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  1. #1

    Post MCsquishy's Devoloper Item Idea Thread

    The purpose of this thread is to present creative items to the devolopers we as a community would like to see in the game. I will update as often as I can and especially on fridays. I work from 2 to 10pm Mountain time. I am aiming for a sticky on this thread. Special Thx to Kistilan for the idea to put thread here and make it useful to developers with balancing.

    A) Please follow these rules for posting new items as they will help keep the post organized and up to speed:
    1) Post your comments on previous items posted by other users. See below to B) for what to comment on.
    2) When you post your ideas for items, post 1 to 3 items. 3 might even be too much. I will have to see if the community wants 2 or even 1.
    3) Keep your items within the LV 1 - 20 powerlevel. Do not feel like you must create the uberest most powerful items, simple low level item ideas are some of the hardest and most creative to make.
    4) DO NOT post an item if your previous items have not been balanced by the community.
    5) DO NOT post new items if you see the Red Light status on the thread summary page (summary page = first reply by me) as that means we have far too many items to balance and need to stop posting new items until you see the Green Light (Go ahead and post 3 item ideas after you give balance comments on other people's items) or Yellow Light (same as green but only post 1 item idea).
    6) NO joke item posts or any such shenanigans. Keep it real peeps!
    7) Follow this general item template:
    Item Name = ex. Silver Bow
    Item Type = (Plus factor and type of item) = (+2 Longbow)
    Found in - This denotes where the item can be looted and at what rarity. Locations are out of breakable, questchest (any chest in the quest), raid questchest, endchest, raid endchest, single quest endreward, single quest raid endreward, static quest series endreward, static quest series raid endreward (Each quest in series is a raid) and crafted (This is a special found in you will have to explain.) Rarities I will use here are common, uncommon, rare, very rare, and exceptionaly rare. I have no idea the chances items drop now so I will leave these rarities without numeric values that the devolopers can hopefully use. Leave this blank if you have no idea and the community can flesh it out. Ex. Silver Bow is LV 9 Endchest and even has specific quest the Church and the Cult
    MIN LV Required - Give it a try. This is quite hard to do. Example Silver Bow is 6.
    Changed basic values if any = ex. Crits on 19 or 20 like silver bow or maybe it does the damage of a bastard sword but is treated like a shortsword like Sunsword, ect.
    Attributes already in DDO = ex. holy, acid, ect
    Your own new attributes and what each does
    Any other information not named in an attribute = Critical hits deal an additional 3 damage or Prevents 50% damage you take from kobolds
    Clicky = ex. LV 3 Web 5X
    Flavor Text in [ ].
    8) Please refrain from using attributes others have already created in this post but if you have an awesome idea for an item using a previous attribute, then you must give the original poster credit in your post.
    9) Ignore any posts that are inflammatory, negative, or do not contribute to the item idea thread in any way.
    10) Do NOT edit ur own items once you post them unless it is to fix spelling, punctuation, or such. Take a long time to make sure you posted your items stats and such correctly. This is because you might be editing while someone else is posting a quote that wont make sense if you edit. IF you want to propose a change for your item, then do it with a post reply.

    Here is a blank item template that I will also use for balanced items so all items have the same format when done:
    Item Name:
    Item Type:
    Found in:
    Min LV:
    Changed Basic Values:
    DDO Attributes:
    Your Attributes:
    Other specials:
    Flavor: [ ]

    B) We as a community will need to hammer out the balancing for each item posted. Please post comments on each item according to the following questions:
    1) Does this item exist already in the game and hence the item is redundant
    2) Does the item make sense? (ex: A vorpal longbow with slicing blow or a Holy Bastard Sword only usable by non-good would not make sense.)
    3) Is the item overpowered?
    4) Is the item underpowered?
    5) Is the MIN LV the author posted about right? IF not, then what is the min LV that should be required on this item?
    6) Is the found in chest LV about right? If not, then what level of chest would one find this item? Should this item be raid loot? Crafted only?
    7) Your other thoughts on the item. Did you like the item idea? Dislike? If disliked, can it be fixed? Should item should be scrapped?

    Here is a blank template you can copy paste for your comments:
    My balance thoughts on posted by :
    1) Does item exist already? =
    2) Does item make sense? =
    3) Is the item overpowered? =
    4) Is the item underpowered? =
    5) Is the MIN LV about right? =
    6) Is the found in about right? =
    7) Explain 1-6 comments =

    C) Once I see the community generally agrees an item is balanced, (This might be hard bear with me) I will add it to the list below meaning no more comments are needed on it and the original item poster will get credit.

