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  1. #41
    Founder ShadesofGreen's Avatar
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    This week's question(s) are:
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )
    Dragon Turtle! I say this becuase I'd like to see more aquatic based adventures. I know there's no underwater fighting, but with the Dragon Turtle at the end of a quest, we're sure to run into Saguahin, Sea Cats, Water Nagas, and of course the sharks with lasers!
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)
    I play four, and keep the 5th open for helping newbies or playing with new game features. I have a Bard, Rogue, Wizard, and Cleric on Thelanis. My bard is my "main" as he was my first back in Feb of 2006.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?
    The Riddle, of course. There is no reason to believe that by chosing one door over the other you will not have to eventually enter the second door. I look to my brain before my brawn, but never assume my brawn can't cash the checks my brain writes. I would much rather test my mind vs the riddle before I test my steel vs the enemy.

    Of course one could also assume that failing the riddle will result in certain death, and that the enemy is a fluffy bunny!
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?
    Fred. Because he doesn't break the rules of D&D by being who he is but is a complete "what the ...." moment! It reminds me of something my old DM would do.

    Thanks again for keeping us in the loop Tolero!
    P.S. Turtle Dragon FTW!
    Kapok - Elven Bard - Order of the Wolf -
    Dolnr - Dwarven Wizard / Corvus - Human Rogue
    Dawon- Elven Cleric

  2. #42
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)
    9 Characters, I play 8 of them actively. When monks come out, I will have either 10 active characters or re-roll my main (Shaamis "Kegtapper" BloodAxe) as a monk.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?
    DDO, I'd pick "The Enemy", because floor tile puzzles and lever pulling puzzles are getting boring and repetative, but if it's a PnP style riddle, I'll pick "The Riddle" every time

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?
    I dont have a favorite NPC, because they are all very "2-dimensional" to me. They give a canned response to just about every conversation, and other than basic information gathering, no life.

    The liveliest NPC is the Djinn of the Cake, because he had great responses, fun, but once you knew them all, he got thrown in with the rest of the "dolls"
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  3. #43


    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO?

    I want to see a dragon Fly, say an Ancient Green Dragon.

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play?
    Khyber - 15
    Argo - 1

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    The Enemy.

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?

  4. #44
    Community Member Vhlad's Avatar
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    May 2006


    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )
    succubi, or other kinds of female devils/demons. Kind of strange to have a demon/devil mod and skip all those. They're a d&d staple.

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)
    I have a number of "retired alts" but that only means I don't care about them raid loot wise anymore, and I will play them if my mains are on timers or sacked. I try to focus on equipping only two characters now. The thought of farming shroud to get items for 8 alts is just depressing. I'll already need 120 larges to do everything I want to do with just 1 character, and that's like 4 months worth of completing the shroud on 7 characters twice a week (approx 20 hours worth of time a week). That's an extreme grind for just one character, and if you combine that with the grinding we're still doing for titan/queen/reaver and eventually abbot again, and the new grind for the mod 7 raid loot... well. I really feel sorry for people with multiple accounts who like to play and equip a whole bunch of characters with bound loot. I think the devs need to take a serious look at drop rates and consider that many people like to run these quests to equip a large number of alts, not just 1 or 2. I would LOVE to play more characters but I simply do not have the time to give them enough focus and attention to meet my standards. Account bound items instead of character bound items would make playing multiple toons so much more enjoyable and time realistic for me, but even something as simple as making the 20th reward list a COMPLETE list would help. Running a raid months and months and not getting the 1 item you want on the 20th, 40th, 60th.... and then having 3 other characters that also want that item. urgh urgh. Over 100 titan raids and not a single belt on any toon yet.

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?
    First I would try the enemy. Then I would try the riddle. Then I would pick whichever one had the best reward to time+cost ratio and always do that.

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?
    I was going to say goodblade, because I like how one of the first NPCs is there to trick new players, but upon reflection I realised that I don't really care about any of the NPCs. I usually just zoom through the text and play the game. BUT, then I remembered that quest with haywire and his long tunnel of doors, locks, and barriers. That visual display gives him the win.
    Last edited by Vhlad/Sair; 05-06-2008 at 01:57 PM.
    Thelanis - Former VIP for ~4 years. Not currently playing.
    Former officer of Indago, server-wide 2nd place: Titan, Queen, Reaver, & Abbot
    Vhlad / Vhladx / Vhladxx / Vhladxxx / Vhladxxxx / Vhladxxxxx / Vhlade / Vhlader / Vhlada

  5. #45
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )
    I I have no brought us the giant rats...Chimera? Bassilisks? Those dragony
    <searches interwebs>
    wyvren?...dopplegangers, mimics...oh. one...PONIES!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)
    15. 9+6 is 15 2 accounts...need more. [note: it has come to my attention that my honesty is shocking and detrimental to the community at large...]

