Weekly Development Activities
The following are items which are in development or QA testing for release in Module X.
Skills, Feats, & Abilities
General Skill Changes
NEW Climbing is now possible! This will be a class skill for bards/rangers/rogues, and cross-class for all others. Depending on where you are, this could lead to hidden treasures, high ground for ranged attacks, or simply a place to appreciate a better view of things...
NEW Rogues have rediscovered their ability to pick the pockets of their enemies! The more unscrupulous among them have even begun testing their newly restored skills on the city's vendors and attempting to steal their wares. Doing so has brought great rewards, but only at great risk...
NEW Frustrated warriors with no lockpicking friends take heart! You may now use that hand axe or light mace to bash open a locked chest. Care should be taken, though, as a misplaced strike or use of a heavier weapon may result in damage or destruction of the contents...
NEW After countless requests, collectors will now accept bulk turn-ins of collectibles. (Hope you've got space for everything...)
NEW In the interest of customer relations, an adventurer who achieves a certain level of favor will be able to choose their turn-in reward from a collector's available items instead of a random selection.
NEW Randomization! In the interest of making things more interesting, roaming monsters will now have the possibility to spawn in different areas of the map than they currently do. (To keep things from being TOO chaotic, the gods have decreed that the initial entry area for players is "Off Limits" to spawns.)
NEW Tired of all the junk that keeps piling up, the gods have become a little more finicky in what they claim when monsters die. It will now be possible to find some random loot on a slain creature's body before it dissipates.
NEW In the interest of balance, the gods have decided that since monsters no longer take damage as stupidly as before, they shall not be able to take as much before dying.
NEW The testing and quality trials are over. Tanglefoot bags and flaming oil flasks are now available for purchase!