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  1. #21
    Relic of the Last War
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    Lightbulb DasLurch's Items

    Ok, I like DarLurch's gear too. It's great to see some unique and level-spanned items here!

    My Quesiton: Ioun Stones - Are they a normal stat bonus, or a STACKABLE outside of traditional magic enchants? Call it a MetaPhysical Attunement or something? It would be a great way to increase numbers. I would not encourage +5 or +6 Iounstones to ever become available at our current levels. Maybe level 20 and beyond. If it st acked, Min level 14. Perhaps make a lesser Ioun Stone as well for +2 and used at level 7. All Iou Stones IMO should also receive a special animation in that they float around the user's head, as they have in other D&D Games. That would be awesome to have a glowing coloured Ioun Stone with tricked-out lighting effects based on the "colour stone effect" equipped. This would lead to a whole new realm of Pimp My Warforged (in a good way, to go with a Dress & Appearance Module we will hopefully see down the line).

    Also, even if this is a non-stackable regular enchant on the Ioun Stones, I'm all for it. If they were normal stat enchants, decrease level requirement to meet other gear of same stat bonus and allow up to +6 Stat Bonus Ioun Stones. If Clickable, creates a "dazzle" effect that provides no real use in combat but looks neat.

    Item Name: Glowing _____ Ioun Stone
    Item Type: Trinket
    Found in: level 11-16 quests
    Min LV: 13
    DDO Attributes: Adds a +4 to ___ stat
    Your Attributes: Gem for hardness; level 13 jewlery for durability
    Other specials: None
    Clicky(s): None
    Flavor: [ When holding this Glowing Stone you feel as if you are ____ (quicker, stronger, smarter, etc...)]

    These next ideas are similar in feel. They all add a small bonus to combat in some way.

    Excellent Emergency Item. Spell Penetration on ALL Spells? Stackable? Min Req Level 10. Maybe increase Power Setting or Wizardry Enchant.

    Item Name: Earring of the Practitioner
    Item Type: Trinket
    Found in: lev 8-14 quests
    Min LV: 9
    DDO Attributes: Adds a stackable +1 to your spell penatration that works with all items and feats.
    Your Attributes: Gold for hardness; level 9 jewlery for durability
    Other specials: Power II
    Clicky(s): 1x /rest, the user can restore 20 SP. This works as if it is a mnemonic potion in all ways
    Flavor: [ This was the possesion of a great mage. You almost feel as if some of the mage's expierience is added to your own when it is worn]

    Nosering of the Brute: If this became a rare find, make it a +1 Strength Item as well. Keep level req, rare chest item.

    Item Name: Nosering of the Brute
    Item Type: Trinket
    Found in: level 5-11 quests
    Min LV: 5
    DDO Attributes: adds a stackable +1 to all damage rolls.
    Your Attributes: Steel for hardness; lev 7 jewlery for durability
    Other specials:
    Clicky(s): 1x /rest Bull's Strength at a lev 5 caster level
    Flavor: [ This was given to the most ferocious of the Tharashk Arena pit fighters.]

    Fencer's Medallion: Possibly recommend item +2 Dex, or x3 haste. Min Level 10.

    Item Name: Fencer's Medallion
    Item Type: Trinket
    Found in: level 8-14 quests
    Min LV: 9
    DDO Attributes: Adds a stackable +1 to all to hit rolls.
    Your Attributes: Gold for hardness; level 9 jewlery for durability
    Other specials:
    Clicky(s): 1x /rest Haste at a level 9 caster level
    Flavor: [ This was given to a past fencing champion of the Festivult tournament.]

    Great item. Blur x3 and raise min level 8.

    Item Name: Talisman of the Sentinel
    Item Type: Trinket
    Found in: level 6-12 quests
    Min LV: 7
    DDO Attributes: adds a +2 natural armor bonus to your AC
    Your Attributes: cloth for hardness; level 8 robes for durability
    Other specials:
    Clicky(s): 1x /rest Blur at a level 5 caster level
    Flavor: [ This item is given to people who have performed a great service to House Denieth]

    I recommend the Brooch of Spell Warding receive a 3x/day clickie of Nightshield or Shield.

