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  1. #121
    Community Member Lyrellion's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    After character creation, very little. Functionality is just too critical - can't pass up that Deathblock armor of heavy fortification just because the +1 armor you are currently wearing looks cooler. Put in a shop where we can customize the appearance of an existing piece of equipment at minimal or no cost (i.e. not something only someone high level can afford or that scales up based on your level).

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    My soapbox rants: 1)make it less of a grind to get "rare" loot. I don't want to run the Shroud 982564427452 times to get materials for a single Tier 3 - especially considering that I want at least a half dozen Tier 3's per character (sidenote: expand the list of options for craftable items to include every weapon type AND expand the list of options to include effects like vorpal, smiting, etc... Let us make our own wounding/puncturing items instead of having to pay exorbitant amounts to loot farmers for them.). Two or three completions of a quest should net you the reward from that quest that you are seeking. 2)Less pigeonholing of specific classes into specific roles via class specific enhancements - a fighter shouldn't HAVE to take 6 ranger levels to get the Tempest enhancement and a cleric should have access to metamagic enhancements just like a wiz/sorc does. 3)Make desirable gear attainable by poor characters too - not everyone can afford to spend 1 million gold on a vorpal just because that's the lowest the high level characters are willing to sell it for

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    Favorite character race - the one that never got implemented: kalashtar. The game has the Eberron label on it, it should have everything in the Eberron Campaign setting handbook available as options.

    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    Smartaleck answer: Start on page 1 of Monster Manual I and keep adding everything until you hit the end of Monster Manual V.
    Real answer:Tanar'ri and Daelkyr

    And a note regarding Ministry's response: Lycanthropes are supposed to be nearly extinct in the Eberron setting - they were slaughtered by the Church of the Silver Flame. It would not make sense to have them in the game as "trash" enemies due to their rarity. Maybe as a major boss enemy though.

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)


    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    Depends on which character I am playing at the time, though I would definitely like to see quests where you can make a choice between methods of solving the quest without taking an XP hit due to bypassed optionals or lower kill counts. Please no more puzzles where you just have to memorize the answer though (i.e. "ok, turn each wheel 4 times and it should be right")

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?

    The auctioneer in Meridia. I spend more time talking to her than I do adventuring some days.
    Last edited by Lyrellion; 05-08-2008 at 05:45 PM.

  2. #122
    Founder EightyFour's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    Hook Horror comes to mind. (Pretty iconic I think, I could be wrong.)

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)

    7 characters, +1 when monk comes out. 5 now to 16, one level 9, and one level 5. 2 Tanks, 1 Cleric, 1 Rogue/Ranger, 3 casters.

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    The Enemy, mainly I figure it's easier to take out a mobile than it is to solve a puzzle I've never done. Like the green room in the titan. It takes time to figure out puzzles, fighting a mob is like a puzzle in some ways, just an easier puzzle to figure out.

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?

    Don't really have one. Coyle comes to mind as the one that stands out the most, that place is hurting for two reasons I think, one: it's 9 quests long and the good end rewards require completion of all 9 parts. Two: Everyone still has bad memories of Coyle. I see groups out there still, and the reason I avoid them at times is because the group takes time to fill up. So there are several times that you have a lot of wait time, sitting around taking up time doing nothing. It think a good solution would be that once you complete East and West you don't have to do them again, just do south. The only reason I don't like my idea is because once East and West are complete your going to see less groups running them.

    I think there should be some insentive to run East and west again to help out those that haven't run it before. Like the relics, if you collect 5-10 relics from west and 5-10 relics from east, you can pick from a list of good items. Once south is completed you get the normal list of end rewards and if you decided your group wants to run south again, they can run it again and get the list of end rewards again. Also make it so if you collect 20-30 relics from South you get to pick from a list of nice items.

