Sorry that overlaps with my demonologist leveling
Fluffy, you too? Cool, hope to see you also.
Did you get the EA?
oh wait, that was NWN 2
well.... AoC is DDO's DDOOOOOOOOM v2.0! heh! beat that!
what? DDOOOOOOOOM v2.0 was Vanguard?
AoC is DDO's DDOOOOOOOOM v3.0 then! mwahaha
/sarcasm (I'm just getting sick of hearing about AoC, and I bet a shiny copper it's going to fall flat on it's face)
|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| ||
|.....ALE TRUCK......| ||'|";, ___.
|_...._....._____===|=||_|__|..., ]
"(@)'(@)"***|(@)(@)**''(@) _________________Thanks to Hunglo for the Ale Truck
|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| ||
|.....ALE TRUCK......| ||'|";, ___.
|_...._....._____===|=||_|__|..., ]
"(@)'(@)"***|(@)(@)**''(@) _________________Thanks to Hunglo for the Ale Truck
Let's see,
Since joining for the 10 day trial to see IF I wanted to subscribe, I've found the following:
1. No monks, which are one of my favorite classes, and I get the distinct impression (since someone told me a former dev post said we would have them BEFORE or BY the end of the year LAST YEAR) that Turbine is dragging their collective (insert 3 letter word for donkey here) abbout it.
2. No druids, I can understand due to the Wildshape ability, but there are variant rules for them that leave out that ability replacing it with energy resistances that could be used.
3. No warlocks, I know it's a secondary class that is debated alot, but since it's a core class in 4.0, it would have been just as easy to add here before the game was over 2 years old.
4. No favored souls, if you have sorcerers you gotta have them too, it's just balance for people who like NOT having to choose from a massive spell list.
5. No prestige classes, considering most of them can be taken from 5th level on, this should have been available a while ago as well.
Add these points to the fact that we also don't have access to the CORE races from the player's handbook, the MASSIVE in-game lag, the tendency I've seen in the archive posts of leading on for MONTHS to deliver update material before implimenting it, and the fact that in June they will be technically 6 months behind from the original promise date of the addition of monks, and it looks like I'll be letting my 10 day die to go back to WOW. And that really sucks, since I LOVE D&D and was hoping for WAY more from this than is currently available in NWN2. You REALLY dropped the ball Turbine...thanks for nothing!
My thinking is that Monks will be released on the 29th (near the end of Monk Week), and will NOT hit Risa first.
I think the days of Risa being a test server are over, It could have too low a population, or maybe the mournlands server feels that it is doing all that needs be done.
This space for Rent
Looks like I'll have a solid two weeks to try something else, and get hooked there, before I even get a chance to put all of the monk items I have been saving to good use......
In the past I have said I am willing to be patient to wait, if the final product comes out with almost flawless Implementation....but somehow, I still have doubts that the additional time will prove worth the wait.
<sound of soul escaping>
Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!
Well I hate to break it to you but with probably 30-50K subs on a good month they were not that far off. Basically this game has a skeleton crew of devs at this point. We are lucky to get 3 updates a year now. Go back and read some of the empty promises made over the years level 20 by end of 07 monks fall of 06.
I sometimes rant. Other times I praise.
In this case I am going to come right down the middle.
On one hand, Turbine has hired quite a few people that I can think of in the last 6 months or so... (anyone remember all those new devs who posted a month or so ago? One of them was even on the last Ask the Devs segment of the DDO Podcast) Turbine has been working very very hard lately.
While I am experiencing Mid Mod blues, and I do WANT content faster...I was pleased to hear Kate say in an interview a little while ago that they have plans 2 or 3 years out for my favorite game of choice.
As for broken promises, I have seen hopes for Monks delayed since the fall of last year, druids are barely mentioned anymore, Guild Housing delayed so on and so forth...
BUT...I am getting quivers in this Mod 7, Crafting is now in the game ( even if have my own complaints about it), I thought the game needed some finishing UI touches and we have them, we got bags for collectibles, gems, crafting components, ranged combat has had some tweaks, we have new monster AI (and the issues that go with but good try), we had a fabulous live event...
So I have to say, I get real cranky about things on occasion. I fuss, cry, moan and groan about not getting what I want WHEN I want it, but Turbine has been pretty darn responsive lately.
Overall I would have to say balance is a good thing.
With that said, I want Mod 7 now so I can make a PINK Monk!!!
See ya in Stormreach,
Darkfall?....I have no idea what you are talking about... They only started developing the game a few months ago..and the only announcement for the WoD Online game is that they were hiring... It is being made by CCP, same company that makes Eve Online..
Article here
Heddar Dwarf Fighter L 17, Celidaer Elf Wizard L 17, Merinid Drow Bard L 16,
Talimore Human Ranger L 5, Kuven Human Cleric L 3, Kopesh Warforged Barbarian L 4
*shrug* Big promises are part of any game launch. Any once you find out you aren't developing for 90,000 subscribers.. you act like a profit-oriented private company should and make sure you don't go in the red.
Anyway, I'm still having fun. They've replaced and added developers, and they're still adding content. We're a revenue stream, and they want us around. I figure we'll last as long as Asheron's Call, come what may, but they should strive for more than that. It could be so much more.
I just wish they'd TRY to get out of their marketing deal, and get more subs so we'd be worth more development.. and I wish they would use consistent good practices in their public communication - how can you run a company and a game through six major updates and still do so badly at managing expectations? Is your QA schedule slipping? Great! Say "No WDA this week, we're in final QA, but don't expect to see it launch for a few more weeks. Oh, and by the way, when we say "TELL you about monks" we mean play with them.
So much Mod 5 anguish was self-inflicted. I tell ya, it's happening all over again.
<|| “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” ||>
AEsahaettr | AlfredSartan | Botharel | PeterMurphy | Weesham etc.
hmmmm, this happens a lot when people screw up (i.e. poor QA for releases/patching). They would tell us if they knew. But honestly, they probably don't know what they're going to release. And they trying to keep from making themselves look foolish but constantly changing expectations. Its all good in the end, if they can release things we don't expects blah, blah, blah.... But right now, they're grinding through what anemic QA process they have trying to get things ready as soon as they can. Will most likely blow through May as the previously announced released date, use "Monk Week" as a marketing tool to build interest, which overlies slipping the date. I'm not saying that's the only reason for "Monk Week". They need the whole promotion thing. But they'd be busting a gut to tell you about all the great content that's coming, if they truly thought it was great and when they'd actually release it. I also wouldn't be surprised if the AI issue got put on the table as a high priority issue late in the development cycle. As far as that goes, stuff happens and they're trying to deal with it.
/signed cynical about community relations
That 9.99 6 month promotion is looking pretty shady at this point, make me down as one of the suckers....if it is June for monks that will be the last money they get out of me.
~ Slayer of the Unwashed, Vice Chair for Disinterest & Apathy of the Grand & Glorious Brotherhood
of the Soooo Not Politically Correct, and Nefarious Devourer of Frosted Goodness ~
♪♫…clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am…♫ ♪
I am looking forward to it as well but with reservations... Still NO word on whether we will get greensteel kamas and quarterstaves in Mod 7, please comment!