    Item Name: Brooch of Spell Warding
    Item Type: Trinket
    Found in: level 3-10 quests
    Min LV: 3
    DDO Attributes: Grants the wearer SR 13
    Your Attributes: silver for hardness; level 5 jewlery for durability
    Other specials: None
    Clicky(s): None
    Flavor: [ This item emits a soft glow that seems to ward off magic.]

  2. #22
    Community Member Elvish_Ranger's Avatar
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    Default New Weapon

    Name Giants Bow
    amended attributes 2d6+5 19-20/x4
    effects: lesser creature bane
    lesser creature bane is in esscense greater bane against any creature not classified as a giant or greater in size.
    Creates its own arrows that disapear when leaving an adventure.
    ddo effects:transmuting, BOUND
    requirements: min str 20, dex 30 its a very large bow and thus normal sized persons cannot wield it. Those that have the strength to lift it need to be nimble as to be able to balance it in there arms.
    min lvl 14-16 not sure how to calculate
    found in lvl 16+ raid loot
    unique this weapon even with the improved precise shot feat will harm other party member in the way.

    flavor: The rangers in the lost giant empire could not use bows like the lesser races so they crafted there own. These powerful weapons became more useful than hurling bolders with better range and accuracy. As the giants empire fell these bows were lost as the giants lost there inteligence. The only ones you may still see using this bow would be a storm giant who has been known to enchant electricity in them. Or the mighty fire giants who use flame. Either way the wielder of this bow is a formidable warrior.

    Just a nice update for rangers that need it.
    Last edited by Elvish Ranger; 05-12-2008 at 10:28 PM. Reason: forgot flavor
    Hevanas lvl 15Ranger1rogue,Innovindil lvl 16Wizard,soulstriker lvl 13 fighter/barb,,ghranrul lvl 4 bard, siegrahm lvl 5 cleric
    Sun War Academy from Lhazaar, favorite guild
    Knights of Tiamat last known members: Chadzz, Gierwin, Hevanas

  3. #23
    Relic of the Last War
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    Default Needs some Modifications on Soulsinger

    A good start on this one. I feel the attributes in FULL DESCRIPTION need better wording. I would also like a clearly-defined effect (that we can understand in DDO) for Good-Aligned Strikes because some day this may be possible. I also feel the Neutral Effect is Stronger than the EVIL Effect, which should be reworked, because a bard is likely Neutral Good or Neutral. I think the effect of a 1-round stun w/DC to come out of stun is suitable on Neutral. I'd like to see the Evil-aligned strike be a 1d8 +1 Sonic Strike with a Sonic Burst Effect on Criticals utilizing 2d8 sonic damage on crits. This would better compensate the -1 penalty on evil creatures IMO, which is essentially a bane spell.

    Item Name: Soulsinger
    Found in: 8-10 Level chests rare drop
    ML: 8
    Base Enhancements: None
    Description: +3 Longsword
    DDO Attributes: Based on alignment

    Full description: The great bard Elindel of the Marshes literally sung his lifeforce into this sword before dying. It was his gift to his students and only the greatest of them can wield this sword. Has a prereq of a minimum of 10 ranks in perform use properly. In the hand of a non-bard this is a simple +3 longsword. In the hands of a true bard this sword literally hums with energy. Whenever a hit is scored with this sword by humming a special note the bard can elicit a unique effect based on the opponets alignment. A good creature struck by this sword will fight the notes of peace ringing in their soul and loose all heart for battle and wonder off. A neutral character will be confused by the notes rining in ther soul and will be dazed for 1 round and unable to take any action. An evil character will will find the notes set up a painfull resonance in their souls and will suffer 1d6 extra damage and -1 to all attack, damage, and save rolls for 1 round.

  4. #24
    Relic of the Last War
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    Thumbs up Favorites

    These 2 Items have become my new favorites in the entire thread thus far 13MAY08 pending. Sidearm and Sparkshield should both become staple items in DDO.

    Item Name: Sidearm
    Item Type: +1 Dagger
    Found in: Low level chests
    Min LV: 2
    Attributes: Grants Two Weapon Fighting feat.

    Item Name: Sparkshield
    Item Type: +1 Large Adamantine Shield
    Found in: Mid level chests
    Min LV: 8
    Attributes: Anything that attacks you while you are blocking with this shield must make a fortitude save DC 24 or be blinded for 12 seconds. (and ideally would have a nice big burst of sparks graphic)
    Attributes: Hide -5

    Glamour needs more information. Confused on this, but intrigued on the possibilities available.

