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  1. #1
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Arrow Tell The DDO Community Team #21

    Behold! The might feedback thread, in all its glory!

    How it works:
    I'll be asking you questions, and here in my thread, you tell me: What comes to mind; what you think; how you feel; etc, as it relates to the question(s) at hand. If you missed the previous week's questions, they'll be listed below and you can answer them here too. Thank you so much to everyone for offering their answers!

    Ground Rules:
    Before we get started, let's lay down three ground rules if you're going to participate in the thread. These ground rules also have a few samples to help clarify participation:

    #1 - The single most important rule to remember while participating in this thread is:
    No personal attacks.
    If you disagree with the opinion of another participant, that's fine, but no one can make anyone agree to their opinion. Thus, please refrain from commenting on the personal qualities of others who offer their responses to the question(s). Personal attacks go against forum guidelines. Questions asked will be subjective, and some users will have a lot related to their opinion, while others may only define things in short phrases. All forms are acceptable.
    Hypothetical Example:
    Tolero "Do you like ice cream?"
    Player 1 "I hate ice cream because it's too tough to scoop"
    Acceptable "I like it. It's not that bad to scoop once you let it sit on the counter for a little bit before you try to dip it Player 1."
    Acceptable "I like it but I have the same problem as Player 1. What brand is it Player 1?"
    Acceptable "I don't think it's too hard, I never have any problem with it. I like ice cream."
    Unacceptable "That's cause you're a noob..."
    Unacceptable "You don't have enough experience with scooping to be talking about how difficult it is"
    Unacceptable "How about you back that opinion up with some numbers. If you can't prove it don't bring it here"

    Everyone has the right to offer their response to the question(s), whether they have scientific data to back up their feelings, or they simply just "feel" a certain way towards the question(s).

    #2 - Participate as well as discuss.
    If you would like to join in the discussion, please be sure to offer your response to the questions as well, in addition to your conversation with any other thread participants
    Hypothetical Example:
    Tolero "What's your favorite color?"
    Player 1 "Blue"
    Player 2 "Green"
    Acceptable "Purple... hey Player 2, how come you like Green?"
    Unacceptable "hey Player 2 how come you like Green?"

    Please be sure to take the time to offer your own opinion of the question(s) before you engage in a discussion about other people's opinions in the thread.

    #3 - Don't recycle the above hypothetical examples in your responses as it spams the thread.
    -------------------------- Let's Get Started! --------------------------

    If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:

    Question 1
    Which of the following do you prefer to play DDO with:
    • Standard Keyboard
    • Standard Mouse
    • "Gaming centric" keyboard (example: G-15)
    • "Gaming centric" or specialty mouse (example: trackball, weight cartridge, etc)
    • Game controllers (example: x-box)
    • Other (please specify)

    Question 2
    What is your greatest in-game achievement?

    Question 3
    Do you visit any DDO related fansites? If so, which is your favorite and why?

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?

  2. #2
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.

    Crafting? Sitting in chairs? Worldwide chat channels for auctions, badinage, all that.

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?

    10-12 are the worst now.

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?

    Quests, Groups, and raid gear

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?

    Finding ways to avoid fights and outsmart enemies.. snack food, .. miniatures to hold in my hands...
    <|| “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” ||>
    AEsahaettr | AlfredSartan | Botharel | PeterMurphy | Weesham etc.

  3. #3
    Community Member RioRussell's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.
    Darts. Some sort of tavern game to keep some semblance of RP feel but have something mindless to do.

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?
    Without a doubt levels 8 and 9. After you hit 10 you get many more options. This might be self inflicted though. I can think of many quest series available in that level range, but I always feel like my characters get bogged down in that area.

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?
    This ones easy: Active Combat, the iconic DnD experience (monsters, spells, feats), and my RL friends I've had for 25 years getting together on tuesday night to group together.

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?
    Tough question. Don't play many games other than DDO. I am a big eye candy fan... the new DX10 features are great, I also like anything that will bring my quad extreme edition w/ nvidia 8800 to its knees...