    Current fully community balanced item list:


    Thank you for your support, ideas, criticisms, and passion for DDO! It would not be possible without you. I loves you all -MCsquishy
    Last edited by Yagmoth; 05-10-2008 at 09:43 AM. Reason: Added blank template for item ideas

  2. #2


    This is the summary of the thread:

    Total number of items balanced by community: 0
    Names of those items: none

    Total number of items awaiting balancing: 18
    Names of those items: The Metamagic Band, General's Don, Thirstquencher, Beguiler, Tyrant's Bane, Sidearm, Sparkshield, Glamour, Punch's Club, Mattock of the Titans, Soulsinger, Glowing ___ Ioun Stone, Earring of the Practitioner, Talisman of the Sentinel, Fencer's Medallion, Nosering of the Brute, Brooch of Spell Warding, Sturdy Wizardry Staff

    Total number of forum peeps contributing: 9
    Names of those forum peeps: Yagmoth, Kistilan, fatherpirate, sirgog, dameron, Spectralist, RavenStormclaw, Daslurch, Venar

    Post new items status: Yellow Light

    Green light means 1-10 items awaiting balancing. Go ahead and post up to 3 ideas after you give balance comments for as many items as you can.
    Yellow light means 11-20 items awaiting balancing. Go ahead and post 1 item after you give balance comments for as many items as you can.
    Red Light means 21+ items awaiting balancing. PLEASE DO NOT POST ITEMS and instead save ur uber item ideas to wordpad for posting at a later time as the community balances the backlog of items.
    Last edited by Yagmoth; 05-12-2008 at 06:08 PM. Reason: Updated format

  3. #3
    Relic of the Last War
    Scholar of Adventure
    Kistilan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I'm excited about this idea for a Sticky. I'll gladly start adding 1s and 2s of item ideas for balancing provided the rest of the community is interested. This is a much better diversion than a lot of the recent threads. *L*

    My only suggestion is this: Explain the terms Underpowered & Overpowered, as a +5 Longsword wielded at level 1 requirement IS overpowered, but a +5 longsword with a level 20 requirement IS Underpowered (providing no other unique attributes to the item).

    And give a sample template on 1 item that you think would illustrate "How to post a useful item" so there is a temnplate on what to insert as the details of the item.

    Like So:
    Sunsword +2 Longsword, Righteous (I'm making this up, no idea what the stats are on the Sunsword)
    LVL REQ: 8
    DMG 1d10+2 x2 (19-20)
    Special: A sword that emits a bright vibrant light upon command, blinding nearby opponents with its glaring light (3 uses per rest). This blade, due to its nature of positive energy and flame, deals double damage against the undead due to their inherent negative energy.

    *NEW 12 MAY 08* I'm going to say new material-types would be a great thing, but should also be accompanied by a few specific items created with said material and the reasoning behind it. There is a Muckbane and Greater Muckbane item that does not take damage, so it's important to differentiate between the ideas. I do like the whitesteel and in a traditional PnP game I see it being highly useful. The question is, would that material be useful for DDO?

    *YELLOW LIGHT* Item Creation at 1 per user til we get 20 items up! We got 10 + Items & 1 Composite Element on the Charts. (Great Method for post contribution, Yagmoth!) Format is getting cleaned up too -- looks good.
    Last edited by Kistilan; 05-12-2008 at 09:32 PM. Reason: Red Light

  4. #4
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Apr 2008


    I willl not suggest an item...rather a material.

    White Steel
    Slightly softer than Mithral...harder than steel

    Will not take enchantment...can be made mastercraft, but not magical
    immune to rust, acid, fire or anything else that might harm a weapon <<unbreakable, undamageable..even by oozes>>
    very light weight

    When used for melee weapon, it reduces the weapons effective size class by 1 ie, a long sword would be classed as a small weapon,
    and 2 handed weapons can be used as large 1 handed

    cannot be used in bows

    when used as bow ammo..increases ranges by 25&#37;


    White steel is an oddity, it is an excellent weapon material but absolutely refuses to be enchanted in any form.
    That, with a material cost of 5 times regular steel, one would think it was of little use, however there is a steady
    market for White Steel weapon's from various specialists that either 'work' in hostile enviroments or often
    have to hunt creatures that ruin lesser weapons. Also a few of the exotic fighting styles like that fact that
    the larger White Steel weapons can be effectively used one handed when their steel counter parts are far to
    heavy to try that.

    Overall, they are not for everyone...but for the folks that use them never need fear a rust monster.

    How about that?
    Last edited by fatherpirate; 05-13-2008 at 08:04 AM.

  5. #5

    Default MCsquishy item post #1

    First of all, thx for the interest kistilian and fatherpirate.
    Fatherpirate I did not anticipate material ideas and dont know if it belongs here or in another thread? What you think Kistilian?

