Want to heal and buff?
Go human. Versatility, extra skill point, and extra feat. Great for a cleric.
28 pt Human: 8 Str - 8 Dex - 14 Con - 10 Int - 18 Wis - 12 Cha (at 32 pt build go 10 str and 14 cha) Bump your Wisdom at Lvl 4, Lvl 8, Lvl 12, and Lvl 16. You can easily get to a 34 Wisdom by Lvl 16.
Skill Points: With Human you get 3/level, so max Concentration, Heal and Jump (trust me)
Lvl 1 - Empower Healing and Toughness (Bonus Human Feat)
Lvl 3 - Extend
Lvl 6 - Quicken
Lvl 9 - Spell Focus
Lvl 12 - Spell Penetration
Lvl 15 - Greater Spell Penetration
Find a belt of the seven ideals and max spell penetration enhancement line and that's a +9 to Spell Pen at Level 16, or, if you can't afford the 6 points for that last Spell pen, take 2 enhancement levels and have a +8.
What's the plan? What are we trying to accomplish?
Well, I've known a few people who wnted to build "I just want to buff and heal" Clerics. What usually happens is, after about 8 to 10 levels, they are bored stiff with the role.
This build will allow you to buff and heal and do a great job, then when you are bored with that, it will allow you to cast wicked Blade Barriers and later effective Destructions. Your DC will be very high, and the spell pen will keep the resistant MOBs from avoiding the Destruction Spell. These also help with glyphs and words, etc.
What I'm saying is, you will buff and heal early, then become a killing machine while STILL buffing and healing in the more fun levels. Trust me, people love a cleric that keeps them alive, but the LOVE a Cleric that can keep them alive while chopping, instakilling, or stunning/blinding all the MOBS so that the run is really smooth.
Sure, you will have no Strength, but you will have enough to cart around your loot, even at 8 strength. If you have an issue, carry Bulls Strength and use it when you are burdened. Later on, have a Str item handy that you can put on if you need it.
Don't worry about Dex, Armor class is an all or nothing issue at Lvl 16. You may as well wear robes around after level 14 for all the difference it makes.
Constitution - you will have enough HP to keep yourself alive. Heck, YOU are the cleric. You know who has first priority in healing.
Intelligence - Enough to get the skill points you need, more would be wasted.
Wisdom - KEY stat. High Wis helps with Spell points, Will save, and DC. IMO, strong Wis makes for a strong Cleric.
Charisma - it would be nice to have more, but 28 point build limits.