Having been on Risia for the last day or so, I am seeing that the old model of character generation doesn't quite hold for Monks. Specifically, min/maxing doesn’t seem to work at all. The only dump stat for a monk is Chr and all of the other 5 attributes are important.
Str – As a melee class, this is a major attribute
Dex – Since armor can’t be worn without major disadvantage, Dex is a huge component of A/C
Con – Of obvious importance to boost the d8 hp, it is also of benefit to concentration
Int – Perhaps it’s the “newness” of the class, but I am having a lot of trouble allocating skill points. Concentration is a must, tumble and jump are huge (especially for the water school), and the hide/ms skills are pretty useful for soloing
Wis – As a component of Ki, A/C, Saves, and DC this the big one
Perhaps I am the only one who does not have access to the 32 point builds or a truck load of +2 tomes, but allocating 28 points over all of these is a huge challenge. After allocating 6 points to Str, Dex, Con, and Wis the extra 4 points seem better placed in INT than bumping up any of the other attributes to 16. I have tried some Drow builds, but their racial bonuses don’t seem to fit in with a monk in comparison to Human/WF/Dwarf/Halfling
As such, I find my normal build to be:
Str – 14
Dex – 14
Con - 14
Int – 12
Wis – 14
Chr – 8
If this is correct, it seems to imply that humans and dwarfs are the better choices from a “power” perspective.
Am I missing something?