    The answer to your question kistilian is simple and you even stated it yourself. My template includes The min LV required to use the item so iF someone posted an idea for a +5 longsword MIN LV 1 then it is clearly overpowered while a +5 longsword Min LV 20 is clearly underpowered. I hope this answers that. Both ideas would also suck since +5 longsword already is in the game.

    I am getting many views but only a couple of resposes so I am gonna assume my rules and balance questions are ok. I am gonna start this thread of with 3 items from my other thread all balanced me hopes. This also shows how I do them.

    The Metamagic Band (Ring)
    Found in: LV 10-14 extremely rare endchest
    Min LV - 10
    Concentrate + 10
    Metamagic Affinity - All your metamagic feats cost 1 less spellpoint to use.
    Metamagic Reflexes - For each metamagic feat you have active, you gain 1 dodge bonus to AC.
    Metamagic Quickening - Turning on your metamagic feats takes 50% less time.
    Metamagic Halo - If you have 3 or more metamagic feats active and have at least 100 SP, then this band emits a 15 foot radious DC 25 blinding flash centered on you every 2 minutes.
    Metamagic Drain - You lose 1 SP per minute. IF you have 0 SP, then the metamagic band temporarily loses all other metamagic attributes.
    [The symbols of the metamgic feats fashioned in platinum make up this band and glow when their user chooses to use them.]

    General’s Don (Full Plate +5)
    Found in: LV 12-16 extrememly rare warded endchest
    Min LV - 12
    Everbright, Adamantine
    Born to lead - Whenever the leader of a party leaves, you gain the leader star. If someone else in the party is also wearing the General's Don, then the character with the highest CHA gets the star. If this is also a tie, then the highest level character between them gets the star. IF this is also a tie, then the winner of the star is determined at random.
    Boon of leadership - While you are the leader of a 4 person or more party, you gain +6 CHA, Greater Heroism, and Greater Command (+4 to CHA skills, -10 hide).
    Burden of leadership - Whenever you lose the star by promoting someone in a quest (You can promote out of a quest and not lose confidence), you lose confidence giving you a -1 confidence penalty to saves, skill checks, weapons attacks and weapon damage. You must complete a quest that gives you XP with the star to clear a confidence penalty.
    [Most leaders are trained, some are gifted, and a few are born to lead but all these would take commands from the temporarily general suited in this armor.]

    Thirstquencher (Greataxe +5)
    Found in: LV 16-20 very rare static quest series endreward
    Min LV - 16
    Vorpal, Seeker +6
    Whenever the first roll is a 1 on your attack roll or confirm critical roll, roll again and ignore the previous roll.
    [Swings itself, you just have to carry it and aim it at necks.]

    I have 100 more items to go thru if we get a dryspell. I like to create heh. What you think?
    Last edited by Yagmoth; 05-10-2008 at 08:12 AM.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    Balance suggestions first:

    The Metamagic Band (Ring)
    Found in: 10-14 very rare endchest
    Min LV - 10
    Concentrate + 10
    Metamagic Affinity - All your metamagic feats cost 1 less spellpoint to use.
    Metamagic Reflexes - For each metamagic feat you have active, you gain 1 dodge bonus to AC.
    Metamagic Quickening - Turning on your metamagic feats takes 50&#37; less time.
    Metamagic Halo - If you have 3 or more metamagic feats active and have at least 100 SP, then this band emits a 15 foot radious DC 25 blinding flash centered on you every 2 minutes.
    Metamagic Drain - You lose 1 SP per minute. IF you have 0 SP, then the metamagic band temporarily loses all other metamagic attributes.
    [The symbols of the metamgic feats fashioned in platinum make up this band and glow when their user chooses to use them.]

    My initial thoughts are that this item has too many small abilities. For instance, the 'curse' of losing 1sp per minute is so small it's basically irrelevant (may as well just make it that you have 10 less SP, would be cleaner and close to equivalent). Likewise the Halo procs so seldom (and also at times you cannot control) that it's hardly useful at all. The Concentrate +10 is also counter-synergistic with Quicken costing one less SP.

    I'd change it as follows (note - this is a modest powerup on your original design)

    Metamagic Affinity - All your metamagic feats cost 2 less to use.
    Metamagic Quickening - Turning on your metamagic feats is instantaneous.
    Metamagic Dodge - If you have 1 or more metamagic feats active, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC.

