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Thread: Sword Master

  1. #1
    Community Member Brianius's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Sword Master

    This build is based on no use of ki ..... yes this will be a ki-less monk ..... crazy I think not. The idea came from watching Crouching Tiger the other day and is loosely based on the main character. The build is a bastard sword user that takes advantage of the monks wisdom bonus to ac. I also included Alternate Feats for someone who wishes to uses fists also.

    Fighter 14/Monk 2 Human 32 point build

    Starting Stats
    Str 16 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 14 Cha 8

    Dodge-Toughness-Least Sentinel Mark-Power Attack-Cleave-Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword-Weapon Focus:Slashing-Mobility-Weapon Specialization:Slashing-Great Cleave-Improved Critical:Slashing-Greater Weapon Focus:Slashing-Power Critical-Spring Attack-Greater Weapon Specialization:Slashing-Diehard -Precision

    Alternate Feats
    You can replace Cleave,Great Cleave, Diehard and or Presion for (Greater)WF:Blodgoning and (Greater)WS:Slashing feats

    Jump-19 Tumble-19 Swim-6 Balance-6 (if you use alternate stats exchange tumble for concentration-14.5)


    Fighter Toughness 4-Fighter Strength 3-Monk Wisdom 1-Human Adaptability Strength 1-Human Greater Adaptability Wisdom 1-Monk Animal Paths:Patient tortoise 1-Extra Dragon Mark 4-Fighter Critical Accuracy 4-Fighter Flanking Mastery 3

    Final Stats (Tomes +2 Str +2 Dex +2 Wis)
    Str 26 Dex 18 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 18 Cha 8

    Hp-281 / Ki-70
    Fort-14 / Ref-11 /Will-11
    NO!! I wont correct my spelling/grammar, and yes I lack the power of typed word.
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  2. #2
    Community Member wolfy42's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    You realize you are unbalanced and get no monk bonuses when wielding non-monk weapons right (other then still getting your wisdom bonus to ac...which wouldn't matter for your build).

    The only thing you would really get from the monk levels with your build is 1 extra feat (you get another bonus feat from 2 more fighter lvls anyway).

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by wolfy42
    The only thing you would really get from the monk levels with your build is 1 extra feat (you get another bonus feat from 2 more fighter lvls anyway).
    Evasion and +2 to all base saves (fort, reflex, and will) are nice to have as well.
    Server - Thelanis
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  4. #4


    Ya... sorry to say but this one doesn't make much sense...

    You would get a better armor class wearing armor and a shield that you are getting from wisdom, and if not using a shield you should really use a two handed weapon and not a bastard sword.
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