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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Health's Trade List - Looking for Rapiers

    I am looking for Rapiers for my ranger, and also boots of the innocent - I am open to large ingredient offers as well

    Here is what I have for trade:

    Shield Pieces - (3x) Piece 1, Piece 2, (3x) Piece 4, Piece 5, Piece 6, Piece 7, Piece 8

    Large Ingredients
    5x Bones
    2x Stones
    2x Scales
    2x Arrowheads
    3x Shrapnels

    Greater Fire Resistance, Cha +1 - level 13
    Heavy Fort, Con +1 - level 13
    Heavy Fort, Con +1 - level 13
    Ring of Spell Storing (3 charges of 25 mana each per day) - level 10
    Disease Immunity Ring of Protection +4 - level 13

    Con +5, Spell Resistance +13 - level 15
    Con +5, Light Fort - level 15
    Greater False Life, Con +1 - level 13

    Aquatic Bracers, +13 swim, underwater action, improved cold resistance - level 11
    +6 Str - level 13
    Necromancy Focus, Repair +3 - level 9
    Chaosgarde - level 9

    Cha +6, Haggle +3, rr Human - level 13
    Cha +6, Haggle +3 - level 15
    Int +6 - level 13
    Wizardry VII (175 mana) - level 15

    Greater Acid Resistance - level 11
    Greater Acid Resistance, Cha +1 - level 13
    Greater Cold Resistance, Cha +1 - level 13
    Greater Sonic Resistance, Cha +2 - level 15
    Greater Fire Resistance, Cha +1 - level 13
    +6 Cha, 1 Charge of Invisibility - level 15
    Protection +5, level 13
    +6 Cha - level 13

    Blindness Immunity, Disable Device +10 - level

    +5 Heavy Mithril Shield of Stability - level 10
    Bulwark of the Storm's Fist - +3 Heavy, +5 Con - level 12
    +5 Mithril Tower Shield - level 8

    +6 Wis, Bluff +5, rr Dwarf (UMD 22) - level 15
    +6 Con - level 13
    Jorgundal's Collar - level 13
    Protection +5, Con +1 - level 15

    +3 Twilight Mithril Chain Shirt - level 10
    Deathblock Robe of Heavy Fort - level 14
    +3 Twilight Mithril Full Plate of Lesser Restoration (1 Charge), rr Halfling (UMD 20) - level 10
    +2 Docent of Blood (10% better healing for warforged, -10% fort) - level 2

    Dex +6, Balance +5, rr Dwarf (UMD 22) - level 15

    Kardin's Eye (resistance +5) - level 11

    Blunt Weaps
    +3 Transmuting Heavy Mace of Greater Evil Outsider Bane - level 14
    +1 Banishing Heavy Mace - level 10
    +2 Ghost Touch Heavy Mace of Disruption - level 14
    +1 Bodyfeeder Heavy Mace of Greater Undead Bane - level 12
    +2 Light Mace of Smiting - level 12
    +1 Banishing Light Mace of Deception - level 12
    +3 Cursespewing Light Mace of Shattermantle - level 12

    Pierce Weaps
    +2 Weakening returning throwing dart of precision, rr Warforged (UMD 20) - level 10
    +1 Anarchic Repeating Light Crossbow of Puncturing - level 8

    Slash Weaps
    +1 Vorpal Longsword of Enfeebling, rr Human (UMD 22) - level 12
    +1 Vorpal Longsword of Everbright - level 14
    +1 Vorpal Silver Bastard Sword of Tendon Slice - level 12
    +2 Transmuting Scimitar of Greater Undead Bane - level 12
    +1 Shock Greatsword of Smiting - level 12
    +3 Flaming Burst Adamantine Handaxe of Shattermantle - level 10
    +3 Icy Burst Shortsword of Pure Good, rr Halfling (UMD 20) - level 8
    +3 Shocking Burst BattleAxe of Shattermantle - level 10
    +2 Flaming Burst GreatAxe of Enfeebling - level 10
    +1 Flaming Burst Dwarven Axe of Enfeebling - level 8

    Throw Ins + Top Offs
    12x Shreds of Tapestry
    2x Blue Scales
    1x Black Scale
    3x Siberys Dragon Shards
    200x Tasty Hams
    2x Collapsed Portable Hole
    Last edited by Health; 05-26-2008 at 01:42 AM.

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