    Item Name: Glamour
    Item Type: Ring
    Found in: Mid level chests
    Min LV: 5
    Attributes: Uses diplomacy(as your current skill level) on anything that attacks you.

  5. #25
    Relic of the Last War
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    Giant's Bow: I think this would be a little cartoonish of an item, but it could be interesting to see Medium & Larger characters utilize this. I feel the size of the bow would mean that dwarf & halflings (and future gnomes) may be barred from its use. If it didn't look ridiculous graphically, I'm all for it. I think the Lesser Creature Bane needs some clarification.

    Is it Creatures, Living Beings, or All Medium-Small Things that are vulnerable to this effect? Does it affect the Undead? Or the Elemental? I think it shouldn't, personally, or it would be too strong a bow and everyone's new sorcerer would be a ranged ranger. I like the no-need for arrows.

    I thought of the graphic. The bow should essentially be a Short Bow for a Giant. I believe that's why you used the 2d6 instead of 2d8 for amended attributes. The bow should be stocky, full of metal, and with a very thick handle and even thicker stock with a tapering curve that would make Pam Anderson jealous. (yeah, I joke, but am serious at the same time).

    Name Giants Bow
    amended attributes 2d6+5 19-20/x4
    effects: lesser creature bane
    lesser creature bane is in esscense greater bane against any creature not classified as a giant or greater in size.
    Creates its own arrows that disapear when leaving an adventure.
    ddo effects:transmuting, BOUND
    requirements: min str 20, dex 30 its a very large bow and thus normal sized persons cannot wield it. Those that have the strength to lift it need to be nimble as to be able to balance it in there arms.
    min lvl 14-16 not sure how to calculate
    found in lvl 16+ raid loot
    unique this weapon even with the improved precise shot feat will harm other party member in the way.

  6. #26


    I am not updating this thread anymore. Post ur stuff here now:

  7. #27
    Community Member Elvish_Ranger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post
    Giant's Bow: I think this would be a little cartoonish of an item, but it could be interesting to see Medium & Larger characters utilize this. I feel the size of the bow would mean that dwarf & halflings (and future gnomes) may be barred from its use. If it didn't look ridiculous graphically, I'm all for it. I think the Lesser Creature Bane needs some clarification.

    Is it Creatures, Living Beings, or All Medium-Small Things that are vulnerable to this effect? Does it affect the Undead? Or the Elemental? I think it shouldn't, personally, or it would be too strong a bow and everyone's new sorcerer would be a ranged ranger. I like the no-need for arrows.

    I thought of the graphic. The bow should essentially be a Short Bow for a Giant. I believe that's why you used the 2d6 instead of 2d8 for amended attributes. The bow should be stocky, full of metal, and with a very thick handle and even thicker stock with a tapering curve that would make Pam Anderson jealous. (yeah, I joke, but am serious at the same time).

    Name Giants Bow
    amended attributes 2d6+5 19-20/x4
    effects: lesser creature bane
    lesser creature bane is in esscense greater bane against any creature not classified as a giant or greater in size.
    Creates its own arrows that disapear when leaving an adventure.
    ddo effects:transmuting, BOUND
    requirements: min str 20, dex 30 its a very large bow and thus normal sized persons cannot wield it. Those that have the strength to lift it need to be nimble as to be able to balance it in there arms.
    min lvl 14-16 not sure how to calculate
    found in lvl 16+ raid loot
    unique this weapon even with the improved precise shot feat will harm other party member in the way.
    The lesser creature bane would be anything a giant considered a lesser creature, elementals are extra planar and undead well there special in there own way. so ya undead and elementals would be immune to this damage but all others such as goblins, orcs, HALFLINGS, etc etc would be vunerable, and yes i chose the shortbow because 2d8+5 19-20/4 wold be a bit too uber especially since ranges add there str to damage. can you imagine a 32 str build ranger usign this bow or ranger 1 lvl barbarian 15 with barbarain rage and crit weapon would be what 16-20 crit with mad damage.
    Hevanas lvl 15Ranger1rogue,Innovindil lvl 16Wizard,soulstriker lvl 13 fighter/barb,,ghranrul lvl 4 bard, siegrahm lvl 5 cleric
    Sun War Academy from Lhazaar, favorite guild
    Knights of Tiamat last known members: Chadzz, Gierwin, Hevanas

  8. #28
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yagmoth View Post
    Hmm I was editing my own post when I got a reply for balance by sirgog. I am thinking how to avoid this in the future. I am gonna say absolutely no editing your own idea posts. You have to do it in a reply to post. What you think?

