Instead of 2 it was brought down at 12 with 30 seconds notice. Nicely done.
Instead of 2 it was brought down at 12 with 30 seconds notice. Nicely done.
“Logic is the anatomy of thought” Locke
Tyaen - Cleric 20
30 seconds? well hey, at least it was notice, and that will make up for all the "fixes" then put in.
Hey wait,
some one buy these guys a Digital wall clock, with BIG RED NUMBERS...May 28, 2008 - 12:14 PM - by Tolero
The Risia server will be brought down from 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) for a restart. We expect the downtime to last around 20 minutes. Thanks for your patience, and we'll see you back in the game soon!
It makes better players of all of us.
Darpa: Xoriat
you mean they brought down THEIR OWN TEST SERVER without notice to the paying custo, hey wait a second. I thought we pay to access the regular servers and the test server is OPTIONAL for those who want to, well...test stuff.
Oh, and just so you won't be surprised when it happens: they also have the right to wipe every character from that server, WITHOUT NOTICE, whenever they want...
plays violin and breaks out a bottle of wine for the OP
Scourge of Xoriat (RIP: Guardians of Light)Originally Posted by Gelatinous Cube
What time zone are you in? If you are in a central time zone or something further west than that, it would likely be exactly on time by the Eastern Standard Time Zone that the servers are operating on. Myself, I'm on Mountain Time(-7 GMT) Would have made it 11AM for me.