I doubt this is a very interesting build, but thought i'd just show what i was planning to do and see what people thought. This Character is already a lvl 3 wizard capped at 1 xp from lvl 5, waiting for the monk trainer. I started him before learning that concentration was important for a monk and had already invested some tomes into him so didn't wanna reroll. But i've adapted my plans and concentration won't be a problem. this only minor mistake I made was making him LN, screwing my chances with pure good weapons, but i've decided to take a lvl of rogue(at lvl 12) and invest in UMD to compensate... then i get the best of both worlds(immune to unholy npc weapons and able to use pure good... not to mention the many other benefits of having a decent UMD).

Current non enhanced stats(w/+2 STR, INT and WIS tomes)
STR 18
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 16

1(wizard): Extend Spell
1(Human): Least Dragonmark of the Sentinal
1: Dodge
3: Weapon Focus (BLudgeoning)
4(monk): Stunning Fist
5(monk): Discipline
6: Lesser Dragonmark of the Sentinal
9(monk): Combat Expertise
9: Improved Trip
12: Skill Focus(UMD)
15: skill focus(concentration)

@ 3: 3 Tumble, 3 jump, 3 Swim, 3 Balance
4: 7 concen, rest same
5: 8 concen, 8 Tumble, 4 Jump, rest same
6: 9 concen, 9 tumble, 9 jump, rest same
7: 10 concen, 10 tumble, 10 jump, 7 swim, rest same
8: 11 concen, 11 tumble, 11 jump, 11 swim, rest same
9: 12 concen, 12 tumble, 12 jump, 12 swim, 1.5 UMD, rest same
10: 13 Concen, 13 Tumble, 13 jump, 13 swim, 3 UMD, rest same
11: 14 concen, 14 tumble, 14 jump, 14 swim, 4 UMD, 4 balance
12: 15 UMD, rest same
13: 16 concen, 16 Tumble, 15 Jump, 16 UMD, rest same
14: 17 concen, 17 Tumble, 17 Jump, 15 Swim, 17 UMD, rest same
15: 18 concen, 18 tumble, 18 jump, 17 swim, 18 UMD, rest same
16: 19 concen, 19 tumble, 19 jump, 19 swim, 19 UMD, 4 balance

Monk Paths:
Inevitable Domination
Patient Tortoise
Water Stance (good for unblancing strike to get my +1d6 sneak attack)

LVL 16 self-applicable AC(not including any bonuses from stances):
10 base
6 dex (assuming +2 tome and +6 item)
10 WIS (assuming +6 item, all lvl-up ability boosts, and action points)
2 monk bonus
7 robe of armor (i'm pretty sure those exist right now, right?)
4 sheild spell
3 dodge (feat plus chaosguard)
4 sheild of faith (dragonmark)
3 barkskin (potion)
5 combat expertise
54 total

i know this isn't great AC and it basically useless against certian raid bosses, but it's a good ac for a mellee character in standard situations.