    General’s Don (Full Plate +5)
    Found in: 12-16 extrememly rare endchest
    Min LV - 12
    Everbright, Adamantine
    Born to lead - Whenever the leader of a party leaves, you gain the leader star. If someone else in the party is also wearing the General's Don, then the character with the highest CHA gets the star. If this is also a tie, then the highest level character between them gets the star. IF this is also a tie, then the winner of the star is determined at random.
    Boon of leadership - While you are the leader of a 4 person or more party, you gain +6 CHA, Greater Heroism, and Greater Command (+4 to CHA skills, -10 hide).
    Burden of leadership - Whenever you lose the star by promoting someone in a quest (You can promote out of a quest and not lose confidence), you lose confidence giving you a -1 confidence penalty to saves, skill checks, weapons attacks and weapon damage. You must complete a quest that gives you XP with the star to clear a confidence penalty.
    [Most leaders are trained, some are gifted, and a few are born to lead but all these would take commands from the temporarily general suited in this armor.]

    It's unique, I see no need to change it.

    [I]Thirstquencher (Greataxe +5)
    Found in: 16 extremely rare endreward
    Min LV - 16
    Vorpal, Seeker +6
    Whenever the first roll is a 1 on your attack roll or confirm critical roll, roll again and ignore the previous roll.
    [Swings itself, you just have to carry it and aim it at necks.]

    I like it, all I'd change is the name. No great ideas come to mind, especially as Sever is already used.

    Now my items.

    Item Name: Beguiler - +5 dagger
    Found in chest LV: Raid loot, level 14 or higher raid
    MIN LV Required: 14
    Changed basic values: Increased damage (2d4)
    Entrancing: When a target is critically hit with this dagger, it becomes the target of a Suggestion spell (DC 23, caster level 16)
    Clicky: 3/day Symbol of Persuasion (DC 23, caster level 16)
    [Crafted by the enchanter Myrmidral, this dagger was found to be far more effective at extracting information than any tortures.

    Next item has been modified slightly for clarification purposes only
    Item Name: Tyrant's Bane - +2 silver bastard sword
    Found in chest: Uncommon drop in an optional chest of a level 16+ quest (tough optional - think Ghosts of Perdition). Drop rate ~5%
    MIN LV Required: 16
    Changed basic values if any - Increased base damage (1d12)
    Evil Outsider Bane
    Lawful Outsider Bane (Clarification - these two 'bane' effects stack - in other words against lawful, non-evil outsiders or evil, non-lawful outsiders this weapon deals an extra 2d6 damage and has an effective enhancement bonus of +4. Against lawful evil outsiders, it deals an extra 4d6 damage and has an effective enhancement bonus of +6)
    Clicky: 3/day Banishment (caster level 16, DC 40, remember Banishment has an unusual save mechanic - this is the same as a 16th level Cleric with 26 wisdom and no relevant feats)
    The paladin Argental crafted this sentient weapon to slay the pit fiend Kurgadamar. Long after the paladin's death, the weapon retained its searing hatred of oppressive evil.
    Last edited by sirgog; 05-12-2008 at 06:54 AM.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  7. #7


    Hmm I was editing my own post when I got a reply for balance by sirgog. I am thinking how to avoid this in the future. I am gonna say absolutely no editing your own idea posts. You have to do it in a reply to post. What you think?

    Oh I like ur clicky thing..ima make a template incorporating that.
    Last edited by Yagmoth; 05-10-2008 at 08:21 AM.

  8. #8


    My balance thoughts on Beguiler posted by sirgog:
    1) Does item exist already? = no
    2) Does item make sense? = yes
    3) Is the item overpowered? = no
    4) Is the item underpowered? = yes
    5) Is the MIN LV about right? = no
    6) Is the found in about right? = no
    7) Explain 1-6 comments = Love the concept but I am not so sure a DC 23 suggestion is going to affect many high level mobs. Wont they save almost everytime? Does the suggestion bypass SR? The 3x Symbol of Persuasion is pretty tight and since this is an AOE it might be about right with DC 23. I could actually see this as a lower level item maybe 9-12 with 1x symbol of persuasion and a DC 20-24 suggestion on a confirmed crit that bypasses SR. Love that you did flavor text for both of these.

    My balance thoughts on Tyrant's Bane posted by sirgog:
    1) Does item exist already? = no
    2) Does item make sense? = yes
    3) Is the item overpowered? = no
    4) Is the item underpowered? = no
    5) Is the MIN LV about right? = yes
    6) Is the found in about right? = yes
    7) Other comments = Just plain awesome all around especially if the DC works as you say. You have much more experience than me so Ill assume ur right. I approve this one fully.

