I would just like to point out that no one said anything about extra legs. Extra feet could very well be a disadvantage! What if you have feet instead of hands? Or worse yet... feet instead of ears!
Feet instead of hands would be a good feat!!! You keep them in your pockets until battle and let the "phew" points build... When you attack, even if you miss, you have a real good chance of getting a "whiff" bonus...
Stinking cloud FTW!
Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)
Founder #2003 - Interocitor Repair - Call for discount prices
Feet instead of hands would be a good feat!!! You keep them in your pockets until battle and let the "phew" points build... When you attack, even if you miss, you have a real good chance of getting a "whiff" bonus...