    Oh I like ur clicky thing..ima make a template incorporating that.

    we can edit spelling errors I hope :-P I am horrible at them

  9. #29
    Community Member ...v...'s Avatar
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    Default Ideas unlimited

    What would be great is to have the capability to customize the color and appearances of gear and items. It would be great if we could do the same with characters. For ideas just open up an old D&D module.

  10. #30
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Boots of the Soft Step

    - Tremorless Step: Your feet touching the ground, no matter how firmly, do not make any vibrations whatsoever. Monsters with Tremor Sense, or that rely on Tremor Sense to find you, cannot detect your movement.

    - Fast Step: This enchantment boosts your total movement rate by 10% when seen, and 30% while sneaking. This effect stacks with all known enchantments, enhancements and feats.

    - Assassin's Creed: This is part of the Assassin equipment set, and provides an additional +2 to the DC of Assassinate. When the set is completed, the Fast Step enchantment boosts normal movement by 15%, and sneaking by 40%, and gains Hide +15 and Move Silent +15

    Minimum Level 15.

    Gloves of the Silent Strike

    - Assassin's Creed: This is part of the Assassin equipment set, and provides an additional +2 to-hit Circumstance bonus to all Sneak Attacks, and a +3 Circumstance Bonus to all Sneak Attack damage when the set is completed.

    - Swift Strike: This increases melee alacrity by 15% as a Circumstantial Bonus, and stacks with all known bonuses. Your melee attacks generate an additional 10% Threat due to this speed increase. The Increased Threat is nullified by Assassin's Creed Set Bonus.

    - Silent Swing: Your melee attacks generate no sound due to a mysterious enchantment on these silken gloves. The effect covers your entire body in a slight shadowy sheen, softly muting all movement noise(and renders your presence undetectable to those that would use Sonar to find you) once the Assassin's Creed set is completed.

    Cape of the Black Hand

    - Cursed Item, Assassin's Creed: This item can only be worn by a Rogue Assassin, and is badly tainted with a foul shroud of reeking stench. Equipping this item before cleansing it causes permanent nausea, and provides a -20 to hide and move silently due to its constantly writhing fabric and incredibly odorous smell. (Insert NPC directions here, whatever). Once cleansed, this beautiful transparent black cloak seems to make every living thing near it invisible. The etching of a faint outline can only be seen in small parts at a time, with careful and meticulous inspection by keen eyes. Eventual and extensive examination yields the faint shape of a Hand outlined by near-invisible thread.

    - Cleanse at Silver Flame Altar: Only a redeemed soul may cleanse this item at the Silver Flame Altar in <insert new area for Silver Flame Altar here, possibly a lesser altar in House Jorasco>. This removes all taint and restores it to full glory. This cloak then permanently binds and attunes to its cleanser(Yowza! What a clincher!).

    - Obscure Reality: This cloak changes the very nature of perception within your immediate area, affecting you and those you come near with an aura of simultaneous extreme clarity, and clouded delusion. This effect affords a +10 Circumstance bonus and +20 Competence bonus, which stack simultaneously for an effective bonus of +30, to the following: Hide, Move Silently, Spot, Search. This effect is supressed by the Curse completely.