    Golyat, Thelonies, Mavete, Uzziah

  4. #4
    Community Member Altarboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.
    Pillaging...or slayer

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?
    The people, The Combat system and the new raid loot system

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?
    Hmmm...Tough question....I feel this game has it all...
    How about solo content in the mid levels
    er....ummmmm.....something else
    Thats all for now...I'll prolly edit
    Chaotic Evil:-Baptismoffire-Tantholos-AltarboyBaptism- Sabott -Caneye-DunkachinoThingamabob- Dejay-Cubscout
    “Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word"safe" that I was previously unaware of"; -Douglas Adams

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?
    1) Mini-games! You ought to get WotC to fund implementing Three Dragon Ante and Inn Fighting. Oooh and D&D miniatures.
    2) From about 7th to whatever is 4 levels less than the cap.
    3) Story/plot. Active Combat. Various character creation/customization options.
    4) More involved visual character customization. (Other than that, it's mostly just improvement for existing things.)
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  6. #6
    Founder Sem34's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.
    ??? Other then Questing… Hmm Crafting comes to mind, a quick pvp match would be kind of fun… kind of like Call of Duty or Halo. Where all you have to do is jump in and catch a match. Quick, fun, also could get a different type of exp or player bonus.

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?
    8-10… for me and I think most of the player base, this is where it hurts

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?
    Combat… Character development (just wish we could have different icons in the LFM/LFG)

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?
    Open areas (understand this is for only the first few times then it gets old)
    Boats, Horses, Trains, (airships)… again could be the first few times then could have an option to just jump to quest/inn/town.
    formerly Riedra now Khyber
    Red Gauntlet Regiment(Co-Founder)
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  7. #7
    Community Member Holgar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.?
    Traveling. Like LOTRO travelling. I think it would be cool to walk (or ride!) from one place to another, not just teleport. Let people who have travelled to a place teleport afterwards, but I feel that players should have to actually find the place first. That was my absolute favorite feature of LOTRO, and I miss that a lot now that I've returned to DDO.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date??
    12-14. That's because no one plays the Necropolis quests unless they are looting for shield fragments or favor. I think DDO needs a brand new set of quests to accommodate these levels. Even if the Necropolis quests are fixed, they are simply not enjoyable to most players. Your own research into player quest-playing probably reveals this too. I know some people like them, but most people do not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO??
    1. Character Customization

    2. Combat System

    3. Graphics

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?
    1. Solo advancement: I think every non-raid quest should have the ability to be played on solo. Even if it has a slightly reduced Base XP like the current solo quests. I can't tell you how amazing that would be for this game. Yes, I like playing with other people most of the time. And I like being in a world inhabited by lots of people too. But there are lots of times when I'm really in the mood to play solo. And there is not much option for this in the upper levels.

    2. Random dungeons: Man, my guild would really love to walk into a dungeon of a set level and have no idea what was going to happen. We would love to not know where any traps are, and not have to know some crazy order that the quest is "supposed" to be played in. We would like to just walk in and see how far we can go. And if we get to the end, we drop one level lower and try our luck...

    3. Upper level quests that are just for fun: Epic quests and storylines are great and all. But short or medium-length quests are fun too. And these just don't exist at the upper levels. Not everything has to be super-clever. Sometimes it's fun just to get from point A to point B and live to tell the tale!

    Last edited by Holgar; 05-20-2008 at 01:12 PM.

  8. #8
    Hatchery Founder
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    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.

    Hmm, there's quite a number of things. But I think I would really like it if the music system from LOTRO was in the game. That, or an impromtu duel system so I don't have to go to a tavern whenever I felt like picking a fight.

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?

    It changes every time the level cap increases, but right now I think 7-12 is especially difficult.

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?

    Combat System
    Character Customization (in terms of stats, skills, enhancements)
    Platforming (Some people really hate it, but I love jumping across cliffs and up pipes)

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?

    This is kinda a hard question to answer....but here goes.

    Two of my favorite combat systems outside of DDO would be in Prince of Persia, and more recently, Assassin's Creed. They're simple, but not so simple it's boring. DDO's combat system, while better than any other MMO, feels a little too simple at time. At the very least, it would be kinda nice if dodging blows through tumbling or parrying was possible.

    I really like other MMO's wider variety in character appearance and equipment appearance. It would be nice if things like gloves and boots actually showed up to further customize our appearance.

    And again, I think I'll point over to LOTRO's music system. I really think that would be a nice addition to DDO.
    RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
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    Coldin-Artificer; Lynton-Bard; Alydyn-Swashbuckler;
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  9. #9
    Community Member Arcanoid's Avatar
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    1) Non Questing: Gambling.... let me buy some different level chips and play some slot machines to win uber loot for different levels

  10. #10
    Community Member kruggar's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.

    crafting would be fun..