    I think ur right sirgog about my band now that I look at it again; however I like the halo appearing every once in awhile blinding enemies. So I propose my new updated metamagic band:

    Item Name: The Metamagic Band
    Item Type: Ring
    Found in: LV 10-14 extremely rare endchest
    Min LV: 10
    Changed Basic Values: -
    DDO Attributes: -
    New Attributes:
    Metamagic Affinity - All your metamagic feats cost 1 less spellpoint to use.
    Metamagic Reflexes - For each metamagic feat you have active, you gain 1 dodge bonus to AC.
    Metamagic Quickening - Turning on your metamagic feats is instantaneous.
    Other specials: -
    Clicky(s): 3x Blinding Flash with an additional +x DC compared to normal Blinding Flash on items where x = the number of metamagic feats you have active.
    Flavor: [The symbols of the metamgic feats fashioned in platinum make up this band and glow when their user chooses to use them.]
    sirgog said to change the name of the thirstquencher but the thirstquencer likes blood to hit it and cutting off heads accomplishes this hence its name. Ima leave it!
    Last edited by Yagmoth; 05-10-2008 at 09:57 AM.

  9. #9
    Relic of the Last War
    Scholar of Adventure
    Kistilan's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Arrow Item Modifications & Remods

    My comments in Lightish Blue.

    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Balance suggestions first:

    The Metamagic Band (Ring)
    Found in: 10-14 very rare endchest
    Min LV - 10
    Concentrate + 10
    Metamagic Affinity - All your metamagic feats cost 1 less spellpoint to use.
    Metamagic Reflexes - For each metamagic feat you have active, you gain 1 dodge bonus to AC.
    Metamagic Quickening - Turning on your metamagic feats takes 50&#37; less time.
    Metamagic Halo - If you have 3 or more metamagic feats active and have at least 100 SP, then this band emits a 15 foot radious DC 25 blinding flash centered on you every 2 minutes.
    Metamagic Drain - You lose 1 SP per minute. IF you have 0 SP, then the metamagic band temporarily loses all other metamagic attributes.
    [The symbols of the metamgic feats fashioned in platinum make up this band and glow when their user chooses to use them.]

    My initial thoughts are that this item has too many small abilities. For instance, the 'curse' of losing 1sp per minute is so small it's basically irrelevant (may as well just make it that you have 10 less SP, would be cleaner and close to equivalent). Likewise the Halo procs so seldom (and also at times you cannot control) that it's hardly useful at all. The Concentrate +10 is also counter-synergistic with Quicken costing one less SP.

    I'd change it as follows (note - this is a modest powerup on your original design)

    My Question for the change here is are these the ONLY Metamagic Attributes you change, or are you planning on these being the ONLY Metamagic Attributes you recommend on the band? Does the band need an SP/MIN Drain? Or does the drain need to be removed?

    Metamagic Affinity - All your metamagic feats cost 2 less to use.
    Metamagic Quickening - Turning on your metamagic feats is instantaneous.
    Metamagic Dodge - If you have 1 or more metamagic feats active, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC.

    I liked the Changes. The +10 Concentrate can go away.

    I'd like to see the pulse requiring 75% mana or more at 1 min intervals, 50% mana or more in 2 minute intervals, and 25% mana or more for every 3 min intervals. I'd like to see the DC increase as the intervals decrease. So, a DC 24 every minute, a DC 26 every 2 miinutes and a DC 29 every 3 minutes.

    Final Activation: 1x Clickie. Removes all SP remaining in user's spellbar. Deactivates ALL Metamagic Feats/Abilities. Debuffs Users Enchants of spell level 3 or below. Emits 50' radius Searing Light Spell ie "Sunburst," requiring all to make DC 32 or be blinded as per the spell. Undead in the area also take 3d6 damage from the positive radiant energy emitted.

    *Increase Min Level to 14*

    General’s Don (Full Plate +5)
    Found in: 12-16 extrememly rare endchest
    Min LV - 12
    Everbright, Adamantine
    Born to lead - Whenever the leader of a party leaves, you gain the leader star. If someone else in the party is also wearing the General's Don, then the character with the highest CHA gets the star. If this is also a tie, then the highest level character between them gets the star. IF this is also a tie, then the winner of the star is determined at random.
    Boon of leadership - While you are the leader of a 4 person or more party, you gain +6 CHA, Greater Heroism, and Greater Command (+4 to CHA skills, -10 hide).
    Burden of leadership - Whenever you lose the star by promoting someone in a quest (You can promote out of a quest and not lose confidence), you lose confidence giving you a -1 confidence penalty to saves, skill checks, weapons attacks and weapon damage. You must complete a quest that gives you XP with the star to clear a confidence penalty.
    [Most leaders are trained, some are gifted, and a few are born to lead but all these would take commands from the temporarily general suited in this armor.]

    It's unique, I see no need to change it.

    I agree on General's Don.

    [i]Thirstquencher (Greataxe +5)
    Found in: 16 extremely rare endreward
    Min LV - 16
    Vorpal, Seeker +6
    Whenever the first roll is a 1 on your attack roll or confirm critical roll, roll again and ignore the previous roll.
    [Swings itself, you just have to carry it and aim it at necks.]

    I like it, all I'd change is the name. No great ideas come to mind, especially as Sever is already used.