    I've been enjoying my Assassin a lot lately and notice some rather serious problems in combat. This set would alleviate at least some of those issues(such as those with Tremor Sense aggroing immediately on the carefully sneaking rogue instead of the 4 others running around in loud heavy armor and the crazed magician in robes).
    Last edited by GlassCannon; 07-10-2009 at 02:00 PM. Reason: Assassin Lovin'! Of course, these would be best implemented as Static Rewards instead of Chest Loot

  11. #31
    Tasty Ham Smuggler Kromize's Avatar
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    Item Name: Izual's Valor
    Item Type: Trinket
    Found in: any quests
    Min LV: 1
    DDO Attributes: None
    Your Attributes: Bone(the center of a tasty ham)
    Other specials: Can be imbued in stone of change with a blank crafting trinket(or just a cool gem(any gem?) if those don't exist yet..:/) as to put the magical energy into a more durable holder, and so that it won't stink so much too...
    Clicky(s): Smuggle Tasty Ham(1/rest)
    Flavor: [ This is the leftover shank of a Tasty Ham Consumed by the Mighty Izual! It seems to grant you some of his abilities in finding tasty ham! ]

  12. #32
    Community Member AaragonStrider56's Avatar
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    Default spell component bags for casters, clerics, and bards

    We have bags to carry our collectibles, gems, and ingredients. Why not add another bag for the casting community to carry their spell components in.

  13. #33
    Tasty Ham Smuggler Kromize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AaragonStrider56 View Post
    We have bags to carry our collectibles, gems, and ingredients. Why not add another bag for the casting community to carry their spell components in.
    Why not do a revamp of the inventory system to make it better, and easier to use...I once had to use google to find my con necklace!

    But srsly, change it as a whole. Add in small bags by default(which would be located in the inventory panel, but not in the inventory, and these bags can be upgraded in some cool way, so you wont have to find new bigger ones, but you can instead work to upgrade them when you can. And make the bags look like the current inventory, sorta...

    Also, for the invnetory, split it up. Let people customize it. Make default sections for weapons, armor, shields. Another for jewelry, boots, helms, gloves, etc... Make one for quest items. And then, let people customize those further, as well as getting the two extra via favor. If we had this, I would be happy. (;

  14. #34
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    "By the powers of the SILVER FLAME I command this dead thread to RISE Again."
    Clerics of Fernia
    King of Stormreach
    (and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge )

  15. #35
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Ring of the Flying Crane

    - Extends the duration of Abundant Step by double the distance and time.

    - Striding 50%

    - Hide and Move Silently -15: This item instills in the wearer a reckless sense of speed, firing within them a great desire to run, to fly. The restlessness caused by this effect forces the Monk's body to continue constant motion. Wind Stance users recieve an additional 5% Circumstantial bonus to Melee and Ranged Alacrity, and recieve an Insight Bonus to Dexterity of +1 per 2 ranks of Wind Stance(i.e. +1 Wind 2, +2 Grandmaster of Wind). This restlessness also reduces Wisdom, as it is terribly distracting, at -1 per 2 ranks of Stance(Same progression as DEX).

    - Increased Threat 15%: Enemies see you moving far faster than normal and target you as the greatest threat. Your presence, melee and ranged attacks generate an additional 15% Threat. This stacks multiplicatively with Dungeon Alert.

    Minimum Level 15, Class Exclusive Restriction: Monk. -- Multiclasses will not be able to wear this ring. Their deviation from the Monk path has defiled them, and the Ring will only cooperate with a Pure soul.

    Sentient Item. << We'll get to this later.
    Last edited by GlassCannon; 07-10-2009 at 01:36 PM. Reason: Class Exclusive Restriction defined with insinuation. Edit2: Added detriment to Hide/Move Silent and definition

  16. #36
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Oculus of the Elect of Fernia

    - Fire Damage Amplification(at least 20%, leaving undefined): Stacks with all feats, enhancements, enchantments and metamagics.

    Oculus of the Elect of Risia

    - Ice Damage Amplification

    Same thing for Acid, Electric, Force, Positive, Negative, etcetera. Trinket. Minimum level 11.

