Looking for a build to take advanatge of the bladesworn faith line. Thinking a pally/fighter combo, but could use some ideas. Thanks.
Looking for a build to take advanatge of the bladesworn faith line. Thinking a pally/fighter combo, but could use some ideas. Thanks.
Hoos Urdady
AKA: Tryck-Slyck-Balzaak-Jenaa-Turbodog.
Legends of Twilight on Khyber.
Remember our War Cry " Hey man, grab my stone".
I went with a WF pal12/ftr4. Gets alot of what the paladin class is with some added fighting ability. Went middle of the road on my stats for the most part. At level16 im sitting at 28(+1tome/+4levels/+6ring), 16(+1tome/+4madstone boots), 26(+1tome/+2enhance/+6belt), 8 int, 20(+3tome/+6necklace), 24(+2tome(favor)/+3enhance/+6cloak).
Have Toughness(with enhancements), PowerAtt, cleave, grt cleave, thf, imp thf, grt thf. Debating on respecing WpnFocus&Specialization for imp&grt thf or I might just grab them at later levels. Seem to fight only 1-3 tough mobs at a time mostly at later levels...
Notable enhancements are ftr haste boost II, toughness line. This is truely about as offensively as you can make a pally while actually remaining a pally imo. Viability seems to be there as a damage dealer(could use a couple key drops but oh well), though it takes alot of effort to get there compared to other melees...
My AC is basically junk for endgame but with caster/self buffs and minor tactics I really dont find myself getting beat up any more than the next guy. I dont really try to get main aggro unless im the only melee which is almost never.
If everything is in affect I can achieve a buffed str of 38(40 after my next Reaver run) with Bladesworn and the madstone double kicker. I will caution you in the taking of Bladesworn as anything other than a cool concept to add to a character. It will render clr healing useless which against a Red named mob(when you would most like to use it) can/will be a death sentence...
If you could hook up with a guildie who wouldnt mind playing a WF arcane to kick in some repairs at the bosses it would actully go from fluff ability to legit imo. In my experience the arcanes will more often than not forget about repairs when the **** hits the fan, even if they say otherwise.
Fun concept, made rather impotent by no divine healing(no clerics serve the Bladesworn?!) and a huge cooldown(10min)
ALL that said the build is still fun and with basic(but different from an AC pallys) tactics very survivable.
Last edited by llevenbaxx; 05-12-2008 at 03:42 PM.
Thanks for the info, it helps alot. That will suck losing healing abilities. My guildies are cool with healing my other w/f, so as long as I am with them I'll be ok. Im gonna mull it over a bit still, and will proably steal some of your ideas . Thanks again.
Hoos Urdady
AKA: Tryck-Slyck-Balzaak-Jenaa-Turbodog.
Legends of Twilight on Khyber.
Remember our War Cry " Hey man, grab my stone".
I drink harder than you, ride harder than you and if I have spare time I might just play this game too.
Shinarel Arashin, Arishna, Tosshin, Castshin, A warforged named 5u3
Please make "Reading Comprehension" a class skill for all forum posters
Avoid it!
It is tensor's by another name and you know how well tensor's works. No casting and no healing..........I would focus on Divine soveignerity which is awesome. I went 11 pallie/4 fighter/1 wiz (for wands) and took extend with the extra caster feat.
A "worthless" ability which can be used well with planning, forethought and some intelligent planning. If you are taking a beating, back the heck out and take a moment's rest or block or any number of options besides standing there like a brainless automaton. Combined with other options it can be a very useful boost.
Hmm where can I get dr30/- for a 15 second (yes I am aware that is not the same length of time) protection boost?
I drink harder than you, ride harder than you and if I have spare time I might just play this game too.
Shinarel Arashin, Arishna, Tosshin, Castshin, A warforged named 5u3
Please make "Reading Comprehension" a class skill for all forum posters
More good info. I am gonna sit down and try and work out some options on the planner tonight. I still like the bladesworn idea, but I see some of the faults with it. I have a 16 pure pally (drow) that is a pretty decent character. I really want to be able to make a w/f that takes advantage of the good saves, but can deal more damage. Was hoping bladesworn was a good option.......hmmmmmmmmmm. Thanks again for the responses, it is helping alot.
Hoos Urdady
AKA: Tryck-Slyck-Balzaak-Jenaa-Turbodog.
Legends of Twilight on Khyber.
Remember our War Cry " Hey man, grab my stone".
Its almost to the point you need a static group(or at minimum a party member) to really use this enhancement when you want. A cleric will in all likilyhood cut you off if he finds his heals are being wasted at any given point. In an all WF scenario where these unique needs can be an afterthought, Im sure a +4 stacking str bonus would be the ****, not to your average player in your average run though.
Most of the time you would keep this for a boss encounter, with the 10 min cooldown... This would be about the same time when blocking is not what you really want to be doing... as a Bladesworn and all Most of my experience is in PUGs though, static/guildie groups may(or may not) be more willing to adjust better to special needs.
Plus theres the whole justifying having an arcane not doing other things while healing a melee, when damage is what you need.
One of the places I have been able to use it pretty freely is in the shroud boss encounters. Seems to be one of the few endgame places that arcanes have some spare time to play that end of their class abilities.
Last edited by llevenbaxx; 05-13-2008 at 12:21 PM.
True if you are planning on using other people to support you it can be difficult. I prefer to plan for self sufficiency. It does nto work all the time, but it can be a nice boost when done right. Just like deepwood is not for some, same with bladesworn.
edit: not to sound like you are not self sufficient, just a build trend I see and am not personally fond of.
I drink harder than you, ride harder than you and if I have spare time I might just play this game too.
Shinarel Arashin, Arishna, Tosshin, Castshin, A warforged named 5u3
Please make "Reading Comprehension" a class skill for all forum posters