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Balance suggestions first:
The Metamagic Band (Ring)
Found in: 10-14 very rare endchest
Min LV - 10
Concentrate + 10
Metamagic Affinity - All your metamagic feats cost 1 less spellpoint to use.
Metamagic Reflexes - For each metamagic feat you have active, you gain 1 dodge bonus to AC.
Metamagic Quickening - Turning on your metamagic feats takes 50% less time.
Metamagic Halo - If you have 3 or more metamagic feats active and have at least 100 SP, then this band emits a 15 foot radious DC 25 blinding flash centered on you every 2 minutes.
Metamagic Drain - You lose 1 SP per minute. IF you have 0 SP, then the metamagic band temporarily loses all other metamagic attributes.
[The symbols of the metamgic feats fashioned in platinum make up this band and glow when their user chooses to use them.]
My initial thoughts are that this item has too many small abilities. For instance, the 'curse' of losing 1sp per minute is so small it's basically irrelevant (may as well just make it that you have 10 less SP, would be cleaner and close to equivalent). Likewise the Halo procs so seldom (and also at times you cannot control) that it's hardly useful at all. The Concentrate +10 is also counter-synergistic with Quicken costing one less SP.
I'd change it as follows (note - this is a modest powerup on your original design)
My Question for the change here is are these the ONLY Metamagic Attributes you change, or are you planning on these being the ONLY Metamagic Attributes you recommend on the band? Does the band need an SP/MIN Drain? Or does the drain need to be removed?
Metamagic Affinity - All your metamagic feats cost 2 less to use.
Metamagic Quickening - Turning on your metamagic feats is instantaneous.
Metamagic Dodge - If you have 1 or more metamagic feats active, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC.
I liked the Changes. The +10 Concentrate can go away.
I'd like to see the pulse requiring 75% mana or more at 1 min intervals, 50% mana or more in 2 minute intervals, and 25% mana or more for every 3 min intervals. I'd like to see the DC increase as the intervals decrease. So, a DC 24 every minute, a DC 26 every 2 miinutes and a DC 29 every 3 minutes.
Final Activation: 1x Clickie. Removes all SP remaining in user's spellbar. Deactivates ALL Metamagic Feats/Abilities. Debuffs Users Enchants of spell level 3 or below. Emits 50' radius Searing Light Spell ie "Sunburst," requiring all to make DC 32 or be blinded as per the spell. Undead in the area also take 3d6 damage from the positive radiant energy emitted.
*Increase Min Level to 14*
General’s Don (Full Plate +5)
Found in: 12-16 extrememly rare endchest
Min LV - 12
Everbright, Adamantine
Born to lead - Whenever the leader of a party leaves, you gain the leader star. If someone else in the party is also wearing the General's Don, then the character with the highest CHA gets the star. If this is also a tie, then the highest level character between them gets the star. IF this is also a tie, then the winner of the star is determined at random.
Boon of leadership - While you are the leader of a 4 person or more party, you gain +6 CHA, Greater Heroism, and Greater Command (+4 to CHA skills, -10 hide).
Burden of leadership - Whenever you lose the star by promoting someone in a quest (You can promote out of a quest and not lose confidence), you lose confidence giving you a -1 confidence penalty to saves, skill checks, weapons attacks and weapon damage. You must complete a quest that gives you XP with the star to clear a confidence penalty.
[Most leaders are trained, some are gifted, and a few are born to lead but all these would take commands from the temporarily general suited in this armor.]
It's unique, I see no need to change it.
I agree on General's Don.
[i]Thirstquencher (Greataxe +5)
Found in: 16 extremely rare endreward
Min LV - 16
Vorpal, Seeker +6
Whenever the first roll is a 1 on your attack roll or confirm critical roll, roll again and ignore the previous roll.
[Swings itself, you just have to carry it and aim it at necks.]
I like it, all I'd change is the name. No great ideas come to mind, especially as Sever is already used.
I agree, name change on the axe - great other than that. I actually liked the Guided Lopper name before.
Now my items.
Item Name: Beguiler - +5 dagger
Found in chest LV: Raid loot, level 14 or higher raid
MIN LV Required: 14
Changed basic values: Increased damage (2d4)
Entrancing: When a target is critically hit with this dagger, it becomes the target of a Suggestion spell (DC 23, caster level 16)
Clicky: 3/day Symbol of Persuasion (DC 23, caster level 16)
[Crafted by the enchanter Myrmidral, this dagger was found to be far more effective at extracting information than any tortures.
I like the idea of making these items more user-dependent. Since Intelligence is now becoming an Assassin's Boon, I'd like to have the DC 23 + Wielder's Int Modifier to be the crtical hit dc for the entrancing effect. Adjust level req to 16 if required. GREAT Item.
*EDIT* Editing myself here! Due to the nature of this item (persuasion), the DC 23 + Wielder's Cha Modifier may be more appropriate. Rogues rejoyce for haggling your enemies into fighting for you!
Item Name: Tyrant's Bane - +2 silver bastard sword
Found in chest: Uncommon drop in an optional chest of a level 16+ quest (tough optional - think Ghosts of Perdition). Drop rate ~5%
MIN LV Required: 16
Changed basic values if any - Increased base damage (1d12)
Evil Outsider Bane
Lawful Outsider Bane (these last two are intended to stack)
Clicky: 3/day Banishment (caster level 16, DC 40, remember Banishment has an unusual DC - this is the same as a 16th level Cleric with 26 wisdom and no relevant feats)
The paladin Argental crafted this sentient weapon to slay the pit fiend Kurgadamar. Long after the paladin's death, the weapon retained its searing hatred of oppressive evil.
Absolutely think this item is great. Regular Banes on Outsiders, or Greater Banes? I could even see this item as a level 14 item, not 16.