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?

    no doubt the lvl 8 to 13 - its a living hell... right now.. too many people capped doing raids non stop or new players bellow lvl range.. the middle is by far the worst to lvl up.

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?

    combat system
    spell using sps
    the friends i made in game

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?

    character appearence customization
    alliance system between guilds
    crafting ( a real system not the grind we have to do right now )

  11. #11
    Community Member Pellegro's Avatar
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    Thanks to Russell for the formatting ...

    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.
    Entertaining minigames that can be played in group while waiting for quests. Optimally, not something we'd have to go anywhere to play, but perhaps just bring up a window or something. They'd have to be fast paced, and preferably would allow for betting. Slower more involved games played in taverns (but again in groups taking adantage of in-party chat) would also be interesting, I suppose.

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?
    8-12 presently. By formula the range between MaxLevel - 4 and MaxLevel - 8

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?
    Active Combat; the DnD reference base (monsters, spells, feats, rules); the well-done quests

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?
    I used to enjoy one-player games of all sorts but since discovery MMOs and the real-life interactions, I seldom play them now. I like eye-candy. I have to admit I do enjoy the exploring aspect of some other MMOs that I've played/tried where you really feel like you're out in the middle of nowhere with nobody else around ... I guess lastly I'd say being overwhelmed by new systems. Recent addition of crafting did this - gave us something wholly new to learn. Its a big reason I have tried other games to try and "master" new material / systems. Raids are kind of like this to a lesser extent ....

  12. #12
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.

    Going to my character bank and looking at ALL my stuff from ALL my toons in one account so I can easily move money and equipment around without taking a week to do it.

    Going into the dozens of high level 'short quests' for fun and profit (these short quick quests do not exist at the moment). Each mod adds a few quests and that is it. How about giant cave stuff, short wild fights and a chest or two? Just add 10 or twenty each time you add a mod.

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?

    The first 10 levels. It is no longer any fun to run the grind of the same quests to get to this level. I would rather I could just start at 10 and be done with it. It seriously killed my interest in the game.

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?

    Online friends, grouping, challenge of solo/low level/small group in dungeons. Going into dungeons that make sense. Gianthold and tempest spine (oops, that was 'used to be favorite')

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?

    1- more thought out and user friendly interfaces for things like the auction house, character sheets, and other informative or useful things.

    2- pistols and rifles

    3- a huge outddor area with lots of things to 10 times the size of vale, that is made for raid size groups and not small groups.
    Cannon fodder build The Stalwart Defender, Raid Tank
    Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!!!! Epic Fail (started 1/13/10, necro'd 3/9/10, 4/20/10, raised dead 3/ 9/11, necro'd 4/9/11, 5/28/11, fame petition necro 8/5/11, necro'd 9/30/11, KIA 10/3/11, True reincarnated famed (by cleric Cordovan) 10/4/11,

  13. #13
    Community Member Tharlak's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.

    Tavern games, the suggestion for darts is great. Something that can help buld comraderie outside of combat.

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?


    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?

    It's DND, the combat system, instanced play (if you consider that different from combat itself).

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?

    Don't do much outside of DDO right now, but what I think that DDO could use is a stronger underlying story. This was prevelant in many of the single player DND games that were out for the PC some years ago.

  14. #14
    Community Member The_Ick's Avatar
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    Default 42

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.
    Create and use items to decorate player house, guild halls, and my characters

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?
    8-11, expanding the power gaming level range from 3 to 4 would help this alot.

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?
    1) Combat
    2) Voice Chat
    3) Questing system (although not the devepopment time for it)

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?
    1) Player housing
    2) Player economy
    3) 20+ person raids.
    My Responses

  15. #15
    Stormreach Mentor ccheath776's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.

    Well crafting would be one as that can be done while not in a quest. I also wouldnt mind some more inventive gambling games that are not text based. I would really like the ability to build something like a house or whatever.

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?

    9 - 13 by a wide margin. While its not impossible, its a challenge. Once you hit 9 there is nobody to run Tempest spine, artaxia's haven does not give out enough xp, and your only option is maybe the desert but nobody runs that anymore either. So your stuck.

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?

