I've played my share of clerics, and I thought I would share some experience to new players who may not know what a cleric is capable of when they make their character. For the purpose of this post lets assume that there are 4 types of cleric as posted below. Many players would place their clerics into one of these categories or atleast between two of them.
Battlecleric - Defined as a cleric who's primary focus is melee and buffing to assist with his combat. Although quite capable of crowd control or healing, their focus tends to be on swinging a weapon at whatever is infront of them.
Healbot - Defined as a cleric who watches his/her parties health with little to no regard for the actual combat itself
Caster Cleric - Participates in combat with crowd control spells or DPS spells such as Blade Barrier, inflict spells, Flamestrike or various other spells.
Mixed Cleric - While not specialized in any field these types tend to drift into whatever role is required. Should the healing requirement be intese, they hold back on other activities until the option to melee or cast offensive spells presents itself.
The categories of measurement
1st = 4 points
2nd = 3 points
3rd = 2 points
4th = 1 point
DPS (Damage per second)
1. Caster
2. Battlecleric
3. Mixed
4. Healbot
Survivability (chance of being last member of party standing)
1. Mixed
2. Healbot
3. Battlecleric
4. Caster
Party Friendly (most likely to be accepted by groups)
1. Healbot
2. Mixed
3. Caster
4. Battlecleric
Least Gear intensive
1. Healbot
2. Caster
3. Mixed
4. Battlecleric
1. Mixed
2. Caster
3. Battlecleric
4. Healbot
Soloability (yes i know its not a real word)
1. Caster
2. Mixed
3. Battlecleric
4. Healbot
WINNER - Mixed cleric(18 points)
2nd - Caster Cleric(17 points)
3rd - Healbot(14 points)
4th - Battleclerics(11 points)