I've played my fair share of healbot clerics / battle clerics and was trying to decide on a new cleric build...
32 Point Human 15 Cleric / 1 Fighter
Fighter at first level to moosh in all the feats I want
1st: Heavy Repeater, Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
3rd: Extend
6th: Precise Shot
9th: Maximize
12: Improved Crit Ranged
15: Improved Precise Shot
Starting Stats
Str 8
Dex 17
Con 14
Int 8
Wis 17
Cha 8
I'd put 1 point into Dex / Wis from Human enhancement line, 2 Points into Wisdom from the Cleric Line of enhancements
End game I'd toss in a Favor tome for dex and a wisdom tome to round out those numbers
Ending dex would be 30, ending wis would be 28
Is this type of build even viable? Would I be able to hit end game content with the repeater or are the feats wasted?
Anyways, thanks
12 BaB
+10 Dex
+22 to Hit with a non magical hvy repeater
Figure +6 items for the stats to pump Con to 20
Hit points
10 - Fighter
120 - Cleric
20 - Heroic Durability
10 - Draconic
80 - Constitution
240 / 270 w/ GFL