Okay... this is my take on the Halfling Ranger 6, Monk 10 Tempest, TWF-Kama-Finesse, WHIRLWIND build...
Halfling Monk 10/Ranger 6
Str 12 (06) +1 tome (for PA) +6 item = 19 (+2 tome for 20)
Dex 18 (10) +2 favor tome + 6 item +2 ranger +2 halfling + 4Lvl = 34
Con 14 (06) +6 item = 20
Int 12 (04) +2 tome = 14
Wis 14 (06) +3 monk +1 tome +6 item = 24
Cha 08 (00) = 8
1: R1 B1 (FE: Undead, Bow Str), Dodge
Use +2 Int Tome, +1 Str Tome
2: M1 B1 Mobility
3: M2 B2 (Evasion), Finesse, CE
4: M3 B3
5: R2 B4 (TWF, RS)
6: R3 B5 (diehard), SA
7: M4 B6
8: R4 B7
9: R5 B8 (FE: Evil Outsdier), IC: Slash
10: M5 B8 (Purity of Body)
11: M6 B9 PA
12: M7 B10 (wholeness of body), Whirlwind
13: M8 B11
14: M9 B11 (Improved Evasion)
15: R6 B12 (Many Shot, ITWF), GTWF
16: M10 B13
The B# listing is the current BAB/level since a few feats have BAB reqs.
I sort of mingled the levels of Monk and Ranger in order to keep up full skill ranks of:
Concentration, Tumble, Jump, Diplomacy, you also get about 15 ranks into Hide, MS, and Balance with 4 pts into spot,listen or heal at L1.
And yes... I've had 2+ years to save up a +2 int tome and some nice kamas. The int tome is there for an extra skill point per level and CE qual.
Relevant Enhancements:
Monk: +3 wisdom
Ranger: +2 dex
Halfling: +2 dex
Ranger: Tempest 1
Ranger: Favored Attack 1
Ranger: Favored Damage 2
Halfling Guile IV
Halfling Cunning
Monk Enhancements...
While the PA and CE seem to work at cross purposes... I figure while vorping trash mobs, you're using CE and when it comes to fiends, red nameds, aberrations, etc... you kick over to PA and DPS. Plus, situational manyshot... and whirlwind for no other reason than it looks cool on a monk style and you've already bought all the prereq feats (also good for grabbing aggro if you're CE'ed).
Did I mess up the feat progression at all... and is it trying to do too many things? Though maybe not the pit fiend beat down... I still think it would be *fun*.