    I think this idea would bring a lot more groups into Threnal. Also the best items should be in East, as I notice that most people would rather do west than do east to start. And groups normally fall apart after west.
    (EightySix-16 Cleric)(Lockwood-10 Fighter/3 Paliden/3 Rogue)(Trapspringer-13 Ranger/2 Fighter/1 Rogue)(Darkwatch-12 Fighter/3 Paliden/1 Rogue)(KillDash Nine-15 Wizard/1 Bard)(Chaosxy-16 Sorcerer)(Rockcutter-16 Monk)(Accidental-15 Bard/1 Fighter)(Chainsaw-14 Barbarian/2 Fighter)(HealingWind-7 Cleric)(Handsomerob-2 Rogue/1 Barbarian/1 Fighter)

  3. #123
    Community Member insania2016's Avatar
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    Nov 2006

    Default resposes

    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    As much as the game allows - which isn't very much... You like to wear robes you while not a wizard you have scrolls and spell books hanging off of you, everyone looks rather similar, hardly any unique looks.

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    Be more like D&D and less like WoW (grinding quests, crafting, etc.) and open up the classes, prestige classes, standard and setting races, and bring on the psionics already.

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    Halflings because they are very sneaky.

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    Umber Hulks

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)


    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    Riddle - tired of the same humdrum go kill the big baddy. Kudos on some of the puzzles in the new quests.

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?

    Well, it's hard to have a favorite NPC when all they do is stand around like statues. There is no life in the game environment.

    Take a lesson from Ultima 7 - NPC schedules, jobs, ai, etc...

  4. #124
    Community Member I_Bob's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    an intelligent one - one that could hide, sneak, lure into traps, heal itself, use varying weapons, - not just stand there and get whacked on

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)


    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    Riddle, as long as I don't already know the answer - depends on my mood, sometime you just want to flail away

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?

    Doyle - always ready to take one for the Gipper

  5. #125
    Community Member Brummbar's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?[/QUOTE]

    1. Medusa FTW... wow.. or Goblin, then Umber Hulks, then Ballisks... Dryaads, Evil Pixies, Stirges...More Vamps, more Dragons....

    2. Have 2 Primary Servers. Have 4 on one server, have 5 or 6 on another. I play one toon at a time ( weeks on end) until it's time for a change.

    3. The Enemy. I'm too dumb for puzzles...

    4. NCP need DIALOG to be interesting.... they are ALL forgettable.. most of us read the text may one time.. then never read it again.. so none of the NCP are fresh, or memorable. Maybe.. just maybe.. you'll be my Katie Couric....Will you be my Katie Couric?

    Llocke, Human CLERIC 14.49999---Ghallanda
    Weslocke, Halfling ROGUE 9.4---Ghallanda
    Deev, Human WIZARD 8.3---Ghallanda
    JT, Human "Maldini Weapon Master" FIGHTER 13.1---Ghallanda
    Sagarmartha, Drow 4.1 BARD---Ghallanda

    Llocke, Human CLERIC 10.1---Argo
    Yaheil, Dwarven BARBARIAN 3.1 --Argo
    MechKai, Human FIGHTER 1/RANGER 1 4.2 --Argo
    Weslocke, Halfling TWF Fighter 6.1 --Argo
    Schelshokt, Drow Sorc. 3.1-Argo
    Eastlocke, Human Fighter 4.1 - Argo

  6. #126
    Community Member baddax's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    Depends on which character I am playing at the time, though I would definitely like to see quests where you can make a choice between methods of solving the quest without taking an XP hit due to bypassed optionals or lower kill counts. Please no more puzzles where you just have to memorize the answer though (i.e. "ok, turn each wheel 4 times and it should be right").

    I would like to add maybe quests with multiple options for completing ei recovery type missions. " You sneak into an enemmy encampement outnumberd either kill main boss or loot specific item undetected then have to make way out." No Xp loss for conquest etc etc. Same quest DPS/caster heavy " you go in and blast everyting in sight! Same XP as for other solution. Also randomness is good! no more 445 (for wheel turns) but make them solvable, maybe by interogating high preist or something of that nature.
    “If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles" TsunTzu

  7. #127
    Community Member jmelanie7's Avatar
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    Jun 2007


    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    I'd love to see the tharask, prolly as a raid boss or something, or maybe as a live event, that would be awesome, since its supposed to be unique!

