maybe make them a seperate acount and play with your child, u can still moniter but it will be more fun for u and the kid cuz then they get to fight on there robot and help mommy or daddy slay the big monster.
This sounds like a great idea my almost 7 yr old loves to play but I also rarely let him join groups, and when he does I am always right next to him. He has a toon on both mine and my hub's account, so etiher of us can play with him but it wold be nice for a playgroup (lol) to be set up for kids that range. He has a lvl 5 warforged ranger fighter and a lvl 2 human cleric . Ill keep watch on this forum or pm me.
Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).@>---Fuhgly, Suzee, Blohnde, Shakkei, Redhawt, Sanctified, Punkrawk, Gaelsong, Deviliscious, Liethal----<@
have a 11 year old he only plays when im there watching him he just soloed water works on his level 3 barb (solo content only) would love to get him in grps with other kids with parental supervision u can contact me in game as Kiim the Wise. my son would love the idea of being in a grp with other kids![]()
Officer Wayfinders of Kapairian Nanwel (Thelanis)
Kiim the Wise~Bbaadd~Bbaadder~Songsinger~Alms in my Pocket~Emberspark~Crowbait~Favor 12/8/06
Alas, that guild is gone, though my kids (7 & 9) do still play. The 9 year old more than the 7 (as Mario Kart and Smash Bros. are out and the 7 year old is more interested in that right now). Currently, they have a guild together to prevent them getting spam invites to guilds and such, even though you can turn off allowing guild invites and such and they wanted a guild. Currently it's called the Ooze Slayers or something to that effect. If you want to get a hold of me in game, I'm on either Jecon or Camaron at least once during the night before switching to an alt. I can let you know of my experiences with running a kids guild as the sparkers did last for nearly 8 months til something else started to get the kids interest going and DDO went by the wayside. Let me know...
Officer in The Infamous Flaming Vagabonds
Jecon Borrier/Camaron Borrier
Xantalos Borrier/Andromedia Borrier
It's called 'halitosis'...and if you offered your kids to Trissa, either you don't know her or you really don't like them very well!
As a side, if anyone gets their young kids playing, my 4 1/2 year old can always start. She's more into gold and jewels than power-leveling...just an FYI.
Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle
"You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver
Wow.. Great idea.. My son is 7 and is always wanting to play. I'm a little concerned about skill lvl though. My son has only been on a few times and is not really aware of what is expected in grps. I'll let him run some more solo quests, and get him used to the controls. Hopefully he will be able to hit something by then. But none the less, we are interested. When would the group be starting?
Thelanis > Melee: Galvis - Galvus / Arcane: Galvas / Divine: Sav
OK, it appears there is enough interest that at least one party could be created. Give me a few days and I will post another thread with the rules/guidelines/expectations etc. and then we can fine tune it with feedback. I have not mentioned this to my son yet but he will be SOOOO excited.
Now which toon to delete?
Thelanis > Melee: Galvis - Galvus / Arcane: Galvas / Divine: Sav
But that's the good thing...stick some kids in some low-level quests with toons 8-16ish and they could have a great time without having to die so much. Lvl 16, lv 9...wouldn't really matter. Wouldn't have to worry about an XP hit and fun would be had by all! (just some thoughts!)
Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle
"You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver
Just wanted to say that this is an excellent idea. To bad my 2 imps are only 3 1/2, and a bit young yet for the game.
Their favorite part is repeatedly hitting the jump key when I go AFK leading the group to believe that I'm back and then continue on. Leaving me to come back and wonder where everyone has gone off to. Especialy funny, errr bad, when I'm on my cleric.![]()
I teach English in Japan. As a reward for a 10 year old I teach, I let him play my characters from time to time.
He likes my WF Bbn best. After only showing him the attack/jump/block keys, weapon selection on the hot bar and where the repair pots were... He proceeded to clear all of Sorrowdusk of baddies. Granted, he was using a lvl 13 bbn... but still... there are adults that can't get themselves to CO6 w/o dying... next I put him in threnal--same result.
He blocked, moved, self healed... was quite impressive actually. His twitch skills were simply amazing. Must be all the console game playing here in Japan. After several times playing, I loaded my other account--he was on the bbn and I on my rog--we entered the Death Match in the tavern. the first round I was cocky, and got my butt handed to me. LOL. Boy was he gloating. I had to show him, so I buffed up, cc'd the place and proceeded to kick HIS butt... Even still, he did kill me a couple times.
I think this is a great idea and don't let any naysayers quell your enthusiasm and initiative to put this in place. I would be really nice to see if Turbine could put up a kids only server, but I suppose that would be just like a playground to any predator... If they were smart tho... it would be a good age to get someone hooked on DDO!
KhyberR e v e n a n t s RenownedThelanis
A WF Barb...BLOCKED?!?!
Huh...go figure!![]()
Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle
"You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver
Ostanding idea Scampb!
Thanks to Clubin for refering him to me, and
thanks scampb for the heads up.
I have an 11 year old who plays, (better than some adults I think!)
and I am sure he would love this.
he has already rocked several dwarven fighters to level 4 and a Ranger to level 7!
and now has a Wizzy around 4 and a Warforged ranger he is trying to get to 4.
just send me a PM for where and when, or a an e-mail to Bekki In game to know who to look for.
I am sure he would re-roll if need be if he thought he could have a steady group his own age.
He has his own account and I, his mom, (who also plays, though she is taking a break right now),
and his older brother (Yes I corrupted him too...) are usually close by.
He had his first bad experience the other day with a knucklehead
who gave him a hard time after a Kobald Assault run...
He probably out played him and he got mad!
Lets just say, things were said that weren't cool and the group disbanded...
My oldest who's 21 was with him at the time but he is new
and doesn't know how to report someone for harrassment.
I couldn't get there in time to see what was said
and I don't know the players name.
If I did, I would have had him reported.
@ all the knouckleheads out there...
I know alot of adults play this Game and I know that is what it is geared to; but come on people!
Remember when YOU were their age! I still remember sitting in my kitchen with my friends....
the D&D books on the table.... with the wonder in the eyes of a 15 year old...*Bekki's thoughts drift back in time...*
Looking at the Monster manual and going WOW! this is AWESOME!
I remember running the Village of Hommlet;
Tomb of horrors (The original)
Lich lords:
Forgotten realms:
The ORIGINAL Undermountain. (It took most of the summer for that campaign).
Yes I was the nerd in high school.
Fortuantely I also was into Martial arts
But the point is; these guys and girls are experiencing now,
what we did back then for that first time too.
Only they now have the advantage of being able
to truly visualize what we always Dreamed of!
This is awesome for them.
Lets give them the courtesy that we would want if WE were them please.
/rant off
Props to Scampb. and hats off to the Vagabonds
if you guys would like to restart the guild
I know a ranger who would be the first in line to join!
have fun All!
Last edited by Bekki; 05-16-2008 at 10:57 AM.
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)