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  1. #41
    Community Member unionyes's Avatar
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    I can't wait for you guys to get this all figured out for me

    I plan on being monkless until at least a month after the mod is released and the build masters have gotten all the kinks worked out. I figure it will be a great time to level up my bard.
    Thelanis; Strngrdanger, Likkerpig, Byrnt, Obgynkenobi, Severancepay, Buffystmarie.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aladon View Post
    Because a monk needs capability across four stats and Dwarves give a stat bonus to CON while only hurting CHA which is a dumpstat. Plus Dwarves have major Toughness enhancement bonuses. So I see it as a win/win to go Dwarf. I looked at a Halfling or Elf DEX 20 build but I felt that sacrificed too much elsewhere, including wrt Power Attack.
    If you're looking for a monk to have good ability in 4 stats, then taking an 18 in any stat is a trap. That's 6 points away from your low stats to get from 16 to 18.

    Dwf S16,D16,C16,I8,W14,Ch6
    Change it to halfling and it's
    Hlf s14 d18 c14 i8 w14 c8.

    Still respectable, still learns Power Attack without even needing a Tome. But the halfling is at +1 finesse attack roll from racial dex, another +1 from Halfling Dex II enhancement, and the +1 small size bonus. That's a net +3 attack, which helps ensure you can keep using Power Attack all day long. Get the Halfling Cunning enhancements to tier 1 or 2 and it's another +1 or +2 when flanking, and qualifies you for +2 or +4 sneak attack damage.

    (And remember, Monks can flank all by themselves with Unbalancing Strike!)

    The only real drawback to going halfling is you won't be able to get tier 4 mountain style without a +4 tome. But we have no idea if the tier 4 styles will have any value aside from the stance. (And earth stances aren't useful)

  3. #43
    Community Member Aladon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    If you're looking for a monk to have good ability in 4 stats, then taking an 18 in any stat is a trap. That's 6 points away from your low stats to get from 16 to 18.

    Dwf S16,D16,C16,I8,W14,Ch6
    Change it to halfling and it's
    Hlf s14 d18 c14 i8 w14 c8.

    Still respectable, still learns Power Attack without even needing a Tome. But the halfling is at +1 finesse attack roll from racial dex, another +1 from Halfling Dex II enhancement, and the +1 small size bonus. That's a net +3 attack, which helps ensure you can keep using Power Attack all day long. Get the Halfling Cunning enhancements to tier 1 or 2 and it's another +1 or +2 when flanking, and qualifies you for +2 or +4 sneak attack damage.

    (And remember, Monks can flank all by themselves with Unbalancing Strike!)

    The only real drawback to going halfling is you won't be able to get tier 4 mountain style without a +4 tome. But we have no idea if the tier 4 styles will have any value aside from the stance. (And earth stances aren't useful)
    I was actually intending to do the Dwarf finesse build (not the STR version I listed as well):

    Dwf S12,D18,C16,I8,W14,Ch6 (w/ +1 STR tome for PA)

    This, compared to your Halfling:

    Hlf s14 d18 c14 i8 w14 c8.

    So the halfling gets more STR plus all the non-stat benefits you list in exchange for a major hit to HP's (slightly lower CON but, more importantly, no Toughness enhancements). Given how high the finesse monk can get his/her AC, extreme HP's are perhaps not so important. The 3/4 carry capacity bums me out because I tend to carry a lot of mission gear, but I suspect monks are gonna run light on gear they need anyway. Plus I've never had a Halfling toon and a halfling monk would be plain funny.

    I'm ok with that. Anybody else disagree that this is the optimal min/max monk build or have an alternative to suggest?

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  4. #44
    Community Member Darth_Sizzle's Avatar
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    Best thing I've come up with (and I tried with every possible race on Risia) is a Dwarf:

    16 STR + 4 lvl ups + 2 Tome + 6 item = 28
    15 DEX + 3 Tome + 6 item = 24
    16 CON +2 Tome + 2 enhancement + 6 item = 26
    8 INT = 8
    15 WIS +3 Tome + 2 enhancement + 6 item = 26
    6 CHA = 6

    Thats the easiest way to meet the min 18 base stat for the top tier of all 4 stances (I say easiest because it "only" requires two +3 tomes).