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)

    Varies from day to day, i reroll really often, but there is 3 that wont be deleted.

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    I'd take the riddle door probably, don't know why tho.

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?

    My favorite NPC is also a rare encounter in Ataraxia's haven, The dragon near the shrine! Or is it a kobold?

  8. #128
    Community Member Jefro's Avatar
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    May 2006


    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    Even if its good armor, I strive to find a better suit. Alot of my guildies do not like my current set of robes As for facial detail, I do spend time on such at character creation.

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    Look into the unuseable spells and fix them for this mmo environment, symbol of death a joke because we inflate hitpoints in ddo, and they should kept the timer on create undead as is, now it practical useless compared to other summons. Summons themselves need overhual to be comparable to the hitpoint inflation.

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    Human Cleric, adaptablitily and always welcomed.

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    Intellect devourer, it can use the current dog/wolf model with some change in textures, with mindflayer scripting. Striges are another easy to make critter, with just texture change of Bats and adding bleeding wounds.

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)

    I play 6 toons, though concentrate on 2 or 3 a week then switch in.

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    The Riddle, I great at puzzlesolving.

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?

    Arlos, we can't leave without freeing him!! Actually we use him as a inside joke about using the GM help menu. I am surprise not many people picking haywire these days, he use to be favorite of alot of people.
    Last edited by Jefro; 05-12-2008 at 10:34 AM.
    I love you Abbot♥

  9. #129
    Community Member Brandall's Avatar
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    Nov 2006


    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )
    Dopplegangers that appear with a name and guild name and appear to be in your party until they attack

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)
    Right now, my main only, i have a bad habit of stripping characters for gear/plat when i make a new one

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?
    I go back to sleep

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?
    Armec Orem, think thats the dorrect order of letters, because if you jumble the letters up it spells Cream More, thought that was a funny dev joke

  10. #130
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Last Week's Questions

    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?
    It's gotta look good, or it goes to the Auction House. All armour should look like full sets of armour and not random hockey equipment.

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say?
    When you're in a group, play with the group for the enjoyment of all. Solo on your own time, not your group's.

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?
    Human. Versatility.

    This Week's Questions

    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO?

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play?
    I play four of my five characters.

    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?
    The Enemy.

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?[/QUOTE]
    They're really not all that interactive. I haven't formed a bond with any of them. I call them Quest Pylons.
    H A R A H A R A - H A R A M A K I - H A R A S E K U
    <°))))>< S A R L O N A ><((((°>

  11. #131
    Community Member Pellegro's Avatar
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    May 2006


    Question 1
    How much, if any, effort do you invest in your character's appearance?

    Very little. If I have 2 equally effective things I'll pick the better looking one. Or if I find something particularly cool looking I'll wear it out of quests (if I can justify the pack space). Mostly tho I focus on what the stuff does.

    Question 2
    A mysterious box appears before you. The writing on the side of it reads "Soap". When you stand near it, you feel the urge to climb on top of it and speak. What do you say? (Remember the forum/thread guidelines)

    No .... i .... dea ....

    Question 3
    Recently we asked what your favorite (and least favorite) character class was. This week we ask... what is your favorite character race, and why?

    I like elves, mostly because the female models are hot. I usually play the best race for the build I'm working on. Usually.

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What is the next monster you'd love to see in DDO? (with a nod to the thread already running on this very topic, we think alike )

    Hmmm ... Formians are kinda neat.

    Question 2
    On your primary server, how many characters do you play? (excluding things like mules or guild banker characters etc)


    Question 3
    You wake up in an empty square room. There are two doorways on opposite walls, each with a sign above it. One sign says "The Riddle" the other says "The Enemy". Which door would you walk through?

    Enemy. I love riddles, but chances are someone would have already told me the answer.

    Question 4
    Who is your favorite NPC and why?

    I gotta go with Charlotte and her Madame. And the fact that she says "Have you seen my friend Annelise" [or whatever her friend's name is]. And then you go into Bounty Hunter, find her, and she frickin tries to kill you!!! OK, the thong is nice too.

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