    I agree, name change on the axe - great other than that. I actually liked the Guided Lopper name before.

    Now my items.

    Item Name: Beguiler - +5 dagger
    Found in chest LV: Raid loot, level 14 or higher raid
    MIN LV Required: 14
    Changed basic values: Increased damage (2d4)
    Entrancing: When a target is critically hit with this dagger, it becomes the target of a Suggestion spell (DC 23, caster level 16)
    Clicky: 3/day Symbol of Persuasion (DC 23, caster level 16)
    [Crafted by the enchanter Myrmidral, this dagger was found to be far more effective at extracting information than any tortures.

    I like the idea of making these items more user-dependent. Since Intelligence is now becoming an Assassin's Boon, I'd like to have the DC 23 + Wielder's Int Modifier to be the crtical hit dc for the entrancing effect. Adjust level req to 16 if required. GREAT Item.

    *EDIT* Editing myself here! Due to the nature of this item (persuasion), the DC 23 + Wielder's Cha Modifier may be more appropriate. Rogues rejoyce for haggling your enemies into fighting for you!

    Item Name: Tyrant's Bane - +2 silver bastard sword
    Found in chest: Uncommon drop in an optional chest of a level 16+ quest (tough optional - think Ghosts of Perdition). Drop rate ~5%
    MIN LV Required: 16
    Changed basic values if any - Increased base damage (1d12)
    Evil Outsider Bane
    Lawful Outsider Bane (these last two are intended to stack)
    Clicky: 3/day Banishment (caster level 16, DC 40, remember Banishment has an unusual DC - this is the same as a 16th level Cleric with 26 wisdom and no relevant feats)
    The paladin Argental crafted this sentient weapon to slay the pit fiend Kurgadamar. Long after the paladin's death, the weapon retained its searing hatred of oppressive evil.

    Absolutely think this item is great. Regular Banes on Outsiders, or Greater Banes? I could even see this item as a level 14 item, not 16.
    Last edited by Kistilan; 05-10-2008 at 06:35 PM. Reason: Intelligence or Charisma on Beguiler

  10. #10


    We are getting some views but hardly any replies. I think this is my fault as the author with too many rules, balance questions, and so forth. I will soon try one more new post that is much more casual if we dont get more replies. I will also take the main lead in posting new items in this new thread as I have over 100 of them. The initial post of the new thread will include all items posted here.


  11. #11
    Community Member dameron's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Item Name: Punch's Club
    Item Type: +1 Club
    Found in: Invaders (or other higher level "chaotic" adventure)
    Min LV: 10
    Changed Basic Values: none
    DDO Attributes: Casts "Touch of Idiocy" on hit.
    Your Attributes:
    Other specials:
    Clicky(s): Feeblemind 3X
    Flavor: [ ]

    Item Name: Mattock of the Titans
    Item Type: +2 Maul
    Found in: Relic of a Sovereign Past
    Min LV: 10
    Changed Basic Values:
    DDO Attributes: +10 balance, adamantine, impact
    Your Attributes: "Disruption" vs. earth elementals
    Other specials:
    Flavor: [ ]

  12. #12
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Yagmoth View Post
    My balance thoughts on Beguiler posted by sirgog:
    1) Does item exist already? = no
    2) Does item make sense? = yes
    3) Is the item overpowered? = no
    4) Is the item underpowered? = yes
    5) Is the MIN LV about right? = no
    6) Is the found in about right? = no
    7) Explain 1-6 comments = Love the concept but I am not so sure a DC 23 suggestion is going to affect many high level mobs. Wont they save almost everytime? Does the suggestion bypass SR? The 3x Symbol of Persuasion is pretty tight and since this is an AOE it might be about right with DC 23. I could actually see this as a lower level item maybe 9-12 with 1x symbol of persuasion and a DC 20-24 suggestion on a confirmed crit that bypasses SR. Love that you did flavor text for both of these.
    I think the DC on the Suggestion is appropriate - it's the same as the DC on a Smiter, and they proc often enough to be good even at current endgame - in Rainbow of the Dark on elite, you certainly want someone using a Smiter in the group.

    Myrmidral's Suggestion DC is 26 (10, +12 Cha, +3 spell level, +1 item), and I find that most non-caster mobs fail that save quite often (often enough that it's probably my #1 most cast spell when inside a quest, as you only need to cast Haste once every 3 minutes).

    Numot's save DC on Symbol of Persuasion is 23 (caster level 15), and I find that to be worthwhile enough that I keep it loaded for everything except the Shroud (everything is immune there) and Running with the Devils Elite (hard you can land it occasionally, elite just isn't going to happen). This spell is actually at its best (in general) when it hits 40% of a pack of enemies rather than hitting 95% of them.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  13. #13
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    Item Name: Sidearm
    Item Type: +1 Dagger
    Found in: Low level chests
    Min LV: 2
    Attributes: Grants Two Weapon Fighting feat.

