I just got a couple of new characters to the 1st tier of House D favor. While I was picking up some +3 arrows, I took a look at the other things they were offering until I found the throwing hammers. This is the first time I had checked out the hammers with only 1 tier of favor(all my other characters were at tier 2 when they were added)and I noticed that in addition to +3 Throwing Hammers, they also offered sturdy throwing hammers, i.e. 75% returners. I checked the other offerings again, and it was only the hammers that had returners available. So my question is, is this a mistake?

I admit, I always found it strange that the returners and +3 returners were available at the same level of favor for an extra gold piece or 2 per arrow. The +3 returners are a much better buy unless all of your bows are +3 or better, and at the level you unlock the favor, that's pretty unlikely. I still use the Silver Bow at least half the time my 16th level Ranger uses a bow. (Most of the other times I use my wounder, which I only recently upgraded to a +3 Bow.) On the other hand, the choice between normal returners and +3 non-returning arrows is a tougher choice. I could see ranged specced characters grabbing some of both-- the returners for most combat and the +3s for enemies with a higher AC.

In mod 7 vendors will be given quivers as well. What quivers will be available at what level of favor? I do think that returner availability should be the same for all weapons. It seems that since the lists have to be updated anyways, this would be a good opportunity to fix them. But instead of moving the hammers to tier 2, maybe we should consider asking for the rest of the normal returners to be moved down to tier 1. What does everyone think? I suppose it won't be so critical with the addition of quivers, but it would still be nice.