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says
    "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?
    Its a trap! Riddles make no sense! not
    here!...never did get the RED one in elixer quest till I had memorized to pick the first on the left. MONSTER for me..
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?
    The one who gives me the uber leet quest reward...him or the one that gives me free buffs in the Scarlet the harlot?
    Last edited by Yvonne Blacksword; 05-06-2008 at 08:10 PM.

  6. #46
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
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    Answers in RED.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    Mimics. Fake chests are hi-larious!

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)

    All nine, except for the two slots I've recently rerolled to reserve Monk names.

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    I could go either way... I like riddles (logic problems are best) but I also like sneaking up on my prey, backstabbing if possible. If not, I just keep sneaking past.

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?

    Nat Gann. I like kicking a NPC when he's down.
    Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)
    Founder #2003 - Interocitor Repair - Call for discount prices

  7. #47
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)
    I use all my slots and play all but one of those characters.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?
    "The Riddle"
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?
    I don't pay much attention to NPCs. I guess Fred, 'cuz he's the only one whose name i can remember off the top of my head.
    • NEW – Tip #52 no longer mistakenly says that the Jump skill reduces falling damage. The appropriate skill is, in fact, tumble.

  8. #48
    Community Member Ransacked's Avatar
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    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?[/QUOTE]

    1. No preference really...
    2. I use all 9 slots and play 2 to 3 different characters a day for a short or long period of time. They range from levels 4 to 16. 5 are capped at 16 although one was recently deleted and changed to a new class. I have a (16)Cleric/Fighter, (16)Pure Fighter,(10)Barbarian/Fighter, (16)Pure Sorc, (8)Pure Wizard, (4)Pure Bard, (8)Rogue/Fighter, (16)Paladin/Fighter/Rogue, and a (6)pure Ranger
    3. I open booth doors. Riddle first and enemy second. Make as much noise, light, explosions, and havoc as possible and wait. If anything chases me I run into the riddle room.
    4. Fred and the Enhancement aspects of the trainers. I like them because they offer a glimmer of hope in a respecification system for characters. All it's missing is the skill points.

  9. #49
    Community Member GovtMule's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    Prolly too hard to code, but mimics would be a blast!

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)

    Eight plus a mule. I generally only run four at a time and the rest are just experiments (read: failures)

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    "Riddle".... without hesitation,... "riddle"

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?

    Deekin... oh ya.... nevermind.
    ... I hate you all. really.

  10. #50
    Community Member Rameses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    -------------------------- Let's Get Started! --------------------------
    If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:[/center]

    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?
    I spent a long time trying to get the right armor for my characters look. I'd be happier if I had clothing for my Rogue.

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)
    No Comment

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?
    Halfling, from my PnP days.

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)
    excluding mules 3

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?
    The Riddle

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?
    Scarlet the harlet.
    Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.

  11. #51
    Founder Tyrande's Avatar
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    Default Dear Ms Tolero

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    [CENTER]It's that time again everyone...

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )
    I like the Radiant Angels. We got Devils, why no Angels?
    Radiant Angel
    Medium Outsider (Angel, Extraplanar, Good)
    Hit Dice: 14d8+56 (119 hp)
    Initiative: +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), Fly 120 ft. (Good)
    AC: 32 (+5 Dex, +17 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 27
    Base Attack/Grapple: +14/+17
    Attack: +3 Heavenly burst* longsword +21 melee (1d8+6/19-20)
    Full Attack: +3 Heavenly burst* longsword +21/+16 melee (1d8+6/19-20)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
    Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic and evil, Darkvision 60 ft., Dispel Darkness, Halo of light, low-light vision, immunity to acid, cold, and petrifaction, protective aura, resistance to electricity 10 and fire 10, spell resistance 28, tongues, Radiant Healing, Reflect Spells
    Saves: Fort +13 (+17 against poison), Ref +14, Will +11
    Abilities: Str 16, Dex 20, Con 19, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 19
    Skills: Concentration +18, Craft or Knowledge (any three) +15, Diplomacy +17, Intimidate +17, Listen +14, Move Silently +19, Spot +14
    Feats: Cleave, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword)
    Environment: Syrania (also in the City of Sharn)
    Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3-5)
    Challenge Rating: 12
    Treasure: No coins; double goods; standard items
    Alignment: Always good (any)
    Advancement: 15-20 HD (Medium); 21-42 (Large)
    Level Adjustment: -

