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    Default Possible Monk Build - Human Ki Master

    Playing with many different ideas for monks. Keep in mind I will have tomes to throw at level 1 and just wanted some feedback. Thanks =)

    STR 10
    DEX 17
    CON 12
    INT 8
    WIS 17
    CHA 8

    Tomes used at level 1: +2 INT, +2 DEX and +2 WIS.

    The purpose of this monk is primarily to use his monk special attacks for generating critical hits, more ki, and thus more monk special attacks. Probably will be high maintenance but I love these types of builds He will also most likely play more like a rogue than a barbarian or fighter. Picking off opponents and dispatching them individually with stunning fist or quivering palm.

    Feats of note: early levels will be taking Skill Focus:Concentration & Discipline for bonuses to concentration, and perhaps may hold on to them at end-game depending on how things pan out. Will also need weapon finesse. I suppose I could alter this build to go strength based, but reflex saves and AC would suffer greatly. I am primarily concerned about the reflex saves for evasion/imp evasion.

    TWF feats will also be taken by suggestion from posters below, for additional strike chances for Ki/Monk Attacks.

    I plan on alternating spent stat points in dexterity and wisdom. End-game stats should look something like (accounting for my extensive +2 tome habit):
    STR 18
    DEX 28
    CON 20
    INT 10
    WIS 32 (+3 tome)
    CHA 8 -> can be tomed up or items used for haggling

    Enhancement Foci
    Water & Air
    Way of the Patient Tortoise

    Discuss Opinions? How well did I grasp the concept?
    Last edited by Aspenor; 05-28-2008 at 10:40 AM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Discuss Opinions? How well did I grasp the concept?
    You don't mention if you're planning for the TWF feats. With that dex, you can get take it. That would allow some special attacks to force twin saving throws, but not Stunning Fist. And, the usability of Quivering Palm with weapons is unknown... as is the general efficacy and affordability of that power.

    For all we know, it will be some unaffordable price like 100 Ki and be irrelevant to gameplay.

    You didn't mention it, but it's a given that a special-attack monk is going to take Path of Inevitable Dominion at level 3. The other path gives nice healing power, but Dominion is where the special attacks come from.

    I suspect the most popular will be Enduring Strike, Fist of Darkness, Enduring Strike, Pain Touch. Aside from the 16+2d6 damage, that forces a Will save or be Shaken, followed by a Fort save or be Nauseated. Failing the Will gives a -2 penalty on the following Fort save, and failing that leaves the victim unable to take actions.
    Last edited by Angelus_dead; 05-28-2008 at 09:47 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member RazorrX's Avatar
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    I am sure it would be fine, but just a thought on the stat mix there:

    IF you were to drop Dex and Wis by a point and use that to boost STR you would qualify for at least second Tier Stance/strikes. That may or may not be important to you though, so all in all I would not have a problem with the build.

    Right now I am thinking for my halfling monk:

    S 14
    D 16
    C 14
    I 8
    W 16
    C 8

    To start, but still not decided on that. Just would like tier 2 on all stances for now.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    You don't mention if you're planning for the TWF feats. With that dex, you can get take it. That would allow some special attacks to force twin saving throws, but not Stunning Fist. And, the usability of Quivering Palm with weapons is unknown... as is the general efficacy and affordability of that power.

    For all we know, it will be some unaffordable price like 100 Ki and be irrelevant to gameplay.
    Well that's pretty good to know A_D, I think I might try and put that into the build. As far as the Quivering Palm thing goes, I just am going to have to remain optimistic

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by RazorrX View Post
    I am sure it would be fine, but just a thought on the stat mix there:

    IF you were to drop Dex and Wis by a point and use that to boost STR you would qualify for at least second Tier Stance/strikes. That may or may not be important to you though, so all in all I would not have a problem with the build.

    Right now I am thinking for my halfling monk:

    S 14
    D 16
    C 14
    I 8
    W 16
    C 8

    To start, but still not decided on that. Just would like tier 2 on all stances for now.
    What is the req for them? Tomes ftw....

  6. #6
    Community Member RazorrX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    You don't mention if you're planning for the TWF feats. With that dex, you can get take it. That would allow some special attacks to force twin saving throws, but not Stunning Fist. And, the usability of Quivering Palm with weapons is unknown... as is the general efficacy and affordability of that power.

    For all we know, it will be some unaffordable price like 100 Ki and be irrelevant to gameplay.

    From the Dev last night Quivering Palm is 50 Ki.
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    Like I said input is welcome, I only have gained level 2 and I am projecting ideas into the future based on my limited knowledge. I'd probably wait to level a monk till others were high level, leveling my cleric with the monks. Then make mine and optimize him the way I like.

  8. #8
    Community Member RazorrX's Avatar
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    14 for Tier 2 and 16 for Tier 3 (base stat, no items, so stats, plus level ups, plus tomes, etc.)
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  9. #9
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    I suppose I could alter this build to go strength based, but reflex saves and AC would suffer greatly. I am primarily concerned about the reflex saves for evasion/imp evasion.

    Discuss Opinions? How well did I grasp the concept?

