4 acid lightmace of deception lvl 10
+1 axiomatic silver kama of vertigo 10 lvl 14 (improved trip monks rejoice!)
+2 frost battleaxe of greater elemental bane
+1 holy greatsword of righteousness lvl 6
+1 seeker +2 handaxe of disruption lvl 12
+1 khopesh of lesser reptilian bane (no rlvl!)
+1 transmuting kama of maiming lvl 6 x2
+3 transmuting greatsword of deception lvl 10
+1 greatsword of vertigo 10 lvl 10 (great for trippers!)

+1 banishing ligh xbow of deception lvl 12
+1 crippling longbow of disruption lvl 12
+1 acid longbow of smiting lvl 12
+2 holy light repeater of precicion 10
+1 para shortbow of maiming 12
+3 banishing shortbow 14
+1 transmuting shortbow of backstabbing +5 attack +8 damage lvl 14
+1 wounding of enfeebling heavy repeater lvl 10
+1 banishing light xbow lvl 10
+1 heavy xbow of smiting lvl 10
+1 seeker +4 longbow of greater undead bane lvl 10
Tortured Livewood Bow lvl 12
+1 wounding longbow lvl 6

+6 wis +3 concentration bandana (rr drow, umd 20, lvl 13)
Bete Noir +4 ac bracers Unholy Blight 3xday
+6 int goggles lvl 13
+1 charisma tome
+5 mithril chain shirt x3 lvl 8
+5 full plate of stability lvl 10
+5 darkleaf breastplate x2 lvl 8
+3 mithril fullplate of lesser sonic resistance lvl 12
+6 int goggles of hypnotism lvl 13 (rr WF)
+2 fearsome chain shirt of lesser acid resistance lvl 10

Post here or PM! =)