    A beautiful, extremely tall, humanlike creature with long, feathery wings, with smooth gold skin that seams to glow out to sixty feat from the creature.

    Radiant angels are the angels that go out and help make heroes of light on the material plane. Sent in the most dire of times in the world and on the continent of Khorvaire. They are known for there willingness to get into the fight on there own to save some person whom the angel thinks will help keep the world from falling into darkness.

    They are a common site in the city of sharn. Many of these angels have made the city there home during the last war. They have determined that if the world heads into darkness this city will be a beacon of the light and good. Those that live in the city of sharn live in the higher levels of the city but will mostly hang to the lower levels to help the people that need it.

    A radiant angel is about 7 feet tall and weighs about 260 pounds.

    Randiant angels speak Syranian and Common.

    A radiant angel is willing to go in and deal with evil on its own even if other people are not willing. It usually uses its spell-like abilities then closes into combat to hit them with their heavenly burst longsword until they give up or are gone for good.

    A radiant angel’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
    Spell-like Abilities: At will—detect evil, lantern light*, Light, Prismatic Spray, Radiant Shield*, Sunbeam (DC 21); 3/day—Plane Shift (DC 21). Caster level 14th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
    Dispel Darkness (Su): A radiant angel automatically dispels any darkness spell within 60 feet if its effective spell level is 7th or below.
    Halo of Light (Su): At all times, a radiant angel is surrounded by a radiant glow that sheds bright light to a radius of 60 feet and shadowy illumination to 120 feet.
    Radiant Healing (Su): Because of a radiant angel’s light affinity, any light spell that deals damage directed at it cures 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage it would otherwise deal. The radiant angel gets no saving throw against light effects.
    Reflect Spells (Su): Targeted spells and spell-like effects that fail to penetrate the radiant angel’s spell resistance are reflected back upon their caster.

    While you are doing this, please put the City of Sharn on the map?

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?
    Riddle. If I can go back, I will try the Riddle first. If I cannot solve the riddle, I will try "The Enemy".

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?
    My favorite NPC is Cydonie. I like her blue hair and body as lean as Ally McBeal with a voice that said, "Doomsday Device".
    Of course, the two tier favor rewards are nice, and the raid rewards are nice. She is not cheap like the other NPCs.

    With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

  12. #52
    Community Member ...v...'s Avatar
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    -------------------------- Let's Get Started! --------------------------

    [How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?[/QUOTE]

    1. Try to find nice gear, but not always happy with results. Also it would be nice to have more character apperance customizing.

    2. If it appears in front of me then how can I read the side?

    3. I can answer that because I play all the classes. But by far the barbarian dps is the best melee and sorcs over wizards do to the sorc sp bonus.

    1. Just open up a D&D modual and see whats missing.

    2. I have all character slots filled.

    3. The enemy, least I know what to expect.

  13. #53
    Founder Grond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through??
    The Riddle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?
    The guys that kill Coyle, even though I never really got to meet them.
    Quote Originally Posted by The unavoidable laws of the natural universe
    Law of Logical Argument: Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.
    Quote Originally Posted by Plato
    You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.

  14. #54
    Founder Vorn's Avatar
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    1) Kalashatar. Eberron specific race that could be up to all sorts of intrigue. A real adult dragon (with good a/i and brains!!!!) would beat this out.
    2) 2 mainly, my original when the server went live gimpy 28 point elf fighter (how many lvl 16 elf fighters do you see, lol) and a drow cleric. I have others that have been hanging around anywhere from lvl 4-15 to play with friends or for a change of pace like a static rp group. Have one name-holder for a monk.
    3) It would be the riddle if it were not the fear of another mini-game. It would take a huge inventory of riddles, however, to satisfy the blatant beast in me--that and all the answers would be available in a few days in the better take The Enemy.
    4) Sister Sara is pretty hot. I love Margurette's story. The Dead Girl needs a follow-on. Guess I'd tend to have to say the one who comes to mind the most is the guy in ritual sacrifice who, though a zerger, can take care of himself in battle (unlike Coyle).
    Vorn, 30 Fighter

  15. #55
    Community Member Forceonature's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    Just enough to make him look presentable. No eraserheads or bad looking helms (/showhelmet off) and no pink docents.

