Thinking of trading this, or maybe keeping it, depending on the offer.
ONLY looking for large ingredience. like everyone else says, scales are worth more than others.
Post or PM whatever you like.
Thinking of trading this, or maybe keeping it, depending on the offer.
ONLY looking for large ingredience. like everyone else says, scales are worth more than others.
Post or PM whatever you like.
What's the ML?
Khyber Server - Disposable Heroes Guild
Meepo - Human Paladin [15th] -=:=- Xilin Twojobs - Drow Elf Sorc [16th] -=:=- Strum Slythe - Human Bard/Rog [14th/2nd] -=:=- Phell d'Orien - Human Barbarian/Rog [12th/2nd] -=:=- Dokc Grimm - Dwarf Cleric/Paladin [9th/1st]
Don't get me wrong. its a very nice pull. I saw a similar one on AH for a 350k BO but, I don't think anyone bought it.
Not sure what it would be worth since +4's are so cheap. And with the new crafting able to turn +4 resist rings into +5 in a couple of weeks, everyone will be running around w/ +5 resist items very soon.
GL on the trade
3 Parts Potassium Nitrate, 1/2 part Charcoal and 1/2 part Sulfur add external heat source and PHOOSH!!!!!
Aegean-Clr, Balar-Ftr,Cyclonik-Wiz, Davir-Rog, Soroden-Sorc, Towong-Mnk, Waring-Rng
Well that all depends on whether the person has a +5 resist jewelry item or not. I haven't seen any +5 resist rings but, w/ a cloak showing up there probably is one out there. And since trinkets are part of jewelry, All those kardin's eye may become +6's. It's one of those wait and see time things.
As for the cloak, per the current defination given on the mod7 update, it can't be upgraded from +5 to +6.
3 Parts Potassium Nitrate, 1/2 part Charcoal and 1/2 part Sulfur add external heat source and PHOOSH!!!!!
Aegean-Clr, Balar-Ftr,Cyclonik-Wiz, Davir-Rog, Soroden-Sorc, Towong-Mnk, Waring-Rng