So, I hear a rumor that mod 7 seeker items apply to damage... I have a +2 seeker +8 rapier of puncturing... Will it be worth anything?
So, I hear a rumor that mod 7 seeker items apply to damage... I have a +2 seeker +8 rapier of puncturing... Will it be worth anything?
Valar Odinson - Lvl 20 Dwarf Cleric
Dagnes Odinson - Lvl 20 WF Sorc
Vaalar Odinson - Lvl 19 Elven Arcane Archer
Dragonmark Alliance - Ghallanda (Formerly Fernia) Server
Seeker already does that, Mod 7 is only updating the description for clarity.
Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder
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