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Thread: Magnetic Traps

  1. #1
    Community Member SniptheShadow's Avatar
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    Wink Magnetic Traps

    I'm just throwing this out there for other forum posters to ponder and discuss -- and the devs maybe.

    My main is a Rogue, so I deal in traps with this game a bunch. I love the graphics of each kind of trap: sonic, frost, fire, poison, ect. But one night I was watching the rings on a sonic trap criss-cross down the stairs in Graverobber and thought it would be funny if those were actually magnetic waves, and then the poor tanks would all be stuck on the walls, (Don't get me wrong, I love tanks) and need healing and help with a rogue to DD so as to release them.

    Is that possible? Dunno. Not sure about the coding and things involved with game design. But it made me giggle and seemed like it would make a nice and fresh addition to the game. You could even have the traps high above, and anyone wearing metal would get stuck on the ceiling.

    I don't know, maybe it would be too tough to impliment, but it makes for cool visuals in my own imagination.

    (So many things do -- R.I.P. Dr. Albert Hofmann.) ha

    Anyway, almost digressed, there.

    What do folks think? Is it possible?

    Magnetic traps for me to disable in the distant future.



    P.S. Oh! And I want to go to Sharn!!! DDO II, The City of Towers - Sharn
    Guilds -- Officer: Umber Hulks, Member: Knights of the Silver Dragon (KotSD)
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  2. #2
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    And what if the magnetic traps sucked in all of your Thieves Tool Kits? I mean, they consist of crowbars and picks and all sorts of metal things, right?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  3. #3
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    I love this idea!

    Best way to prune a party free of pesky warforged, just tell everyone else beforehand to remove their armor

    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  4. #4
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solmage View Post
    I love this idea!

    Best way to prune a party free of pesky warforged, just tell everyone else beforehand to remove their armor

    I hope the fighters arent carrying weapons or shields then... and that a rustie comes up behind you and destroys all the equipment you left on the floor. Oh wait, you just had it in your pack? Guess you're stuck to the wall then...

  6. #6
    Community Member SniptheShadow's Avatar
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    Good points about losing thieves tools and weapons. I didn't consider that.

    So how would it work? Hmmm?

    I guess maybe it could be all about the saving throws. A bit like how an Ooze or Rusty damages or destroys some things on your person on in your inventory. You could get a little window if you failed on your saving throw that said, "You have lost your +2 Short Sword of Tendon Slice" or something of the like.

    Also maybe some metals don't get affected by the magnetic traps, say, Mithral or Adamatine. (sp?)

    And this form of trap could also be a very rare occurance. It could be as rare as some of the loot in this game. Perhaps a quest or two only. Maybe one crazy raid has a couple inside that takes lots of switching out with gear just to get through the area.

    Wizards and Sorcerers should be okay for the most part, depending on how they're built. Monks, when they come out, should be fine, too. Rogues and Bards could go either way depending on gear choices and tastes. Paladins, Fighters and Barbs might have it very rough, though. And Warforged. Jeez. Poor Warforged. One of the quests could be called something like, Lord of Blades Bane or some such thing, you know. The quest could be a Warforged players nightmare, eh?

    So how would saving throws work then? Maybe cut Warforged some slack and give them a bit better on the roles? Perhaps their cores being made out of this living wood or whatever gives them a better chance?

    The there are races to consider in saving throws. Halflings would get the best because of size and speed. Dwarves should get better ones because of hardiness. Elves (Drow included) should be rather swift as well and get better saving throws. Human, and someday maybe half-Elves and half-Orcs would probably suffer a bit more on good saving throws for this, I'm guessing.

    Hmmm? I can't think of anything else.

    Does anyone see an aspect to this I missed? Can this even be done?


    Thanks everyone!

    Guilds -- Officer: Umber Hulks, Member: Knights of the Silver Dragon (KotSD)
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  7. #7
    Community Member Josh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solmage View Post
    I love this idea!

    Best way to prune a party free of pesky warforged, just tell everyone else beforehand to remove their armor

    WF aren't made of metal. They're made from livewood. They might have some metal pieces, but mostly, they are wood. Can someone confirm?
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  8. #8
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post
    And what if the magnetic traps sucked in all of your Thieves Tool Kits? I mean, they consist of crowbars and picks and all sorts of metal things, right?
    I don't think the tools would be too much of an issue... Magnetism affects mass, so you aren't going to have rings ripped off of fingers or tools snatched (unless they're laying on the ground).

    Basically, while a shield or sword is massive enough to be ripped out of your hands smaller items won't be.

