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  1. #21
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    I like the random loot I can get from some of these

    +3 Wis rings from tangleroot
    +3 Cha or Int Rings from Deleras
    Featherfall and POison Immunity items from Waterworks...

    I just think the drop of the named stuff needs to be a little more consistant

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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    No. Blame the misleading PLAYERS who said we'd get equivalent loot, and then refused to stop spreading that lie even when the obvious truth was repeatedly explained to them.
    It's like making a deal with the devil.

    The players asked for equivalent loot, meaning equivalent utility.

    The devs gave us equivalent loot, meaning equivalent price.

    After 1.5 years, it was abundantly clear that the players judged loot by utility, not price.

  3. #23
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    I did delera's around 20 times on one character never got the cartouche gave up when my umd was high enough that I ddint need it. so I never got it was a bummer to be sure.

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  4. #24
    Community Member Ciaran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    I want to get this straight. You are lvl 14 still trying to get an item that frankly, was great in the day, but now that you are lvl 14 and soo to be capped, you will find that item will soon take up space in your bank, space in-which has more value then the actual item.

    Do we have moderator that have the power to close threads on the basis of just being too lame?
    I don't think you know what you're talking about. My level capped paladin still carries the Cartouche as I've not gotten any of the raid loot that's equivalent/better and only recently did my lowbie pull the Circlet of Persuasion.

    I guess you've never played a UMD build or something, because the Cartouche is one of those things that is valuable at all levels unless you are lucky enough to get the previously mentioned raid loot or the Circlet of Persuasion, which is a random and rare drop.

    As for the OP, I feel your pain. My 9 ranger has soloed TR now going on 15 times and I still haven't gotten the Crimson Gemstone.

  5. #25
    Community Member efreet5's Avatar
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    As has been said the utility of the cartouche cannot be replaced except by raid loot, which, to be quite frank is even harder to get in most cases. Titan? hehe, i've never gotten anything from there cept on 20th/40th runs on my toons and i dont wanna have to go there that long. Command? I never liked it as it usually takes the place of a better suffix that could be on the armor. My armor now gives me both dr and ac which is much better. The beauty of the cartouche is that you can quick swap it in when you need to and then switch back as there are absolutely no great necklaces for a melee toon in this game. Scourge choker is gimp if worn all the time you don't get hit enough to keep from getting 10 sec debuff.

    As for Abbott raid exists?

    No one ever asked for loot that was equivalent in price. We wanted more variety, but, frankly, these items are not so overpowered that they'll last that long. Cartouche and Carnifex are some of the only items i can name off the random lists that are even worth anything in the end game. The other loot? By then it should be discarded or one will have a rough time.
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  6. #26
    Community Member Ciaran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by efreet5 View Post
    As has been said the utility of the cartouche cannot be replaced except by raid loot...
    Or the CoP I mentioned above. Although, after two years of frequent play I've seen it drop once to memory, and that was relatively recently, so it's probably as elusive as raid loot, if not more so. I've seen the Sunblade drop more frequently.

    It's nice running Delera's with the promise of getting a +3 UMD item, and usually from level 4-8 you're running that quest a bunch for the XP anyway. But yeah, it's frustrating to never get the one item you are looking for. I don't think my Barbarian got Carnifex until my 8th or 9th run at level 10 or 11!

  7. #27
    Community Member Bogenbroom's Avatar
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    Default 2 Points

    2 Points.

    1) I have several capped characters with the cartouche generally equipped. It is a very solid piece.

    2) The Op's premise is faulty. It assumes that we, as players, have the "god" given right to whichever piece of loot we want. That is not/should not be the case. I would compare it to black jack. You only have a certain percentage change to win each hand and you really can't complain when you don't. Those are just the odds.
    Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.

  8. #28
    Community Member tigerheart_iv's Avatar
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    antoher item that will become useful soon is black widow bracers. I can never get those to drop for new casters when it would be somewhat useful to them. How many new monks will be running for an xtra 4 ac soon? Pretty sure i will be chasing those a bit

  9. #29
    Community Member BillBob's Avatar
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    Relying purely on randomization is poor game design and only creates bad game experiences for players. The loot reward in DDO is a part of the reward experience for time spent playing. When the loot is generated with a pure randomness there is a statistical chance that the loot may not be in their mind 'justly' rewarded for their efforts. As the OP states, after 8 runs of a 4 part quest the character has not received the reward that best suits their play style and/or character design.

    This experience frustrates players where they have correctly applied a significant amount of time playing (and Paying) with their efforts not being positively reinforced (Pavlov's Dog). As with most things, bad experiences are more commonly communicated in social circles than good experiences thus tainting the community. In some cases these stories of woe can become legendary and can further distort the perception of an aspect of the game regardless of statistical fact.

