You are a noob and in the company of other noobs if your party spends 2 minutes rapidy swinging thier weapons over
kobold bodies that have been dead so long they are disappearing.
Hmmm, would Throwing haste and GH to party members while they are fighting the Pit Fiend, and accidently hitting the DDoor spell in the proccess count? And, if so, would when 2 of your group TAKES teh DDoor out of the quest then qualify them?? And THEN, when the tempers have subsided, and the laughter begins, what would qualify the next step?
You WOnder why you cant target/Kill the Kobolds in Pt 2 of STK
You think having a CLeric inthe party means you dont have to worry about your own health
you have "HJEAL ME!" ALiased
I have a beauty...
We were in Greymoon the other day, standing before one of the many "roll-away" doors.
We buffed up, threw down a firewall and a disco ball...and opened the door to...a shrine.
Let me tell you, we kicked that shrine's ***
When your cleric teleports himself to the temple of the soverign host instead of casting the heal spell on the main tank. <I was that cleric, again I apologize for the party wipe.>
Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
Main: Wizards and Healers
Officer of Unbreakable
I always enjoy your cupcakes! Now I am really happy!!!![]()
You might be a noob if . . .
. . . you buy items on the AH that say <drop on leaving dungeon> in the description.
. . . you put items on the AH that say <drop on leaving dungeon> in the description.
. . . you think clerics have to spend a fortune on scrolls, wands, and elixrs.
. . . your name is Yaga on the Argo server.![]()
Afra, Ashling, Myndia, Rambin, Rojer, Tirla, Xiong
Member -Britches and Hose - A.K.A Fine Antique Legwear
"There are only two things that are infinate. The universe, and human stupidity. Although I'm not sure of the first." -Albert Einstien
Every damned tank that charges into my nicely songed work and swings and wakes em all up are NOOBS
Can I add wizards that fireball em too...
Juzam & Rodge
lv 15 and 16 bards of mine
Sphere of Annihilation - 100% Aussie Guild
drspikey 16 elven cleric (kyhber)/Melheno 4 Monk (kyhber)/dagarnus 8 drow wizard (kyhber)/seasick ranger5/rouge2/fighter1/ Daemonson ranger 6 (kyhber)proud member of the dragon renaissance broterhood / knights of the goldon blade
You are a Ranger or Paladin with a full mana bar yelling at the Cleric to heal you. On second thought, maybe that just makes you a Piker.
Last edited by shane1122; 05-24-2008 at 10:53 AM.'ve ever firewalled mephits of fernia or iron golems (if it was an empowered, maxmised, extended firewall you get the uber-noob distinction)'ve ever been killed by a trap because you thought the rogues "searching" sound meant the trap was disabled've ever been killed by the same trap because you thought the trap had been disabled, when it was actually just cycling forget to put featherfalling item on just before the ladder jump in Von2... just after asking everyone if they have featherfall on![]()
Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.
You might be a noob if...
... You're a Sorc who loots the Chattering Ring for the Spot bonus
... You're a ranger and you cast Mass Camo for the boss fight.
... You're a healing cleric who wears Madstone boots.
... You're a midlevel+ cleric who doesn't carry Heal scrolls and doesn't know where to buy them.
... You're a sorc who uses ONE hotbar, and has to pause to open his character sheet to cast certain spells.
... You're a ranger or rogue w/ 36 Dex, dual wielding w/ 16 Con.
... You don't have Energy Manipulation because you took Subtle Spellcasting.
... You have levels of Barbarian and Sorc in your build.
... You drown in the Red underwater puzzle in the Titan because you don't own an underwater action item.
... You're a Ranger who takes Heavy Armor Proficiency.
... You're a 16th lvl Rog w/ no UMD.
... You join a raid group and then ask if there are prereqs.
... It takes 30 minutes to get the 7th person in your raid group because you forgot to convert to raid and your LFM disappeared.
Officer - Bloodlords Argonessen
Finis 16 Hum Rgr : Phynus 16 Hum Barb : Finas 16 Hum Bard : Finos 16 Hum Clr : Phinas 16 Hum Sorc : Finous 16 Hum Ftr : Phinos 15/1 Hum Rog/Ftr : Phynas 16 Hum Wiz : Fynus 16 Hum Pal :Fynas 16 Hum Mnk
you cast firewall/fireball combos on velah. (same as above with the mephits and golems, but on a RED FRIGGIN DRAGON!!!!!)
after your fire combo, you run around the platform like a chicken with your head cut off
mentioned above: removing your gfl before but have dismissed rage with to few hit points. *ding*
done that to many times to count. um...oops..i mean uh...ive SEEN it done alot...yeah. thats it....ive never uh...done it...personally....or something....
Last edited by Asirin; 05-29-2008 at 12:30 PM.
Google Celebrity Dungeons & Dragons Acquisitions Inc, podcast and youtube videos ,you wont regret it
...You kite the mobs around Velah, wearing fearsome armor.
Drathgar Hammersong (Fighter), Theoren Hammersong (Ranger)Song Silence and Steel