    Item Name: Sparkshield
    Item Type: +1 Large Adamantine Shield
    Found in: Mid level chests
    Min LV: 8
    Attributes: Anything that attacks you while you are blocking with this shield must make a fortitude save DC 24 or be blinded for 12 seconds. (and ideally would have a nice big burst of sparks graphic)
    Attributes: Hide -5

    Item Name: Glamour
    Item Type: Ring
    Found in: Mid level chests
    Min LV: 5
    Attributes: Uses diplomacy(as your current skill level) on anything that attacks you.
    • NEW – Tip #52 no longer mistakenly says that the Jump skill reduces falling damage. The appropriate skill is, in fact, tumble.

  14. #14
    Relic of the Last War
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    Post Dameron's Items

    Item Name: Punch's Club
    Item Type: +1 Club
    Found in: Invaders (or other higher level "chaotic" adventure)
    Min LV: 10
    Changed Basic Values: none
    DDO Attributes: Casts "Touch of Idiocy" on hit.
    Your Attributes:
    Other specials:
    Clicky(s): Feeblemind 3X
    Flavor: [ ]

    I like Punch's Club. It seems decently balanced, but we need caster levels on some of those effects, no? I would even consider this a Min LV 8 Item, not 10.

    Item Name: Mattock of the Titans
    Item Type: +2 Maul
    Found in: Relic of a Sovereign Past
    Min LV: 10
    Changed Basic Values:
    DDO Attributes: +10 balance, adamantine, impact
    Your Attributes: "Disruption" vs. earth elementals
    Other specials:
    Flavor: [ ]

    Mattock of the Titans seems pretty solid. I think maybe instead of +10 Balance it could give a +5 Reflex Skill Dodge Bonus to Earth Grab (Dex Check, right? If it's a balance check, keep it as a balance +10 Item). I would raise the min level to 12. This would be a pretty nice item overall.

  15. #15
    Community Member RavenStormclaw's Avatar
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    Default An Idea

    Item Name: Soulsinger
    Found in: 8-10 Level chests rare drop
    ML: 8
    Base Enhancements: None
    Description: +3 Longsword
    DDO Attributes: Based on alignment
    Full description: The great bard Elindel of the Marshes literally sung his lifeforce into this sword before dying. It was his gift to his students and only the greatest of them can wield this sword. Has a prereq of a minimum of 10 ranks in perform use properly. In the hand of a non-bard this is a simple +3 longsword. In the hands of a true bard this sword literally hums with energy. Whenever a hit is scored with this sword by humming a special note the bard can elicit a unique effect based on the opponets alignment. A good creature struck by this sword will fight the notes of peace ringing in their soul and loose all heart for battle and wonder off. A neutral character will be confused by the notes rining in ther soul and will be dazed for 1 round and unable to take any action. An evil character will will find the notes set up a painfull resonance in their souls and will suffer 1d6 extra damage and -1 to all attack, damage, and save rolls for 1 round.

  16. #16
    Community Member DasLurch's Avatar
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    Default Some new trinket ideas...

    Okay, I have alot of ideas I'm going to post here so please bear with me...

    The first one is for a new set of Ioun Stones. (the ____ is for whatever color someone would put in. One different stone for each stat.

    Item Name: Glowing _____ Ioun Stone
    Item Type: Trinket
    Found in: level 11-16 quests
    Min LV: 13
    DDO Attributes: Adds a +4 to ___ stat
    Your Attributes: Gem for hardness; level 13 jewlery for durability
    Other specials: None
    Clicky(s): None
    Flavor: [ When holding this Glowing Stone you feel as if you are ____ (quicker, stronger, smarter, etc...)]

    These next ideas are similar in feel. They all add a small bonus to combat in some way.

    Item Name: Earring of the Practitioner
    Item Type: Trinket
    Found in: lev 8-14 quests
    Min LV: 9
    DDO Attributes: Adds a stackable +1 to your spell penatration that works with all items and feats.
    Your Attributes: Gold for hardness; level 9 jewlery for durability
    Other specials: Power II
    Clicky(s): 1x /rest, the user can restore 20 SP. This works as if it is a mnemonic potion in all ways
    Flavor: [ This was the possesion of a great mage. You almost feel as if some of the mage's expierience is added to your own when it is worn]

    Item Name: Nosering of the Brute
    Item Type: Trinket
    Found in: level 5-11 quests
    Min LV: 5
    DDO Attributes: adds a stackable +1 to all damage rolls.
    Your Attributes: Steel for hardness; lev 7 jewlery for durability
    Other specials:
    Clicky(s): 1x /rest Bull's Strength at a lev 5 caster level
    Flavor: [ This was given to the most ferocious of the Tharashk Arena pit fighters.]

