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  1. #61
    Community Member Inspire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red_Knight View Post
    No handwrap to bypass a specific DR? Which DR is that? Adamantine? We can bypass that unarmed naturally at high enough level. Lawful? We bypass that too naturally after a while. How about DR of */blunt? gotcha. Anything else, get a good pair of transmutating kama?

    As for the lack of critical threat making us suck vs trash mobs, I call bull on that. Monks get higher base damage to begin with. While your 'requiring' a crit range of 15-20 to be able to deal 'decent' damage vs a trash mob, I'm likely keeping up or almost keeping up without having to crit all the time. If your idea of "decent damage" vs a trash mob is dealing 200 damage more then their health on every attack... I feel sorry for you. I don't see how you could stand leveling if you require that much damage or you feel gimped.

    I know mobs get more health as you go up in levels, but I'm already thinking my monk does pretty good damage. And it'll get better still. I'm glad I'm not one of those min/max guys like you. I can have fun without dishing out more damage then should be possible for a D&D character.

    I mean really, DDO is the only form of D&D where I've ever heard of someone dealing over a hundred damage with an axe regularly. I'm personally thinking that DDO didn't really need the enhancement system. I like it, but it's not needed. People look at it, and forget the enhancements are suppose to be nice extras you can use to customize your abilities with, not core features.
    Stunning Fist on trash mobs with Weighted 5% Handwraps = DPS

    On Arreatrikos and Suulomades Untouchable uses either +3 Shocking Burst or Greater Evil Outsider Bane or +5 Transmuting Kama of Decpetion and a +5 Transmuting Kama of Slowburst, however, I like the Handwraps over the Kamas on Normal difficulties.

    Crits are in the 55-70s range on my Monk which isnt terrible considering Master of Thunder and constantly stunned mobs.

    Im hoping M9 throws Monks another bone.

  2. #62
    Community Member Inspire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobioG View Post
    theres a lot fun stuff whith monks like madatation ad ways of the monk and i think one of the ways of the monk gives u 1 raise dead and i build my monk

    15 strength
    10 dexterity
    14 wis
    8 intelegeince

    and actually pretty nice and for sklls....

    4 concentration
    4 tumble
    4 umd
    4 move silently

    so that was skills heres feats....

    stunning feats

    granted feats i dont remember i just now 1

    finishing moves

    at lvl 2 u get


    and u put them all together u get 11 points of daage.but really it was 15 strength.
    and te best thing for a monk is halfling.
    I dont understand any of this.

  3. #63
    Community Member feynman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red_Knight View Post
    No handwrap to bypass a specific DR? Which DR is that? Adamantine? We can bypass that unarmed naturally at high enough level. Lawful? We bypass that too naturally after a while. How about DR of */blunt? gotcha. Anything else, get a good pair of transmutating kama?
    Yea, go try that on Harry or Suulo; you know, the boss fight, usually the only fight in any quest where DPS actually matters?

    Quote Originally Posted by Red_Knight View Post
    As for the lack of critical threat making us suck vs trash mobs, I call bull on that. Monks get higher base damage to begin with. While your 'requiring' a crit range of 15-20 to be able to deal 'decent' damage vs a trash mob, I'm likely keeping up or almost keeping up without having to crit all the time. If your idea of "decent damage" vs a trash mob is dealing 200 damage more then their health on every attack... I feel sorry for you. I don't see how you could stand leveling if you require that much damage or you feel gimped.
    You don't play end game quests at all, do you? Monks didn't used to be allowed on shroud runs at all; it only started happening after everyone got good enough to carry a dead weight character, and you still won't see more than one or two monks in any shroud run. Well, any shroud run that actually completes, anyway.

    As for higher base damage, I've run the numbers 5 times now, and it just doesn't add up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Red_Knight View Post
    I know mobs get more health as you go up in levels, but I'm already thinking my monk does pretty good damage. And it'll get better still. I'm glad I'm not one of those min/max guys like you. I can have fun without dishing out more damage then should be possible for a D&D character.
    I am absolutely not a "min/max guy"; my monk hits 30 in STR, DEX, or WIS depending on stance. Level up a real DPS character, then go back to your monk and you will never say anything like "monk does pretty good damage" again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Red_Knight View Post
    I mean really, DDO is the only form of D&D where I've ever heard of someone dealing over a hundred damage with an axe regularly. I'm personally thinking that DDO didn't really need the enhancement system. I like it, but it's not needed. People look at it, and forget the enhancements are suppose to be nice extras you can use to customize your abilities with, not core features.
    DDO is also the only form of D&D where monsters have thousands of HP, unlimited spellcasting, blanket immunities, complete invulnerability (xzizzy), etc. Now, you might argue that it should be different, and I might agree, but I don't play the game the way it's supposed to be, I play it the way it is.

  4. #64
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    Would this build be viable as a drow to make up for not having 32 point builds?

  5. #65
    Community Member apacheizm23's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Originally Posted by maddmatt70
    {If this was a solo contest I would build a wf wiz with 1 rogue level for the rogue skills (probably give it good melee skills as well) and trump your monk build so what is your point. Rangers make great soloists and can cast resists on themselves, pallys too with an evasion splash. There are better builds for soloing quests.}

    {VTECFIEND99}Is it a career you have chosen to be a **** every time you post?

    LOL Maybe its a lack of Puddy.
    Last edited by apacheizm23; 06-30-2009 at 11:35 AM.
    2006/VIP BROOKLYN N.Y.

  6. #66
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    Okay, I know this post hasn't been updated since June, but I'm curious...there's 2 templates posted with 2 different use of skills and enhancements (one on page 1 and another on page 20).

    I'm guessing the template in the original post is the most current, having used Planner 3.0, but was just curious.

    Are either of these still viable?

    I'm new to the whole Monk thing and am trying to get current info for a Halfling, mostly solo Monk.

    Any info is greatly appreciated.

  7. #67


    Im currently leveling a similar build now (didnt see this build before I rolled him... but its very close). Early indication... this dude is fast and connects virtually every time. Definitely a fun build.

    However, looking forward to Inspire's comments on this build in current DDO climate.

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