    RTC ( real time combat ) DDO does it best. Instance quest ( some people dont like this but I think its great for this game ). Dev team ( They have some talent )

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?

    Customization ( the ability tomake my character my own ), Varied combat ( a way to make the typical punch, kick, punch less repetetive ). Easy to start and replayable ( If I cant figure out a game in 10 minutes I usually take it back to the store. Games should be quick to learn tough to master. I also want a game that I want to play over and over again.
    Who's the more foolish, the fool or the one who sends it a res.
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  16. #16
    Founder & Hero DagazUlf's Avatar
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    This week's answer(s) are:

    Answer 1
    As previously noted, mini-games would be fun. A guildhall could also encompass a lot of activities depending on how they are implemented.

    Answer 2
    8ish to 11ish

    Answer 3
    The Exploration Society, DDO's Combat System, and playing the game with people from all over the world.

    Answer 4
    Character Customization
    Equipment Customization

  17. #17


    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.
    Tavern Gaming ala Vegas baby! Yeah! Roulette, craps, 21, poker, heck, even solitaire. Click on the table to join in, would have voice chat like when in party. Some kind of game other than the random chance thing in the Phoenix tavern.

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?
    8-10 Xp is quests is atrocious at those levels as compared to amount need to enhance or level. It becomes a mini-grind.

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?

    (as stated above... )
    1. Character Customization
    2. Combat System
    3. Graphics

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?
    1. Clothing and customizable clothing/armor
    2. Large open areas that are multi-instances; meaning, giving you the chance to "run into" another party. To include PvP; but with the cavaet that both parties agree to the combat. (would be no fun for a group of level 8's run into a group of level 16's)
    3. Guild banking/housing. Crafting should be done there, by "your" guy (blacksmith, alchemist, etc), that you would hire or acquire depending on your or guilds level/prestige/favor....something along those lines.

    Last edited by Borrigain; 05-20-2008 at 01:41 PM.
    Ghallanda - The a team
    Borrigain Gnollslayer : Lorraidyn Terrakaen : Philonius Purge
    "Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Anonymous

  18. #18
    Community Member jkm's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.

    PVE arena - you pick the monster and the cr and go after it. would really help to hone your skills against certain monster types like a cr99 beholder

    skills arena - allows you to hone your tactics skills against certain monster types (hide, trip, sap, etc)
    would be nice if it allowed you to cycle through feats and test them on monsters.

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?

    non-caster type - 10-13
    caster type - 5-9

    the lower level slayer areas are a melee's playground while the upper level ones are a casters playground. its very easy for casters to pile up 3000 kills in gianthold while most melees hardly get to 200 because of the expense.

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?

    base jumping
    making odd classes work
    playing with friends

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?

    simulations (picking a map, opponent type, objective and running the quest)
    saving an instance when a rl situation pops up
    injecting my own tunes into my bards' songs

  19. #19
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.

    Is it just me or has this one been asked before? Me thinks I smell a dev question...

    The AH & selling stuff is the only thing I do outside of a quest, and the only thing I want to do out of quest. I don't play to gamble, fish, etc. Please keep your dev time on making new quests/spells.

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?

    Somewhere around 9-11 grouping can be tougher these days but I don't really think any level is particularily tougher or easier in general.

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?

    1) The people I run with, 2) The places where you have kept the D&D flavor, 3) the variety of available quests

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?[/QUOTE]

    1) The missing D&D spells, 2) the missing D&D feats, 3) more randomness in encounters

  20. #20
    Community Member arcticwolf666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is a non-questing activity you would be interested in? For the purpose of this question, "non-questing activity" is defined as any fun activity you can do while you are waiting to form a group, between quests, not in the mood to run a quest, etc.

    S/R/E in outside areas

    Question 2
    What do you feel is the most difficult level range to play to date?

    9-11 because of grouping desires for quests. (Appears slower at least, always 1 up or down from your level needed lol)

    Question 3
    What are 3 of your favorite things about DDO?

    Social Interaction (to an extent)
    Puzzle solving
    Flashy spell actions (graphics)

    Question 4
    What are 3 things that are your favorite in gaming, but are not in DDO?

    The ability to swap in and out of first person view
    The Gore (blood and guts, body parts etc)
    Ability to tweak your toon more (face, body etc. from a body shop when making a toon. Basically more personalizable)
    My responses above

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