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  1. #1
    Community Member ChildrenofBodom's Avatar
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    Default Need help with my comp

    My computer seems to always make noises like it's loading something for some reason, and my computer runs noticeably slower then usual because of it. It's like loading or downloading something, but I can't find out what it is. I have tried exiting all programs, I have tried restarting it, I have shut it down for a few hours and turned it back on, and it won't stop. Anyone have an idea what is going on?

    Thanks a bunch in advance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Handee
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  2. #2
    Community Member Lorichie's Avatar
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    My old one sounds similar at times, but its one of the fans running nearly nonstop. I gotta bring it in to get it worked on, may not be your issue, just a different thought.


  3. #3
    Community Member Avelin's Avatar
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    Make sure the hard drive doesn't need to be defragmented. If the drive is severly fragmented it will have to constantly scan all over to access files. This could make it seem like it's running all the time and will slow your performance. Also do a good scan for viruses and spyware that could be running in the background without you knowing. Turn off automatic window updates as well. If windows update runs while you're playing it will slow you down big time. Just some basic things to look at. Hope you get it straightened out.

  4. #4
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    If some RAM has gone bad, you may be paging more than usual - in effect, using your HD as RAM. Check to see that all the RAM you expect to be on your PC is operational, and check your paging settings. Google it if you need to - plenty of info out there about it!

    Good luck.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Standpoint's Avatar
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    Its possible that you may have some kind of virus or spyware that is slowing you down by constantly accessing the hard drive. Download AVG free edition if you don't have an antivirus and run a scan. Adaware is a free antispyware program, too.

    Maybe it's time for a fresh operating system install?

    What are your system specs?
    Standpoint - level 16 Sorcerer || Wyland - level 13 Cleric || Boltar - level 11 Dwarven Paliden || Coca - level 7 Drow Rogue || Ashriva - level 4 Drow Bard
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  6. #6
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
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    On the subject of disk defragmentation and anti-malware, many system utility suites have a scheduled "System Maintennance Mode" that is set up to automatically run... This runs antivirus and malware scans, defrags the disk, goes through and deletes temporary files, re-indexes the file system for quicker searches, etc. all on a defined schedule. You may want to set the schedule to run outside of your normal gaming time.
    Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)
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  7. #7
    Founder SilverSong's Avatar
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    Have you blown out all the dust bunnies lately?

  8. #8
    Community Member query's Avatar
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    Default Being a former internet and PC tech

    I try not to offer solutions until I get more details to target issues.

    Does this happen only when running DDO, or does it happen outside the game?

    Does this happen more often (or only) when doing something specifically? If so, could you list the steps to recreate that?

    When did this issue start? DId you do any changes (no matter how "simple") before thisn started?

    Did Turbine do any changes (such as an update or patch) before you noticed these changes?

    (Assuming you backed up your data alas which many do not) Have you tried formatting your hard drive(s) and reloading your data?

    And the previous posts are all good ideas also.

    If all else fails, bite the bullet and take it doen to a repair place for a "diagnostic" if could be something as simple as a bad fan to "your computer is really a zombie sending out bots after it got infected" to anywhere in between.

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  9. #9
    Community Member JacknCoke's Avatar
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    you probably have some type of spy junk. My comp was doing the same thing a while back. I though nothing of it until I got a letter from my ISP stating my comp was sending out mass amounts of email.

    I had to reformat. And all is well.

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