    I DO see the vision of the OP of melee's being stuck to walls and find it quite funny... Who didn't want a Rogue in the party again?

    [EDIT] I did just have another thought... My rogues generally wear at least a chain shirt... We're going to have to disrobe to disable the trap if the box is strategically placed...
    Last edited by Hambo; 05-12-2008 at 12:34 PM.
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  9. #9
    Community Member Akhad_Durn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SniptheShadow View Post
    But one night I was watching the rings on a sonic trap criss-cross down the stairs in Graverobber...
    Off topic: Assuming you mean the ones at the start of the quest, then those are actually force traps.
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  10. #10
    Community Member wamjratl1's Avatar
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    The answer might be Wind Traps like the one in... Chains of flame? is that in? in GH? Where the air blows you against the ceiling into the spikes. But instead of spikes you're just stuck on the ceiling or wall until the trap is disabled. There would have to be a save involved or an alternate route or maybe this trap is just for an optional so as not to make it required to have a rogue (but who doesn't want a rogue around?!??!).
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  11. #11
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    1) Mithral is a non-ferrous metal and should be immune to magnetic affects.

    2) Gold can't corrode - so exactly why is it that my gold ring was destroyed by a rust monster? There's a reason it doesn't tarnish - it's immune to all chemical attacks (IRL) so it should be immune to rust monster attacks.

    3) Gold is also non-ferrous and immune to magnetism.

  12. #12
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Issip View Post
    2) Gold can't corrode - so exactly why is it that my gold ring was destroyed by a rust monster? There's a reason it doesn't tarnish - it's immune to all chemical attacks (IRL) so it should be immune to rust monster attacks.
    Not actually true. Part of the refining process can include the disolution of gold using a mix of hydrochloric and nitric acid (aqua regia i think is the proper name). Gold can also be 'attacked' by chlorine, fluorine and cyanide. Mercury can also disolve it outright. Since our day-to-day experiences rarely contain large amounts of those materials, most people consider gold as untarnishable/immune to everything.

    Now a chlorine-breathing green dragon, or mercury-spewing monster would be (not only quite toxic) but dangerous to your gold. Considering we can include magic, its not hard to belive that the nature of a rust monster destroys ALL metals, rather than just iron. Im not convinced that when a rust monster attacks you it does particularly severe damage to your gold items anyway (compared to what it does to weapons/shields/armour). Its physical and acid damage though would definately cause some damage as any other monster attack would.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    I had a thought on this. If they ever brought it in, it would make sense to inlcude a penalty to the DC of disable. hard to disable when your tools are being pulled to the side by the magnetic force.
    If caught in the trap, have it like you have been tripped and are stuck on the floor if wearing any metal armour or something like that.
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  14. #14
    Community Member Darkdominion's Avatar
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    I'd like to take a moment to point out that all your equipment is stored in portable holes. I'm fairly sure they wouldn't be affected if its in your inventory, instead of equiped.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Pellegro's Avatar
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    a mercury spewing monster .... nice. I like it ....

    Someone get Eladrin's attention, k?

  16. #16
    Community Member SniptheShadow's Avatar
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    Just thought of another detail to a quest with this possible feature of magnetic traps:

    So, you have a quest with a name like Lord of Blades Bane or maybe The Mad Gnome Artificer or some such, and within are a few magnetic traps spread around to hinder questors.

    One in particular could suck all the armor wearing characters against a wall or lock them in place on the floor if they fail their saving throw. There you have three (or many more if this is a raid) tanks types stuck in place on the floor, the Rogue in this case is also stuck in place because he is wearing chainmail -- but not of Mithral -- and can't even attempt a DD. Suddenly a grinding sound can be heard in each ear of the headset as a stone section of wall in front and behind the area of the magnetic traps slides back and releases Rust Monsters in front and Greater Oozes behind. The casters begin casting like mad as all the tanks begin to scream....

    Guilds -- Officer: Umber Hulks, Member: Knights of the Silver Dragon (KotSD)
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  17. #17
    Founder Litz's Avatar
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    Makes me wonder in the world of fantasy how much science is embeded. Adamantine, Mitheral, and other materials not really in existance, are they ferrous? In RL for a metal to have an attraction to magnetic fields (strong attraction) they need to be Ferrous. Ferrous means having iron in it (small amounts are acceptable). But if I buy a adamantine item from the pawn broker I assume its 100% adamantine. Adamantine is not iron, nor is mitheral. Cold Iron, and flame touched could be, but just what metals are magnetic in fantasy? I wonder for wondering sake because its a non issue for me. All my gear is made of nerf..

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