    That so far is the main reason I tried, then avoided, strength builds. The ones I boosted strength on were getting hammered even in the easiest quests.

    The one I've been happiest with is fairly balanced between str/dex/con -- and heavy on the wisdom, of course.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by RazorrX View Post
    14 for Tier 2 and 16 for Tier 3 (base stat, no items, so stats, plus level ups, plus tomes, etc.)
    Is that for all stances (i.e. fire, water, air, etc)? Or do they go off different stats?

    I wish I had more time to devote to Risia, but I have things going on after work alot Haven't been able to delve into it too deep.

  11. #11
    Community Member RazorrX's Avatar
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    Each stance has a stat for it: Wind is Dex, Air is Wis, Earth is Con and Fire is Str (I am pretty sure Earth and Fire, may be reversed).
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by RazorrX View Post
    Each stance has a stat for it: Wind is Dex, Air is Wis, Earth is Con and Fire is Str (I am pretty sure Earth and Fire, may be reversed).
    What about water? Or did I make that up

  13. #13
    Community Member RazorrX's Avatar
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    Sorry my bad:

    Wind : Dex
    Water: Wis
    Earth: Con
    Fire: Str

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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by RazorrX View Post
    Sorry my bad:

    Wind : Dex
    Water: Wis
    Earth: Con
    Fire: Str

    I was planning on focusing on the wind and water paths, so this is just right. Thanks

  15. #15
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    That so far is the main reason I tried, then avoided, strength builds. The ones I boosted strength on were getting hammered even in the easiest quests.

    The one I've been happiest with is fairly balanced between str/dex/con -- and heavy on the wisdom, of course.
    That's the earlier quests, though, where AC is king and mobs have less than 50 HP.

    At the higher levels, many of the dex-based monks (including my own) are really going to suffer when they are trying to beat down 10milHP mobs. This class could easily be the next ranger/rogue - sure there are some good ones - but we aren't going to post for one.

    In that light, unless you are making a build focused on the extreme AC's of the game (60+) I would highly recommend strength based builds.
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samadhi View Post
    That's the earlier quests, though, where AC is king and mobs have less than 50 HP.

    At the higher levels, many of the dex-based monks (including my own) are really going to suffer when they are trying to beat down 10milHP mobs. This class could easily be the next ranger/rogue - sure there are some good ones - but we aren't going to post for one.

    In that light, unless you are making a build focused on the extreme AC's of the game (60+) I would highly recommend strength based builds.
    It's not about the AC. It's the reflex saves. Evasion is useless without a good one.

  17. #17
    Community Member RazorrX's Avatar
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    Heh, yeah I mainly use those myself, but it is nice to be able to switch and throw one attack after another doing different damages to take something down fast.

    For example at level 8 you do 1d10 damage per blow, then add the following attacks in:

    2d6 lightning, 2d6 ice, 2d6 fire and 8 (i think it is 4 for tier 1 so double for tier 2?) damage, then rinse and repeat (add a 2d6 positive engergy vs undead if you are fighting them, as I plan on going light on live. Went dark on Risia)

    You would not get any finishing combos, but then you could clear out a mess really fast.

    I currently use +2 weighted 2% acid handwraps so do 1d10+6 acid per blow in addition to the above cycle.
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  18. #18
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    It's not about the AC. It's the reflex saves. Evasion is useless without a good one.
    Yes and no.

    I have a cleric with two levels of rogue. His reflex save, unbuffed, is a 21. Nothing particularly impressive; but not bottom of the barrel either.

    Can he walk through elite traps unarmed? Only if the traps are broken, lol, because he is failing those saves pretty much guaranteed.

    Now, can he take an elite delayed blast fireball from Arrae? You bet With a GH, I'm not sure that he ONLY fails on a 1, but its close.

    So I guess it just comes down to what you want the evasion for. A dex 10 halfling monk is going to end up with base saves at around 15, so once we throw in enhancements, gear, and a GH he is easily going to have enough evasion to comfortably handle enemy spells. You are definitely correct, however, that if you want to run through traps - you are going to need as much dex as you can get.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    The purpose of this monk is primarily to use his monk special attacks for generating critical hits, more ki, and thus more monk special attacks.
    It might turn out that that kind of build just doesn't have much of a role in DDO. We shall see.

    It may turn out that monk special attacks are not useful, because it's probable that any monster the monk could beat with Quivering Palm will already have been Fingered by a sorcerer before you get there. That'll leave behind creatures with either superior saving throws or flat-out immunity like undeads and bosses. A low-str monk who relied on save-or-die attacks might have trouble contributing anything to fighting them.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    It might turn out that that kind of build just doesn't have much of a role in DDO. We shall see.

    It may turn out that monk special attacks are not useful, because it's probable that any monster the monk could beat with Quivering Palm will already have been Fingered by a sorcerer before you get there. That'll leave behind creatures with either superior saving throws or flat-out immunity like undeads and bosses. A low-str monk who relied on save-or-die attacks might have trouble contributing anything to fighting them.
    Maybe. Not exceedingly concerned though. The same argument has been used against WotA II and when it is fixed, my rogue will have it.

    I am a roleplayer at heart and not overly concerned. I have the skills to make any build viable.

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