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Thread: Invasion....

  1. #1
    Community Member Warmane's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Unhappy Invasion....

    Well, I sit here at work broken-hearted.... I played no DDO this weekend due to an invasion of my computer.... I was taking a break to eat lunch and had been pestered about re-opening a Myspace account by countless friends and family... so, after I ate my lunch, I thought I would open a new Myspace account.... I worked quickly, and in no time, I had verified my email account and started inviting old contacts back to Myspace page.... Next thing I know; pop-ups, lag spikes, and all kinds of other hell started breaking loose.... I sprang into action, activating spyware & virus programs to no avail.... My computer is now a not-so-expensive paperweight that needs an entire new motherboard, harddrive, and DvD drive... I might as well update the antiquated graphic card I've been using as well....

    I just needed to post this so that those of you who know me in-game on Khyber will know and understand what happened...

    BTW- it just kinda figures... I just paid for a 3 month subscription.... Blechhh....

    Proud member of the Stormreach Thieves Guild!! I WILL be back!! (hopefully before my subscription ends *crosses fingers*)
    I tried to put my signature here, but only succeeded in getting ink all over my screen!

  2. #2
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Warmane View Post
    Well, I sit here at work broken-hearted.... I played no DDO this weekend due to an invasion of my computer.... I was taking a break to eat lunch and had been pestered about re-opening a Myspace account by countless friends and family... so, after I ate my lunch, I thought I would open a new Myspace account.... I worked quickly, and in no time, I had verified my email account and started inviting old contacts back to Myspace page.... Next thing I know; pop-ups, lag spikes, and all kinds of other hell started breaking loose.... I sprang into action, activating spyware & virus programs to no avail.... My computer is now a not-so-expensive paperweight that needs an entire new motherboard, harddrive, and DvD drive... I might as well update the antiquated graphic card I've been using as well....

    I just needed to post this so that those of you who know me in-game on Khyber will know and understand what happened...

    BTW- it just kinda figures... I just paid for a 3 month subscription.... Blechhh....

    Proud member of the Stormreach Thieves Guild!! I WILL be back!! (hopefully before my subscription ends *crosses fingers*)

    Sorry to hear about that.

    Good luck.

    I hope you get up and running again soon.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    How does a Myspace account destroy your DVD drive? I've used MySpace for years and have never had any problems. Just don't click on those stupid spyware links and virus videos!
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