    Preferably - Put these in a quest with casters as the bosses, in a star shaped dungeon with vaulted ceilings and Gothic architecture, in a very well kept Necromancer's Monestary. The final boss would be available only via a portal in the center of the dungeon, near the entrance door, that opens upon the requisite activation of locked runes protected by his magician stewards. These runes would be accessible to an Assassin sneaking up and activating them without knowledge of the steward, but would put said Rogue at risk of Dungeon Alert, as the rune would boost Spot and Listen in that area by 20 for all creatures. Said Magician Stewards would be equipped with these items, which would 'magically put themselves into the chest' at a certain Uncommon to Rare rate. This would excuse alarmingly powerful damage spells from said magical harbingers of destruction.
    Despite being a Necromancer's Monestary, there are no undead to be found, save a single Rare Lich(random spawn) that enacts a battle against one of the stewards(note: If the Steward kills him, no extra chest! As a side bonus, if the Steward kills him, there will be a permanent Level 1+ Dungeon Alert!). Instead there are all manner of magical beasts. Due to the Necromancer having an illogical loathing and cruel penchant for torturing Dog type creatures, there are no Worgs(or similar monsters) in the dungeon.
    The end fight would consist of a blasting maniac of magical damage, throwing all manner of spells wildly and having no Spot or Listen to speak of(don't need them when every spell you have is similar to a nuclear bomb). Eventually, he runs out of spells and pulls out a MASSIVE Greatsword. Upon his initial defeat(where you discover he was remotely controlling the Human Homonculus you just killed via Magic), he falls dead and the sword hovers in the air a moment, then transforms into his Lich, which you then must also fight. Eventually the Lich runs out of Spells Per Day as well, and pulls out a gleaming glossy black Maul. The Rare Maul from his chest is an Obsidian maul, and bears the additional damage output of such.

    Maul of the Frenzied Necromancer

    +5 True Evil Obsidian Maul of Greater Living Bane(+4 +3d6 to all living creatures, regardless race or type/subtype)
    UMD 20(lowered for his Human Homonculus)
    Minimum Level 16(also lowered for his Homonculus)
    Damage Die 3d6 19-20/x4, +5 Enchantment Bonus, Magic, Evil

    Note: He will be hitting YOU with this. Drop rate is again Rare/Super Rare due to its overpowering traits. The low UMD and Level requirements adhere to the looted weapon.
    Last edited by GlassCannon; 07-10-2009 at 01:57 PM.

  17. #37
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Dagger of the Fallen Kobold Bard

    Scrawled deep into the hilt of this dagger in writing so crude you can only surmise what the letters might have been intended to be, you read the name "Deekin". You suspect this kobold was quite unusual, as you have never seen such an artifact as this.

    - Some random effects and such, whatever. I just wanted to toss that in there, and have it "Tainted by the energy of Dal Quor, and warped by the energy of Dolurrh", meaning it's really not supposed to be anywhere in particular. It probably got dropped into a random portable hole that collapsed and formed a planar singularity which then imploded and exploded on itself, losing all its contents into random eddies of planar energy.

  18. #38
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Returning Dart of the Aggravated Drow Teenager

    - Angst: This dart has been meticulously reworked by a very angry individual, and is viciously serrated and cruel, reformed in ways you would never expect a dart to be crafted. Magic seems to be the only thing even holding it together. The damage die for this weapon is a 1d8+3, and its critical range is 19-20 at a x3 multiplier.

    - Returning: This dart returns, but not in a normal manner. There is a chance for this dart to deal half its potential damage to you upon its return(Bane damage is tabulated seperately and is not reduced). The returning dart can score Critical Hits on you as well, and is not affected by Armor Class or Concealment.

    - Greater Elf Bane: Obvious.

    - Greater Human Bane: Obvious

    - Greater Giant Bane: Obvious

    - Greater Dwarf Slaying: This acts like Greater Dwarf Bane in addition to making a magical attempt to slay the Dwarf. The Slaying effect only activates on a Return journey, as this dart was intended to be used by the origin teenager against Duergar enemies. The enchantment misaligned to the return instead of the throw due to his incredible angst distracting his enchantment.

    - Greater Construct Slaying: See above, Smites a construct on return to inventory.

    - Summon Grandma: Grandma appears to give you a sandwich comprised of your favorite meats, breads, and various toppings. 1/rest. In the case of a Warforged, who has no Grandma, someone's grandma appears to give you your favorite Warforged delicacies.

    Minimum level 14, Races exclusively permitted: Elf, Drow, Human, Warforged, Dwarf.
    Last edited by GlassCannon; 07-10-2009 at 01:28 PM. Reason: Note: Returning effects only affect the Thrower of the dart, as in the case of Dwarf and Construct Slaying.

  19. #39
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    "By the powers of the SILVER FLAME I command this dead thread to RISE Again."
    I hope it's not too late to use True Resurrection....
    Last edited by GlassCannon; 07-24-2009 at 07:51 AM.

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