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Thread: Crucible

  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Thelmallen
    Has anyone tried doing this with a hireling yet or are there areas where you need a player character to do specific things you can't make a hireling do?
    The maze is doable with a hireling. However, you have to be very careful with your targetting and timing as the moment you select the crests to pick them up it deselects the levers, thus making it impossible to tell your hireling to use it. There are two spots where you have to tell the hireling to use the lever, quickly snag the crest, and run back past the door. If you fail to do them swiftly enough then you have to recall out and step back in to try again.
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  2. #22
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    Resurrecting this old thread to ask a question.

    I've run crucible a ton but have never actually lead the maze portion. I'm usually on a valve or following the leader.

    How do you open the center portcullises that surround he horn? On Mr. Cow's awesome map, they are the red-colored doors.

    EDITED: I should be more clear: Which crests open which doors? I can see where to get the crest and where to use it but I'd like to know which door matches which crest by name (snake, scorpion, etc.)
    Last edited by Draccus; 12-30-2009 at 01:34 PM.

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  3. #23
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draccus View Post
    Resurrecting this old thread to ask a question.

    I've run crucible a ton but have never actually lead the maze portion. I'm usually on a valve or following the leader.

    How do you open the center portcullises that surround he horn? On Mr. Cow's awesome map, they are the red-colored doors.

    EDITED: I should be more clear: Which crests open which doors? I can see where to get the crest and where to use it but I'd like to know which door matches which crest by name (snake, scorpion, etc.)
    IIRC it changes.
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  4. #24
    Community Member Dozen_Black_Roses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draccus View Post
    Resurrecting this old thread to ask a question.

    I've run crucible a ton but have never actually lead the maze portion. I'm usually on a valve or following the leader.

    How do you open the center portcullises that surround he horn? On Mr. Cow's awesome map, they are the red-colored doors.

    EDITED: I should be more clear: Which crests open which doors? I can see where to get the crest and where to use it but I'd like to know which door matches which crest by name (snake, scorpion, etc.)
    Quik is correct, the crests are randomly placed behind the 3 doors so each time you run it you will have to find them and hope for the best as you place them. If not clear, the crests are always in the same locations (2 near I lever, 1 near K lever) in the dungeon, but what crest you find at that location is random (i.e. bat setc)
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  5. #25
    Founder Draven's Avatar
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    I have been lazy and relied on others to solve this maze for years, and now that I've been forced to learn it your map has been a life saver. Thanks so much!
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  6. #26
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    Now i can finally attempt to solo this quest >.O. Thanks a lot Mr Cow, VERY Handy.

  7. #27
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    its easily soloable if u have any 'boost' to run speed(AKA monk, ranger, etc) that stacks with haste. Just 'run past' the maze, and do the horn LAST(After u killl the guys at the end, run back to maze, go up ladder at the back, hop accross and down where horn is, grab horn, done)

  8. #28
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    its easily soloable if u have any 'boost' to run speed(AKA monk, ranger, etc) that stacks with haste. Just 'run past' the maze, and do the horn LAST(After u killl the guys at the end, run back to maze, go up ladder at the back, hop accross and down where horn is, grab horn, done)
    I thought they fixed that. I thought you could only res past that door now. Been a long time since ive tried it personally but tis what I thought
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
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  9. #29
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    Did it with my rog a while back, not sure what lv, but was doing it for fun. Was hasted, not capped, but had 6 or 7 levels of monk run speed. Everyone else ive seen try can't make it to the door.(A monk or fvs could prob just abundant step or wing it, idk, i'll have to try on mali sometime soon)

    But yes its hit or miss, sometimes u hit an 'invisible' wall as the door closes, but other times u slide right though.

    The key is to be invis/sneaking up that last little hallway before the stairs, drop sneak and book it though(with haste, bet anyone with barb/ranger run boosts/monk speed, etc could do it. but it does require haste)

  10. #30
    Hero knockcocker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    Did it with my rog a while back, not sure what lv, but was doing it for fun. Was hasted, not capped, but had 6 or 7 levels of monk run speed. Everyone else ive seen try can't make it to the door.(A monk or fvs could prob just abundant step or wing it, idk, i'll have to try on mali sometime soon)

    But yes its hit or miss, sometimes u hit an 'invisible' wall as the door closes, but other times u slide right though.

    The key is to be invis/sneaking up that last little hallway before the stairs, drop sneak and book it though(with haste, bet anyone with barb/ranger run boosts/monk speed, etc could do it. but it does require haste)
    Yes, IMO they've definitely altered this again. Originally you could get through just hasted. It then got harder
    but I could still do it 1 in 3 times using shadow walk. Now, only my L20 monk using Abundant Step is quick enough
    to get through.

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