This build is based on no use of ki ..... yes this will be a ki-less monk ..... crazy I think not. The idea came from watching Crouching Tiger the other day and is loosely based on the main character. The build is a bastard sword user that takes advantage of the monks wisdom bonus to ac. I also included Alternate Feats for someone who wishes to uses fists also.
Fighter 14/Monk 2 Human 32 point build
Starting Stats
Str 16 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 14 Cha 8
Dodge-Toughness-Least Sentinel Mark-Power Attack-Cleave-Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword-Weapon Focus:Slashing-Mobility-Weapon Specialization:Slashing-Great Cleave-Improved Critical:Slashing-Greater Weapon Focus:Slashing-Power Critical-Spring Attack-Greater Weapon Specialization:Slashing-Diehard -Precision
Alternate Feats
You can replace Cleave,Great Cleave, Diehard and or Presion for (Greater)WF:Blodgoning and (Greater)WS:Slashing feats
Jump-19 Tumble-19 Swim-6 Balance-6 (if you use alternate stats exchange tumble for concentration-14.5)
Fighter Toughness 4-Fighter Strength 3-Monk Wisdom 1-Human Adaptability Strength 1-Human Greater Adaptability Wisdom 1-Monk Animal Paths:Patient tortoise 1-Extra Dragon Mark 4-Fighter Critical Accuracy 4-Fighter Flanking Mastery 3
Final Stats (Tomes +2 Str +2 Dex +2 Wis)
Str 26 Dex 18 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 18 Cha 8
Hp-281 / Ki-70
Fort-14 / Ref-11 /Will-11