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    Please be kind to newbies, help to show them around. When posting an LFM, be specific.

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    Warforged. Because they take skill to play, have good immunities, and typically aren't a cookie-cutter dwarf build.

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    Not familiar with too many other D&D monsters. But dragons are always cool.

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)

    3, usually I focus on only one for awhile.

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    The Riddle. Behind The Enemy door (assumption) lies an advesary of unknown strength and size. This puts me at a tactical disadvantage. Therefore, I select the riddle.

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?

    Dirk. Everyone knows who he is, and what his secret is.

  16. #56


    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    Basalisk and/or Abyssal Greater Basilisk

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)


    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    I don't, I yell at my guildies to quit doing inventory management and get in the room. Then I send a few of them each direction. The direction with the fewest screams... I go that way.

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?

    Cydonie - cool name - hello, a dragon - I can hear her laughing at the pole dancer lying on the ground - she has multiple dialogues for her quest chain.
    Casual DDOaholic

  17. #57
    Community Member Baervan's Avatar
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    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    Quite a bit. I've spent a small fortune buying and selling docents equipping my WF's in particular. If there was a way to display what the armor or shield looked like before purchased at vendor/AH, it would be a big improvement.

    Any form of adding variety to existing characters' face/hair models would also be welcomed. Without a facial hair option in the character builder, many male elves/drow and halfling characters look too much alike IMO.

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    Running a high level cleric is ridiculously expensive. Giving them more spell points, cheaper healing spell costs, or having cheaper divine scroll costs would be a step in the right direction.

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    I'd say my favorite race is the plain old human actually. Your choice of ability score enhancements and dragonmarks make them a very customizable race.

    P.S. Please revert Human Versatility enhancement back to being in constant effect though, this is one of the enhancements that is really silly to have been moved to a clickie boost form.

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )


    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)

    11 total. I run 7 on a regular basis and the others only when PUGs need them.

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    The Enemy.

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?

    Coyle from Threnal. He's like that loveable (albeit foolhardy) noob PUG member that keeps on getting himself killed.
    Last edited by Baervan; 05-06-2008 at 06:21 PM.

  18. #58
    Community Member Grosbeak07's Avatar
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    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    I don't so much, I have an idea and I run with it. My wife however may take hours when she re-rolls.

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    I kinda wish there was an over arching story line which had quests to complete at every level in the game. Giving a purpose to the game. And more content and more solo quests.

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    I'm a big fan of humans, they are nothing special, which makes them fun to play.

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )


    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)

    All of them! And I would make more if I could, so that I can try out all sorts of different builds and odd combos.

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    I'm for the enemy, but my wife who is poking me as I write this, says Riddle. So I guess we just stay in the room at an impass, because we can't 'communicate'.

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?[/QUOTE]

    Wow that's a toughy... I would think it would have to be Scraag or whatever his name is there in Aspirant's Corner. Something about saving those dogs, just warms my heart...

  19. #59
    Founder & Hero DagazUlf's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by mtmouse3 View Post
    Interestingly, that was my first choice, but I switched after I could not figure out a way for the game mechanics to suit them. I mean, I'd like to see Dopplegangers somehow integrate into the party and make it confusing as to which was the party member and which was the monster. I know I should leave that to the devs, but it was a stumbling block for me and I decided to pick something else.

    And on that note, I'd have to say you couldn't go wrong with a lot of the other monsters suggested in this thread. They all sound great!
    "The sword itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with swords."

  20. #60
    Community Member Vormaerin's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?
    1) Stirges. Yeah, they are mainly a low to mid level threat but they are my favorite p&p critters. I'd love to see a party have to deal with swarms of them.

    2) Well, I have 7 characters intended for adventuring. But in practice I play only two: my main which his part of a dedicated group and one alt for when I'm pugging. The other characters I'd like to play, but don't have the time.

    3) The Riddle

    4) Lamia d'Jorasco. I find her story and attitude amusing.

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