Playing with many different ideas for monks. Keep in mind I will have tomes to throw at level 1 and just wanted some feedback. Thanks =)
STR 10
DEX 17
CON 12
WIS 17
Tomes used at level 1: +2 INT, +2 DEX and +2 WIS.
The purpose of this monk is primarily to use his monk special attacks for generating critical hits, more ki, and thus more monk special attacks. Probably will be high maintenance but I love these types of buildsHe will also most likely play more like a rogue than a barbarian or fighter. Picking off opponents and dispatching them individually with stunning fist or quivering palm.
Feats of note: early levels will be taking Skill Focus:Concentration & Discipline for bonuses to concentration, and perhaps may hold on to them at end-game depending on how things pan out. Will also need weapon finesse. I suppose I could alter this build to go strength based, but reflex saves and AC would suffer greatly. I am primarily concerned about the reflex saves for evasion/imp evasion.
TWF feats will also be taken by suggestion from posters below, for additional strike chances for Ki/Monk Attacks.
I plan on alternating spent stat points in dexterity and wisdom. End-game stats should look something like (accounting for my extensive +2 tome habit):
STR 18
DEX 28
CON 20
INT 10
WIS 32 (+3 tome)
CHA 8 -> can be tomed up or items used for haggling
Enhancement Foci
Water & Air
Way of the Patient Tortoise
DiscussOpinions? How well did I grasp the concept?