At level 16,
Str 18
Dex 18
Con 18
Int 20
Wis 8
Cha 32
Are these stats sufficient? I love playing this character and he has little difficulty with any of his responsibilities as a party buffer/crowd controller. He has no issues with soloing high-level content and standing toe-to-toe with ANYONE in PVP.
I have seen more than my fair share of "battle" bards out there along with many other halfway bards (not to belittle the splashers out there but, those who know... know what I mean.) For those who believe in the pure role of a bard, please give me some insight if this 'build' is where it needs to be at this level. As far as my skills go... basically, perform is 49, and UMD is 35 (not to mention a haggle of 45) unbuffed.
I have spent the last 2+ years trying to make the best bard to my ability and I have finally did it.