Can monks benefit at all from being a WF??
Is there good reason to be WF...
Let open up that can of worms..
A Bruce Lee construct..
Can monks benefit at all from being a WF??
Is there good reason to be WF...
Let open up that can of worms..
A Bruce Lee construct..
Llocke, Human CLERIC 14.49999---Ghallanda
Weslocke, Halfling ROGUE 9.4---Ghallanda
Deev, Human WIZARD 8.3---Ghallanda
JT, Human "Maldini Weapon Master" FIGHTER 13.1---Ghallanda
Sagarmartha, Drow 4.1 BARD---Ghallanda
Llocke, Human CLERIC 10.1---Argo
Yaheil, Dwarven BARBARIAN 3.1 --Argo
MechKai, Human FIGHTER 1/RANGER 1 4.2 --Argo
Weslocke, Halfling TWF Fighter 6.1 --Argo
Schelshokt, Drow Sorc. 3.1-Argo
Eastlocke, Human Fighter 4.1 - Argo
Immunity to energy drain and paralysis effects. The tactics line also compliments the fact that a fair amount of monks will have stunning blow (fire stance + critical hits = lots of KI).
Server - Thelanis
As far as I'm concerned, there is no other choice for monks...or any other class.
My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.
LMAO Ghoste. Nice.
Also figure in that WF get a racial bonus, and enhancements towards, Con. Since one of the Monk's more important skills is Concentration (a Con skill), WF make rather great monks. Out of the several races/builds I've tried, my WF is by far my favorite.
Good To See Im Not Gonna Be The Only Wf Monk Running Around....
At low level you definately have a nice bonus to your armor class from composite body and docents. Sure there are armor 7 bracers but I've yet to see one. (I got a 6 recently). And if the alchemical ritual works on docents thats 8 armor.
And of course there are the immunities although monks get some of their own eventualy.
The down side is less wisdom which is a bummer for a monk.
i got it.
Disciple of Abberations.
Pre-req- Wf, Monk lv 10.
While in your Major Abberant Stance, you gain access to a breath weapon. This Breath weapon is usable three times per rest, and the power varies according to this chart:
Monk Level Size/Damage
10-12 15ft. cone of Rust Monsters (cr 6 each)
13-15 60ft. cone containg three Beholders (cr 12 each)
16 120ft. cone of Mind Flayers (cr 14 each)
120ft cone of Mind Flayers(which deal Bludgeoning damage when spewed at your enemies, then are a real PAIN to contend with) is really worth taking a full 16 level of monk as a WF.