... If you can't cast any spells in the beginning of a quest because you forgot to restock components
... If you can't cast any spells in the beginning of a quest because you forgot to restock components
/emote puts hand up and says "I did that when I got level 8 spells. I was so excited that I ran straight outta House J and into Gianthold Ruins without components! Gee wasn't it interesting when I tried to summon my new monster!"
Shahharim - Clr15
Holani - Fght3/Clr1
Warriors of Greystoke
I did that on my bard. I discovered quickly what spells were material.
~Anaelsbet~; ~Elsbet~; ~Lilabet~; ~Islabet~; ~Phaeddre~~Ascent~
Ah yes, I am guilty of this one, did it just last week again in fact. Talk about embarassing.
I've heard of someone who did that with a 9th level cleric... casting raise dead during a party wipe in von3... then blamed it not working on server lag. I swear it wasn't me, honest.
Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.
All of the above are very good, and sadly I have achieved most of these mistakes.
I would like to add....
You might be a noob if you have to kill yourself so the leader can carry your stone to the quest and raise you coz you cant jump the dragons.
Again, you might be a noob if you get stuck in the last part of Von4 because you cant jump out and escape in time.
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Do I know you???
LOL or rather do you know me ROFL
Yes, dragon to PoP and first time Von4 failure was my cleric, however now I have a drow ranger elf that SUPPOSEDLY can jump
Problem is I press my buttons and I cant make em work for me
I want to post a suggestion to the developers they have a "targeting system" for the jumping impaired players like myself.
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LOL yea that too. I forgot to add that to the you might be a noob if...
I am ALWAYS getting left behind and then lost. Some of it is lack of speed, another is Im swapping wands or something, I look up and everyone has departed.
I am getting much better using my map though, except when you have a multi-layer thing happening.
I have a LOT of haste potions on my toons now, the trouble is everyone else does too.
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