    Item Name: Fencer's Medallion
    Item Type: Trinket
    Found in: level 8-14 quests
    Min LV: 9
    DDO Attributes: Adds a stackable +1 to all to hit rolls.
    Your Attributes: Gold for hardness; level 9 jewlery for durability
    Other specials:
    Clicky(s): 1x /rest Haste at a level 9 caster level
    Flavor: [ This was given to a past fencing champion of the Festivult tournament.]

    Item Name: Talisman of the Sentinel
    Item Type: Trinket
    Found in: level 6-12 quests
    Min LV: 7
    DDO Attributes: adds a +2 natural armor bonus to your AC
    Your Attributes: cloth for hardness; level 8 robes for durability
    Other specials:
    Clicky(s): 1x /rest Blur at a level 5 caster level
    Flavor: [ This item is given to people who have performed a great service to House Denieth]

    Item Name: Brooch of Spell Warding
    Item Type: Trinket
    Found in: level 3-10 quests
    Min LV: 3
    DDO Attributes: Grants the wearer SR 13
    Your Attributes: silver for hardness; level 5 jewlery for durability
    Other specials: None
    Clicky(s): None
    Flavor: [ This item emits a soft glow that seems to ward off magic.]
    Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk

  17. #17
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Default New Item

    Item Name: Staff of Aureon (exclusive)
    Item Type: +1 Quarterstaff
    Found in: Level 19-20 raid
    Min LV: 20
    Changed Basic Values: Adamantine
    DDO Attributes: Superior Devotion 9, Superior Arcane Lore, Superior Spell Penetration 9.
    Your Attributes: Adamantine: Hardness 23
    Other specials: None
    Clicky(s): 1x day may use the staff to cast Sovereign rejuvenation (acts as the rejuv effect from the charge of the reaver)
    Flavor: Fearful of a repeat of the Day of Mourning, Balinor tasked the God Onatar to create this Artifact so that his clerics would never be unprepared again. This staff is only useable by true believers of the Sovereign Host.
    Clerics of Fernia
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    (and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge )

  18. #18
    Community Member Venar's Avatar
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    Item Name: Strudy Wizardly Shaft
    Item Type: Ingredient
    Found in: End reward list
    Min LV: 10
    Changed Basic Values: n/p
    DDO Attributes: n/p
    Your Attributes: n/p
    Other specials: Use in the Altar of Crafting with 2 Scepters to create a Wizardly staff (2h) that will sport the magical attributes of the 2 scepters. Min level is the same as the highest level of the 2 scepters. It also gain the vicious attribute, lose magical attack bonus (+0)and gain concentration +10. The final staff binds.

    Flavor: Always annoyed me that casters in DDO dual wield silly weapons. I want wizards with staves! This would allows to transform 2 scepters into 1 staff. The vicious and lost of attack bonus is to avoid that people build insane melee staves. The concentration is there to make the staff better then the 2 scepters, since it loses swaping versatility.

  19. #19


    I just got informed I misspelled the word developer in the title. That is terrible plus I just figured out how to use enhanced text. So Im gonna start this thread over again reposting everyone elses items with an update. Man i suck at forums but am getting better! I hope nobody gets mad about this. Im working on the next one now.

  20. #20
    Relic of the Last War
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venar View Post
    Item Name: Strudy Wizardly Shaft
    Item Type: Ingredient
    Found in: End reward list
    Min LV: 10
    Changed Basic Values: n/p
    DDO Attributes: n/p
    Your Attributes: n/p
    Other specials: Use in the Altar of Crafting with 2 Scepters to create a Wizardly staff (2h) that will sport the magical attributes of the 2 scepters. Min level is the same as the highest level of the 2 scepters. It also gain the vicious attribute, lose magical attack bonus (+0)and gain concentration +10. The final staff binds.

    Flavor: Always annoyed me that casters in DDO dual wield silly weapons. I want wizards with staves! This would allows to transform 2 scepters into 1 staff. The vicious and lost of attack bonus is to avoid that people build insane melee staves. The concentration is there to make the staff better then the 2 scepters, since it loses swaping versatility.
    I like the item. I would like to suggest a SR 21 while wielding upon build completion to off-set the vicious and lost magical attack bonus. It would be nice to see the viciousness become something else, such as defender and makes the attack bonus a defense bonus instead with a penalty to strike instead of a viciousness attributed. The viciousness does make sense if you made this stave's lore a "Corrupted Item." Also, the name... sorta has two meanings, and I think it's funny. I don't know if Turbine would bite for the name. Min LvL Req seems decent.

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