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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Halfling Tactics Fighter

    OK, I was thinking of making a decent Halfling Tank So I would like good AC, decent Hp, decent dps, decent saves, and decent tactics (note these only have to be effective - not work absolutely every time). I like the idea of halfling, but still want to retain viability as a fighter (although definitely does not have to be 'uber').

    16 Fighter

    Keep in mind that I am new (main is a 14Bard/1fighter), but I was thinking something like this:

    Str: 16 plus 4 for levels, plus enhancements and item I figure I must be around 30 odd. Maybe could get a
    +2 Tome in the far distant future.
    Dex: 13 plus 2 for halfling dexterity = 15. Does that max out AC with use of with tower shield mastery and
    armour mastery? Can use a +1 Tome to max AC? Also allows dodge
    Con: 12 some HPs
    Int: 13 for CE
    Wis: 8
    Cha: 8

    Skillpoints into Intimidate, balance and jump?

    at level 1 = CE and Khopesh
    2 = improved trip
    4 = dodge
    6 = Mobility and Stunning Blow
    8 = Spring Attack - to pick up agro
    10 = power attack
    12 = IC Slashing + Iron Will
    14 = Whirlwind Attack - to pick up agro (instead of cleave?)
    16 = Toughness

    Feat Questions:

    Do I need -
    Improved Sunder? to sunder - seemed it just adds to the duration
    Shield Bash Feat - is it useful in any way? I can't see space for it on this build.
    Shield Mastery Feat - Does this help me with AC at all? Or is DR while blocking?

    Amour Mastery Line
    Stunning Blow and Trip Line, probably can't afford Sunder (or maybe Sunder and Trip)
    Tower Shield Mastery Line
    halfling Dex
    Halfling Luck (Will) Line
    Fighter Strength
    Fighter Toughness

    Is there anyway to mitigate the -2 attack for using Tower Shields?

    I was hoping this character would have good AC (high Dex, halfling etc), decent DPS through khopesh, OK hitpoints, be good at running around picking up agro via intimidate, and at least land some tactics on elite (i would be happy with 35&#37.

    How effective is stunning nlow? I was thinking if halflings do get hit with a size penalty in re: to trip in the future, I could use stunning blow to control mobs instead.

    I have actually built the character, and she is fun on the noob stuff, but want to know about long term viability?

    Is this viable (doesn't have to be Mr Uber Doober)? Or did I waste my time typing?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Last edited by BoBoDaClown; 05-13-2008 at 04:08 PM.

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