Could one of you please explain to me how you can't help find lost or venderd items.
The last time I had a problem with this games miss haps it took me 4 weeks to get my
stuff that mysteriously dissapeared from my bank account back.
Now this new problem is acctually different because it was part my fault.
It seems when lagg hits because of over crowding on server then it's not the games fault.Please
explain that one to me .
My problem, well Saturday evening around 6:00 est.I was at a vender trying to sell an item from
my inventory.While clicking on the item then hitting the sale button I hit a slow lag spike.
The one that is like a ruberband motion.I obviously hit a wrong tab while spiking and when the lag came to a hault
I had just sold my whole inventory except for what was on me.
True I should of had my stuff locked but in my defense, after playing this game for two years now
I have never had this happen.So now I ask why it is that when I send in a ticket I get the "sorry but their is nothing we
can do for you". Well bullsh--.I know better and so do you.This would of never happened if I didn't hit an
bad timed lag spike.YOUR FAULT if you wouldn't of over crowded the server then these spikes would be happing so dam
often.All I am asking for is for you to help me get my stuff back and you say you can't.Even knowing that with the new mode
we have a 24 hour grace period in which we can by back vendered items.I know you could help if you wanted to
and that your lazy ass in game support could do a better job of helping when needed.
QUESTION are you trying to push the ones that have been here for a while away to AOC or are you just being
lazy and helping only the ones in your inner circle.I can promise that the rapier collection I just lost is by far
one of the most impressive on this server.Took two years to build and 1 20 sec lag to destroy.Complete B.S Thanks for your
support Turbine.No wonder so many have left this game for others. ALL I WANT IS MY STUFF BACK.