    As an example, a player could run the Stormreaver Raid the first 20 times and not receive a reward that is relevant to their character. The players frustration ebbs a bit when their realize that the could potentially find the item on the reward list for 20th completion. Sadly, this reward list is also randomized and there is a good chance that they still will not receive the reward they wish after paying for a subscription for 2 months or more. If this character is very 'unlucky' they may NEVER receive a reward that they desire as they are the victim of this sad statical possibility.

    Every player will have their limit to how much of an activity they will dedicate time to before they give up without being rewarded. This negative experience will contribute to the player leaving and ultimately a loss of revenue.

    That said, there has to be a balance, of course, but in my opinion the developers will have to investigate and balance the randomness issues in this game with predictable reward systems for time invested.

    Absolute Randomness:

    Loot, Abbot Raid Teleportations, Reward Lists, Component Drops, etc

  10. #30
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    I'm in favor of completely random loot.

    That being said, get yourself some command armor or robes. While not the full 3, its still worth 2, gets the job done for the most part.

  11. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by tigerheart_iv View Post
    antoher item that will become useful soon is black widow bracers. I can never get those to drop for new casters when it would be somewhat useful to them. How many new monks will be running for an xtra 4 ac soon? Pretty sure i will be chasing those a bit
    Potions of Mage Armor are equally effective and far easier to come by.
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  12. #32
    Community Member redoubt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    I want to get this straight. You are lvl 14 still trying to get an item that frankly, was great in the day, but now that you are lvl 14 and soo to be capped, you will find that item will soon take up space in your bank, space in-which has more value then the actual item.

    Do we have moderator that have the power to close threads on the basis of just being too lame?
    I use the golden cartouche on all my umd characters. Its a great item.

  13. #33
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Potions of Mage Armor are equally effective and far easier to come by.
    nah with the number of times I run my lowbies through WW I usually have the option to take the BW bracers 3-5 time each character.

    Infact I already have a set for my monk just hanging around

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  14. #34
    Community Member Mindspat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riorik View Post
    Why would you say the Cartouche isn't great today?

    Until you replace it with something better - Titan or Shroud raid loot, it's the only other game in town. For some, raid loot is viewed as practically inaccessible. Some players when adding up all the raids they've run between all of their characters are still in single digits.
    then maybe it's your explanation which measures its rarity?
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  15. #35
    Community Member Bogenbroom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BillBob View Post
    As an example, a player could run the Stormreaver Raid the first 20 times and not receive a reward that is relevant to their character. The players frustration ebbs a bit when their realize that the could potentially find the item on the reward list for 20th completion. Sadly, this reward list is also randomized and there is a good chance that they still will not receive the reward they wish after paying for a subscription for 2 months or more. If this character is very 'unlucky' they may NEVER receive a reward that they desire as they are the victim of this sad statical possibility.

    Every player will have their limit to how much of an activity they will dedicate time to before they give up without being rewarded. This negative experience will contribute to the player leaving and ultimately a loss of revenue.

    That said, there has to be a balance, of course, but in my opinion the developers will have to investigate and balance the randomness issues in this game with predictable reward systems for time invested.

    Absolute Randomness:

    Loot, Abbot Raid Teleportations, Reward Lists, Component Drops, etc

    I fully get you and I think the way I would lean would be more toward only having named loot drop on your first run at any difficulty level. I don't think the devs would ever go that way, because named loot gives folks a reason to run quests repeatedly... but that is just why I would do it, because the model currently is for folks to run the same handful of quests repeatedly. Mostly raids.

    It is probably just me, but I think named loot is a bit too common. It makes it feel, to me, less special. I am sure I am in the monority, though.
    Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.

  16. #36


    That pretty much sums it up.

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  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThEndor View Post
    That pretty much sums it up.
    Indeed. Well done, sir.

  18. #38
    Community Member Auran82's Avatar
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    My bard has been wearing a fearsome robe of command since level 6. But then again, caster bards (with a decent Cha) don't really need UMD items that much.

  19. #39
    Community Member Tin_Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    There's also Command (+2 to cha skills) on armors. Which is actually pretty prevalent, though it would be nice if it showed up on some other things too (shields at the very least, maybe some other slots too).
    Robes of course, which are easily changed. Maybe you meant to include that with Armor?
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  20. #40
    Community Member JTsays's Avatar
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    I'd love to see a dialog line at the reward NPC giving us the choice between a list of the 'static' items or a list of random stuff. You'd get yer lewtz and have a reason to come back again.

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