Is anyone else disapointed that these items do ABSOLUTLEY nothing in this game?!! Ioun Stones were so cool in AD&D. Why were they implemented this way in this game?
Is anyone else disapointed that these items do ABSOLUTLEY nothing in this game?!! Ioun Stones were so cool in AD&D. Why were they implemented this way in this game?
Server: Ghallanda, Guild: Oblivion
Rakdos the Ancient 1 Fighter / 15 Wizard (main), Verdaloth 16 Ranger 32 pt, Volrrath the Defiler 12 Fighter 32 pt
There's at least one that's nice. +3spot and listen with no min level.
But yeah, other then that one i definitely agree with you.
I'd be happy if they simply animated them though. I'd sacrifice my trinket slot(not like i'm doing much with it on most of my characters anyway) for a cool glowy stone orbiting my head.
- NEW – Tip #52 no longer mistakenly says that the Jump skill reduces falling damage. The appropriate skill is, in fact, tumble.
Heddar Dwarf Fighter L 17, Celidaer Elf Wizard L 17, Merinid Drow Bard L 16,
Talimore Human Ranger L 5, Kuven Human Cleric L 3, Kopesh Warforged Barbarian L 4
In D&D 3.5, an Ioun Stone does not use up a magic item slot on your body, so it makes sense for them to have a small, non-stacking bonus.
But in DDO, wearing an Ioun Stone blocks your trinket slot from accepting some other item. Since wearing Ioun Stones is more limited in this game, they need to be given a larger bonus for them to still make sense.
Then CLEARLY something about them needs to change to make the useful in this game. IMHO it's just a waste to have them as they currently are (it's really sad). Honestly I'm not to thrilled the way they were implemented in 3.5 ether. Would the playing community of DDO object to modifing them in some way to be useful in DDO? Or, are these items so game breaking that the "rules guros" will not stand for it?
Server: Ghallanda, Guild: Oblivion
Rakdos the Ancient 1 Fighter / 15 Wizard (main), Verdaloth 16 Ranger 32 pt, Volrrath the Defiler 12 Fighter 32 pt
We have enough bonuses... no reason to add more..
Edit: I am a purist... I like sticking to the D&D rules as closely as possible.. Except for a few places where it makes sense to change it *Like Paladin Smite*... I just don't see this needs to be changed..
Last edited by dragnmoon; 05-14-2008 at 05:17 PM.
Heddar Dwarf Fighter L 17, Celidaer Elf Wizard L 17, Merinid Drow Bard L 16,
Talimore Human Ranger L 5, Kuven Human Cleric L 3, Kopesh Warforged Barbarian L 4
I agree that we don't need more stat/att/dmg bonuses, and the existing stones are fine for lower levels, but new ioun stones could be introduced that give other benefits useful at higher levels. Higher than +2 stat enhancements would not be a problem (limited to +6, and following the min.level standards), and additional, stacking AC bonuses of +1 to +3 would not be unbalancing either. They could also make for some interesting items to put unique effects on. In short, it would be nice to see some Ioun stones that are worth using your trinket slot for past level 6.
Ioun Stones are a feat bonus?????
So if I am a fighter with 3 strength enhancements, and no other strength items, a +2 strength Ioun Sone would not do anything?
Conversely, for a class which gets no strength enhancements, a +2 strength Ioun Stone would stack with an enchanted strength item or Bull's Strength?
All of this is news to me!
In DDO these are a joke. Literally, and not a good one.
I have sold 4 to tavernkeeps and other random vendors due to the ML being 9 instead of 3(as it ought to be).
If they stayed ML 9 and stacked with everything that would be nice, but unbalancing. I just want the ML reduced to 3. Everyone else wants to overpower them, it seems.