    Of course go Lawful Neutral & if I get lucky enough one day to get the Litany of the Dead trinket (+1 stacking bonus to all stats) as well as +3 tomes for STR and CON then it could look like this:

    30 STR
    26 DEX
    28 CON
    9 INT
    28 WIS
    7 CHA

    I also plan on using a +2 INT tome right after creation, start with max ranks in Concentration, Jump, and Tumble (I like to flip around) and keep those maxed - the 1 extra skill pt per lvl starting at 2 will go into balance (Dwarves already get a bonus to balance so I figured this could be a little behind rank wise).

  5. #45

    Default I am considering

    a rogue12(way of the acrobat)/monk4

    Future levels would go to monk also.

    But it would really suk to invest the time and later find out the speed bonuses don't stack

  6. #46
    Community Member Aladon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Sizzle View Post
    Thats the easiest way to meet the min 18 base stat for the top tier of all 4 stances (I say easiest because it "only" requires two +3 tomes).
    Can somebody explain 'stances' to me, please? In particular (and since I have no access to +3 tomes), how does the above Halfling monk stack up in terms of access to stances? And are some stances more effective than others (ie if I can't have them all, which ones should I shoot for?)?

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Sizzle View Post
    Of course go Lawful Neutral
    Is this true? Again, I'm not a pnp monk guy so I have no clue. Normally I go chaotic good for Delera's +4 Defl bracers. I know that monks have to be lawful. But Good or Nuetral? Dunno...


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  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Aladon View Post
    Can somebody explain 'stances' to me, please? In particular (and since I have no access to +3 tomes), how does the above Halfling monk stack up in terms of access to stances? And are some stances more effective than others (ie if I can't have them all, which ones should I shoot for?)?
    The stances are elemental-based enhancements for the monk. There are four of them with 4 tiers and each one corresponds to an attribute: str/dex/wis/con. They each also have a natural attribute requirement for their various tiers of 12/14/16/18. The "natural" attribute is your base attribute + tomes + level up points. Note that NOONE has +3 transferable tomes for their monk. +3 tomes have to be earned from L14+ raids (or their raid reward screens). Also note that the tier 4 18 requirement enhancement is a level 18 enhancement... at which point +3 tomes may be unbound or more prevalent.

    There's a lot more info on using the 4 elemental stances in the Risia Test Server->Monk Feedback thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aladon View Post
    Is this true? Again, I'm not a pnp monk guy so I have no clue. Normally I go chaotic good for Delera's +4 Defl bracers. I know that monks have to be lawful. But Good or Nuetral? Dunno...
    I would say LG or LN is really your choice. Most people don't count on running the Abbot successfully right now.

    LG bonuses: Can use rez ring (though rez is also a monk capability, available on greensteel items, and also as a clicky for collectables in Mod7). Can use Pure Good weapons.

    LN bonuses: Can use Unholy, and some DQ and Abbot raid items that cause a level loss on good characters. The one specifically quoted here is the only stacking +1 to all stats raid item (from the Abbot). Check the definitive static items guide.
    Casual DDOaholic

  8. #48
    Community Member quickgrif's Avatar
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    It is noted by the devs that the meta magics that worked with monks abilities will be fixed. So no more of that also CE is not intended to turn off when finishing move is used said they will fix it though may take longer to fix than the meta magic fix.
    "Be good, if you can't be good then be good at it."


  9. #49
    Community Member Darth_Sizzle's Avatar
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    To expand on my previous post (see above); Feat selection (in no particular order):

    Stunning Fist
    Stunning Blow
    Deflect Arrows
    Spring Attack
    Improved Critical
    Power Attack

  10. #50
    Community Member Lugosi's Avatar
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    Default Drow Monk

    Not sure how well this build will turn out, thought I would give it a try though.
    Thought I would try to focus on a more evasive and higher AC build, possibly ranged weapons.

    Drow Monk

    Str 10
    Dex 16
    Con 10
    Int 10
    Wis 18 (not sure if this was a wise choice, 16 may have been better so Str and Con could be higher).
    Cha 10

    Stunning Fists (should have waited, pretty useless at low lvl).
    Chose Weapon Finesse at lvl 2


    Enhancements up to lvl 2:
    Disciple of Breezes
    Disciple of Puddles
    Elven Enchantment Resistance I
    Improved Spell Resistance I
    Monk Balance I

    May end up focusing on Drow and Monk Shurikan abilities, not sure if with the lower damage of a Shurikan if it is worth it.

    I'm wondering if low Str and Con are going to come back and haunt me.
    Especially since wind stance drops Con and water stance drops Str.
    Also, this hurts my concentration and damge.

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